2.0.54: 2024-06-17 - Improvement: Shop Extra - Filters - Taxonomies lookup table better handling for error state 2.0.53: 2024-06-07 - Improvement: Add image icon/logo option to taxonomies - Improvement: Minor improvements for dynamic data image type - Improvement: Shop extra swatches - correct stock calculation for attributes with special characters in the name field 2.0.52: 2024-06-06 - Improvement: Better compatibility with Gravity Forms an Content Blocks module - Improvement: Filter block - add tooltip option for brands type - Improvement: Filter block - don't show tooltip option if swatch option is disabled - Improvement: Mega menu - don't output the heading class when it is not needed - Improvement: Shop extra swatches - faster and more accurate calculation of swatches stock status - Fix: AJAX Filtering breaks custom created pages with WooCommerce shortcodes - Fix: Active filters module doesn't show brand terms when filtering - Fix: Multiple sidebars conditions wonky with CPT archives/singulars 2.0.51: 2024-05-30 - Improvement: Ajax shop filters - don't scroll from top to bottom - Improvement: Correctly load JS translations for the Blocksy Companion - Improvement: Shop Extra Filters - Lookup table regeneration sometimes is stuck or is finished with error - Improvement: Shop Extra Filters - lookup table regeneration sometimes triggered twice - Improvement: Small layout issue with checkout page and quantity data - Improvement: Variation Swatches - add option to generate variation url in address bar - Fix: WooCommerce coupon code not applying correctly in some certain scenarios 2.0.50: 2024-05-24 - Improvement: Ensure required theme version is correctly verified within WP CLI - Improvement: Login to WP dashboard through cPanel WP Toolkit doesn't work - Improvement: Make sure shop filters block works properly when placed in content blocks - Improvement: Shop Extra Filters - Avoid long recursion on category archives for rendering filters - Improvement: Support for product brands in WooCommerce coupon exclusions 2.0.49: 2024-05-23 - Improvement: Better integration with WooCommerce Product Bundles plugin and Variation Swatches module - Improvement: Fix brands import/export PHP warning - Improvement: Introduce option for delaying the custom close trigger for popups - Improvement: Make sure CloudFlare Turnstile from Contact Form 7 is initialized inside popups with Ajax reveal enabled - Improvement: Proper check of Elementor Pro inside content blocks - Improvement: Shop extra filters - create index table for faster taxonomies count retrieval - Improvement: Shop extra filters - optimize generation of hierarchical taxonomies tree 2.0.48: 2024-05-16 - Improvement: Conditions module - enable conditions for product attribute archives - Improvement: Content blocks conditions better match for card conditions - Improvement: Filtering by attributes using outdated slugs should not trigger any warnings - Improvement: Shop Extra product filters correctly include child categories in tax query - Improvement: Shop filters - add option to display product brands hierarchically - Improvement: Smarter loading of the shop extra CSS files on the frontend 2.0.47: 2024-05-10 - Improvement: Conditions module - better check for "Product Brands" presence in conditions 2.0.46: 2024-05-09 - Improvement: Account element - make sure custom links are translatable with WPML String Translation - Improvement: Add support for custom fields in product post type (archive cards and single product page) - Improvement: Conditions manager - add condition to display a hook inside an archive item with a specific taxonomy - Improvement: Conditions manager - add support for "product brands" archive - Improvement: Don't display shop filters when archive is set to show only categories - Improvement: Ensure filters work correctly on the product categories archive pages - Improvement: Floating bar - automatically truncate extra long product titles - Improvement: Product archive SKU layer check global product presence - Improvement: Product brands are not imported/exported correctly when using hierarchy - Improvement: Shop filters block - add support for custom taxonomies - Improvement: Shortcuts bar - add item that triggers the Filters Canvas module - Improvement: Video thumbnails - add possibility to insert the link to a hosted video 2.0.45: 2024-05-03 - Improvement: Correctly compute Mailchimp region from the API key 2.0.44: 2024-05-03 - Improvement: Correctly fallback to defaults for untranslated strings 2.0.43: 2024-05-02 - Improvement: Correctly translate all strings from Pro version - Improvement: Make sure filters are not rendered in single product page - Improvement: Shop Extra Filters ensure tax query is set after Woo alters the main query - Improvement: User role conditions do not show up in the Content Blocks table - Fix: Shop Extra Filters never attempt to alter queries on the admin area 2.0.42: 2024-04-25 - Improvement: Safer output the custom icon in language switcher element - Improvement: Variation Swatches better integration with Elementor single product template builder - Fix: Dynamic data block image type issue with ACF 2.0.41: 2024-04-19 - Improvement: Better handle drag & drop items in product split columns - Improvement: Price filter does not respect currency symbol alignment - Improvement: Simpler access for the cache manager object in extensions - Fix: Product filter for Brands does not work with multiple selections - Fix: Single product gallery type 3 - lightbox does not open the correct image - Fix: Single product gallery types 3 and 4 - lightbox trigger icon is not visible if zoom effect is disabled - Fix: Single product gallery types 4 - zoom effect does not work 2.0.40: 2024-04-18 - New: Filter by price block - Improvement: Better handle the start time/date range conditions - Improvement: Better integration with Greenshift Tab Block and Size Guide module - Improvement: Better integration with WP Hide plugin and Local Google Fonts extension - Improvement: Better integration with Woocommerce Custom Product Addons and Quick View module - Improvement: Content Block conditions not shown in dashboard if advanced mode is turned on - Improvement: Video player - add option to make video `cover` or `contain` when using the simplified player - Fix: Content Blocks - editor layout is boxed unless "container structure" is set to custom 2.0.39: 2024-04-11 - Improvement: Better handling for product gallery navigation (thumbnails and dots) - Improvement: Dynamic Data block - better check for brands taxonomy presence - Improvement: Dynamic data block preview issue in WordPress 6.5 when placed inside patterns - Improvement: Related products module (slider type) - add color options to next/prev buttons - Improvement: Search module - add support for searching by taxonomy name - Improvement: Single product gallery - pause video when lightbox is opened - Improvement: Wishlist better integration with Product Addons plugin - Improvement: WooCommerce Advanced Reviews - better calculation of rating count - Fix: Single product gallery videos fail to play on mobile - Fix: Single product page becomes un-scrollable on mobile if video is played in the gallery 2.0.38: 2024-04-04 - New: Dynamic data block - add support for product brands - Improvement: Add filter to exclude certain category from the posts filter - Improvement: Add option to show tooltip in filter block - Improvement: Dynamic data block preview issue in editor - Improvement: General improvements for variation swatches in single product page - Improvement: Make sure mega menu content block output is not rendered inside mobile menu when not needed - Improvement: Variation swatches - add custom tooltip option for button variation type 2.0.37: 2024-03-29 - Improvement: Correctly generate translation files 2.0.36: 2024-03-29 - Improvement: Correctly migrate swatch type from previous implementation 2.0.35: 2024-03-28 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.34: 2024-03-28 - New: Variations Swatches - add option to change tooltip text - New: Variations Swatches - add option to insert image in tooltip - New: Variations Swatches - add option to limit attributes in archive cards - New: Variations Swatches - add options to set dual colors - New: Variations Swatches - option to change attribute type (including custom ones) and it's settings from single product page - Improvement: Better integration between content blocks and WPML - Improvement: Custom "thank you page" apply the correct preview template - Improvement: Dynamic Data block - remove auto paragraph when wrapper tag is set to `p` - Improvement: Post Types Extra - persist taxonomies accent color CSS in a separate file - Fix: Issue with uploading an image for product brand after the brand was created/edited - Fix: JS Syntax error for standalone variable products using special characters with variation swatches 2.0.33: 2024-03-21 - Improvement: Better compatibility with Woo Product Addons plugin and wishlist module - Improvement: Content blocks - better integration with Gravity Forms Conversational - Improvement: WPML and custom tabs translation issue - Fix: Issue with uploading an image for product brand after the brand was created/edited 2.0.32: 2024-03-15 - Improvement: Add image size and ratio to the cart, checkout and wishlist pages - Improvement: Checkout page quantity input improvement - Fix: Creating Content Blocks fails to ask the type 2.0.31: 2024-03-14 - Improvement: Compare View does not show all attributes - Improvement: Post Types Extra - post filters type 2 color improvements - Improvement: Product Taxonomy ID doesn't show the selected taxonomy in conditions module - Improvement: Product with default variations does not show the entire variation library if swatches are enabled 2.0.30: 2024-03-08 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.29: 2024-03-07 - Improvement: Correctly verify plan validity in the license checker - Improvement: Ensure all dashboard AJAX actions are protected with nonces - Improvement: Free shipping progress bar - decimal number support in "Goal Amount" option - Improvement: Sale countdown proper day hours calculation - Improvement: Shop filters with multi layered, filled categories shows as expandable, but not showing any children on the front end - Fix: Advanced Menu + Content Blocks made with Elementor break automatic menu collapsing - Fix: Wrong counter for shop filters for categories with children items 2.0.28: 2024-02-29 - Fix: More robust check for WooCommerce checkout component from theme 2.0.27: 2024-02-29 - Improvement: Better integration with Greenshift tabs block and Advanced Menu extension - Improvement: Better integration with Variation Swatches extension + WPC Product Bundles for WooCommerce plugin - Improvement: Don't output taxonomy options for product attributes - Improvement: Make sure missing brands are created on products import - Improvement: Post filters override global query only before cards output 2.0.26: 2024-02-22 - Improvement: Allow attribute terms ordering - Improvement: Correctly implement attributes count when lookup table is disabled - Improvement: Dont attempt to make SQL query for counts with empty terms - Improvement: Ensure the Content Blocks are outputting the correct image HTML - Improvement: Make sure the taxonomy customization options are properly displayed for all custom taxonomies - Improvement: Option for language header element to show only the active languages - Improvement: Post filter buttons require double tap on first load on Chrome/Android - Fix: "Extensions" remains in infinite loading immediately after hiding the white label extension - Fix: PHP warnings in combination with dynamic data block, ACF and CPTs inside Content Block templates - Fix: White label extension does not appear after unhiding it unless another extension is clicked 2.0.25: 2024-02-15 - Improvement: "Close popup on scroll back" does not work if scroll direction is UP - Fix: Correctly override loop add to cart button when default variation is detected - Fix: Wrong attribute filters shown on sub-category page 2.0.24: 2024-02-08 - New: Advanced Reviews - show uploaded image to reviews in backend for review approval - Improvement: Dynamic data block - correctly extract the main shop page description/excerpt - Improvement: Introduce a safe sprintf function to avoid errors on translations - Improvement: Let users disable the "filters" button in canvas mode, if the filter area is always opened - Improvement: Reduce amount of database queries made for retrieving filters counters - Fix: Shortcuts bar - cart item requires two taps to activate on first load 2.0.23: 2024-02-01 - New: WooCommerce gallery auto play option - Improvement: Account modal - better integration with Simple Cloudflare Turnstile plugin - Improvement: Add possibility to show/hide taxonomy children in header Search Box element - Improvement: Content Blocks - better integration with MaxiBlocks plugin - Fix: Brand filter - checkboxes are not visible in backend - Fix: Prices not displayed in archive for variable products under specific set of conditions 2.0.22: 2024-01-25 - Improvement: Advanced reviews upvote/downvote buttons accessibility improvements - Improvement: Correctly normalize single product layers in the split layout - Improvement: Filter checkboxes accessibility improvement - Improvement: Filters disappear on sub-category pages if "show hierarchy" is ticked - Improvement: Filters show non existing attributes, if on a sub-category page 2.0.21: 2024-01-20 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.20: 2024-01-19 - Improvement: Cache Shop Extra filter counts to improve performance - Improvement: Improve copying post type options with post filters across multiple post types + taxonomies - Fix: Mega menu position issue when set to full width or content width 2.0.19: 2024-01-18 - Improvement: Better and safer check for current user capabilities when retrieving options from db - Improvement: Filters don't apply if attributes and categories have non latin slugs - Improvement: Improve filters counter logic and use attributes lookup table for speed if available - Improvement: Off canvas Ajax filters loads entire filter catalogue on category pages - Fix: Featured image with video thumbnails - Vimeo videos are incorrectly triggered if there are multiple players on the same page - Fix: Filters hierarchy issue in preview mode when "Expandable" option is off 2.0.18: 2024-01-12 - Improvement: Shop Extra proper filters behaviour on product category pages - Fix: Shop Extra ensure filtering by brand and category works as expected 2.0.17: 2024-01-11 - New: WooCommerce filters - add search through items functionality - New: WooCommerce filters - collapsable container functionality - New: WooCommerce filters - scrollable lists functionality - Improvement: Languages header element drop down icon color not applying correctly - Improvement: Respect locale setting when picking the word counting strategy in read more extension - Improvement: Smarter output of "additional actions" color settings in archive cards - Improvement: White label extension - option to hide documentation links from dashboard home page 2.0.16: 2024-01-05 - Improvement: Display Conditions (Range Date/Time) - don't allow setting expiration time earlier than starting time - Improvement: Make sure WooCommerce swatches don't affect other select options 2.0.15: 2024-01-04 - New: Language switcher - add custom icon option for dropdown type - Improvement: Content Block embedded via shortcode does not respect disabled, trashed, draft status - Improvement: Content blocks code editor issue with iframed Gutenberg editor - Improvement: Hide and don't apply "sticky row" option if compare is set to "Page" - Improvement: Shop filters do not show random attributes if "hide out of stock products" option is enabled - Improvement: Wishlist - better integration with PPOM plugin - Improvement: Wishlist cart actions improvement - Fix: Advanced reviews issue if user is logged out and product has 0 reviews 2.0.14: 2023-12-26 - Improvement: Free Shipping bar custom amount control improvement - Improvement: Newsletter subscribe/Brevo provider - make sure subscribers appear in the correct list - Improvement: WooCommerce offcanvas cart respect thumbnail ratio option 2.0.13: 2023-12-22 - Improvement: Post Types Extra filters correctly scope post counts by language 2.0.12: 2023-12-21 - New: Free Shipping Bar - calculate based on number of products added to cart - Improvement: Advanced menu drop down is offset in a weird position if custom width drop down is used - Improvement: Categories expandable functionality small issue when AJAX filtering is enabled - Improvement: Custom thank you pages do not work with "classic cart/checkout" blocks from WooCommerce - Improvement: Free Shipping Bar + Woocommerce Custom Product Addons better compatibility - Improvement: Make sure the category shop filters is respecting order - Improvement: Optimise Shop Extra swatches in product archive card - Improvement: Product YouTube/Vimeo videos migration improvements - Improvement: Single product variation label - don't output attribute name if attribute type is set to select - Improvement: WooCommerce apply filtering by SKU only on search pages - Fix: Advanced menu icon colors not applying properly if nested in a specific way - Fix: Compare Bar renders in legacy widgets - Fix: Search with live results issue when SKU criteria is enabled - Fix: Variation Swatches and WPML - fix issue when table already exists 2.0.11: 2023-12-15 - Improvement: Avoid crashes during the search when applying the nothing found content block 2.0.10: 2023-12-14 - New: Option to change trending posts module title icon - New: White label - option to hide the documentation and video tutorial links from extensions - Improvement: Consolidate Nothing Found content blocks logic - Fix: Compare header counter doesn't update properly - Fix: Product archives "quick view" button cannot be turned off 2.0.9: 2023-12-12 - New: WooCommerce active filters block - Improvement: Ability to import/export "Brands" items - Improvement: Better case insensitive match for variation swatches based on query string params - Improvement: Dont attempt to do content blocks pre output on admin side - Improvement: Post filter counter for "all" only counts the current archive page instead of the actual all articles - Improvement: Responsive Items Direction Settings for “Contacts” - Improvement: WooCommerce single product gallery type 3 improvements 2.0.8: 2023-12-08 - Improvement: Better check for attribute existence in single product variations - Fix: Content Block device visibility options not respected if hooked via hooks 2.0.7: 2023-12-07 - Improvement: Button type swatches have no spacing - Improvement: Content Block device visibility options not respected if hooked via customizer layers - Improvement: Content blocks integrate with Stackable Expand block - Improvement: Don't output color or image swatch container if no value is set in term options - Improvement: Pop-up re-trigger after X days does not go to 0 with -/+ buttons - Improvement: Quick View better check for `$actions_layer` - Fix: Single product share box colors do not work - Fix: Wishlist share box color options are not working 2.0.6: 2023-12-06 - Fix: Customizer mode issue if child theme is active 2.0.5: 2023-12-06 - New: Option to change single product "Additional Actions" buttons label in customizer - New: Option to make AJAX product archive page scroll to top when modified - Improvement: Content blocks better integration with Stackable blocks - Improvement: Filters automatically triggers the filter if the expand icon is clicked - Improvement: Improve swatches logic with out of stock variations - Fix: Custom "Thank You" pages per product option doesn't work - Fix: Customizer live view does not update "Color Switch" label font settings - Fix: WooCommerce "Advanced Reviews" error on some specific setups 2.0.4: 2023-11-30 - Improvement: "Display variations inline” option sets label position to the bottom if more variations are present - Improvement: Product card correctly register quick view product action - Fix: Maintenance Mode module breaks when setting a date - Fix: Off canvas filter canvas breaks if type 2 and mobile only is selected - Fix: Post Types Extra - filters and sub-categories issue 2.0.3: 2023-11-29 - Improvement: Add `is_valid` property to SwatchesRender class - Improvement: Better check for wishlist module presence - Improvement: Correctly enable Post Types Extra sub-features during migration - Improvement: Updated integration with Sendinblue/Brevo 2.0.2: 2023-11-27 - Improvement: Better check for media in advanced reviews extension - Improvement: Correctly handle non-existent fonts in Local Google Fonts UI - Fix: Ensure popups dont break when invalid href is provided to buttons - Fix: Shortcuts bar - cart button not working 2.0.1: 2023-11-25 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements related to update - Improvement: Greenshift styles integration with Content Blocks - Fix: Avoid issue with custom fonts on update 2.0.0: 2023-11-24 - New: Add option to preload specific Custom Font or Local Google Font - New: Archive products new cards type (type 3) - New: Better flow for video thumbnails in archive and single pages - New: Color Switch (dark mode) extension - New: Compare bottom bar for compare products extension - New: Custom thank you pages extension - New: Display conditions module - AND & OR relations functionality - New: Display conditions module - range date/time option - New: Display conditions module - recurring days option - New: Display conditions module - request cookie option - New: Display conditions module - request referer option - New: Display conditions module - request url option - New: Dynamic data block - New: Filter Canvas - option to display filter inside an inline canvas - New: Free shipping progress bar module that could be displayed in single product page, cart page, minicart and checkout - New: Functionality to duplicate a content block - New: Gutenberg block for selecting a Content Block from the list - New: Integrate new Mailerlite API in newsletter subscribe extension - New: Local Google Fonts - possibility to pick and load certain font variations - New: More advanced options for affiliate products - New: Off-canvas cart empty state hook - New: Option to copy CPT options in Customizer and apply them to a different CPT - New: Option to enable navigation arrows (+ keyboard navigation) in Quick View modal - New: Option to load mega menu content with AJAX - New: Option to show posts count in PTE filters items - New: Popups - JS API for controlling and observing popups - New: Popups - option to close the popup on custom button click or form submit - New: Popups - option to load content with AJAX - New: Popups - option to trigger popup when selector matches - New: Popups - rework re-launching options - New: Possibility to create a custom "no results page" in content blocks templates - New: Product "New" & "Featured" Badges - New: Product Brand - show brand and it's description in single product tabs - New: Product Brands - WooCommerce module to display brands in archive and single product pages - New: Product image option on the checkout page order review table - New: Product sale countdown functionality - New: Quantity option on the checkout page - New: Related posts - option to display items in carousel - New: Search box header item - option to scope results by certain taxonomy - New: Shop filter module - allow filtering without page refresh (AJAX) - New: Support for Pods plugin in Post Types Extra extension - New: Video thumbnails - option to display videos in thumbnail/featured image for all post types - New: Wishlist - add possibility to save a product with preselected variation - New: WooCommerce accordion tabs with possibility to place them in product entry summary - New: WooCommerce advanced product reviews module - New: WooCommerce compare products module - New: WooCommerce custom tabs module - New: WooCommerce filter widget - allow filter by category, attribute, brands widget (also supports AJAX) - New: WooCommerce related products - option to display items in carousel - New: WooCommerce size guide module - New: WooCommerce variation swatches module (color, image, button) - Improvement: Add loading indicator to wishlist, quick view, compare, size guide buttons - Improvement: Bypass caching for Wishlist & Darkmode automatically - Improvement: Bypass caching for Wishlist, Compare & Dark Mode when caching plugin is detected - Improvement: Contacts module icon link protection for spam bots - Improvement: Custom Fonts and Local Google Fonts - switch to HTTPS when needed - Improvement: Custom Fonts and Local Google Fonts - switch to HTTPS when needed - Improvement: Don't load/show offcanvas cart or quantity inputs if WooCommerce Extra extension is deactivated - Improvement: Floating cart - when clicking select options the anchor starts behind sticky header - Improvement: Load quick view modal CSS only when quick view is opened - Improvement: Make "Contacts" element icons clickable if they do not contain title/content - Improvement: Move divider & search box css from theme to companion plugin - Improvement: Performance - Filtering content blocks by type in PHP, not SQL, to avoid table JOINs - Improvement: Performance - Optimize Content Block Popups logic - Improvement: Performance - Smarter load extensions CSS files (only when extensions is activated and present on a page) - Improvement: Performance - Smarter load of "Newsletter Subscribe" CSS file - Improvement: Popups - make editor to inherit the popup background color - Improvement: Popups - overall code improvements - Improvement: Prefix CSS variables in order to not conflict with other plugins - Improvement: Refactor container and it's behavior for shortcuts bar, floating cart, compare bar - Improvement: Smarter loading styles from third party builder for content blocks - Fix: Footer contact widget label for “E-mail” string translation with WPML is not working - Fix: Locally hosted videos cannot be played from the product archives and redirects user to the single page - Fix: Quick View doesn't scroll on mobile landscape if it has a gallery at the top 2.0.0-beta26: 2023-10-25 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta25: 2023-10-13 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta24: 2023-10-06 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta23: 2023-09-29 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta22: 2023-09-22 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta21: 2023-09-15 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta20: 2023-09-08 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta19: 2023-09-01 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta18: 2023-08-28 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta17: 2023-08-25 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta16: 2023-08-18 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta15: 2023-08-11 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta14: 2023-08-04 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta13: 2023-07-28 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta12: 2023-07-21 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta11: 2023-07-14 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta10: 2023-07-07 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta9: 2023-06-30 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta8: 2023-06-23 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta7: 2023-06-16 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta6: 2023-05-26 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta5: 2023-05-26 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta4: 2023-05-17 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta3: 2023-05-12 - New: Archive products new cards type (type 3) - New: Better flow for video thumbnails in archive and single pages - New: Color Switch (dark mode) extension - New: Display conditions module - AND & OR relations functionality - New: Display conditions module - range date/time option - New: Display conditions module - recurring days option - New: Display conditions module - request cookie option - New: Display conditions module - request referer option - New: Display conditions module - request url option - New: Filter Canvas - option to display filter inside an inline canvas - New: Free shipping progress bar module that could be displayed in single product page, cart page, minicar and checkout - New: Gutenberg block for selecting a Content Block from the list - New: Integrate new Mailerlite API in newsletter subscribe extension - New: More advanced options for affiliate products - New: Option to copy CPT options in Customizer and apply them to a different CPT - New: Option to enable navigation arrows (+ keyboard navigation) in Quick View modal - New: Option to load mega menu content with AJAX - New: Option to show posts count in PTE filters items - New: Popups - JS API for controlling and observing popups - New: Popups - option to close the popup on custom button click or form submit - New: Popups - option to load content with AJAX - New: Popups - rework re-launching options - New: Possibility to create a custom "no results page" in content blocks templates - New: Product "New" & "Featured" Badges - New: Product Brand - show brand and it's description in single product tabs - New: Product Brands - WooCommerce module to display brands in archive and single product pages - New: Product image option on the checkout page order review table - New: Quantity option on the checkout page - New: Search box header item - option to scope results by certain taxonomy - New: Shop filter module - allow filtering without page refresh (AJAX) - New: Support for Pods plugin in Post Types Extra extension - New: Video thumbnails - option to display videos in thumbnail/featured image for all post types - New: Wishlist - add possibility to save a product with preselected variation - New: WooCommerce accordion tabs with possibility to place them in product entry summary - New: WooCommerce filter widget - allow filter by category, attribute, brands widget (also supports AJAX) - New: WooCommerce variation swatches module (color, image, button) - Improvement: Don't load/show offcanvas cart or quantity inputs if WooCommerce Extra extension is deactivated - Improvement: Load quick view modal CSS only when quick view is opened - Improvement: Make "Contacts" element icons clickable if they do not contain title/content - Improvement: Move divider & search box css from theme to companion plugin - Improvement: Popups - overal code improvements - Fix: Locally hosted videos cannot be played from the product archives and redirects user to the single page - Fix: Quick View doesn't scroll on mobile landscape if it has a gallery at the top 1.9.11: 2023-11-09 - Improvement: Better compatibility with WordPress 6.4 1.9.10: 2023-11-02 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.9.9: 2023-11-02 - Improvement: Introduce filter for dynamically controlling wish list 1.9.8: 2023-10-12 - Improvement: Custom icons in post meta are adding a ghost space 1.9.7: 2023-09-28 - Improvement: Correctly output class for the archive templates - Improvement: Local Google Fonts dont try to fetch non existent fonts 1.9.6: 2023-09-21 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.9.5: 2023-09-14 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.9.4: 2023-09-07 - Improvement: Better autoloader mechanism for premium classes 1.9.3: 2023-08-31 - Improvement: Get rid of warnings with PHP 8.2 in beta delivery mechanism 1.9.2: 2023-08-24 - Improvement: Correctly load Custom Fonts and Local Google Fonts in the block editor - Improvement: Allow displaying Post Content block in the Content Blocks editor 1.9.1: 2023-08-17 - Improvement: Better structure variables backend output for content blocks 1.9.0: 2023-08-10 - Improvement: Correctly load Custom Fonts and Local Google Fonts in the block editor 1.8.99: 2023-08-09 - Improvement: Don't output structure options to popup content block 1.8.98: 2023-07-27 - Improvement: Post Types Extra filtering better handling of taxonomy archives - Improvement: Post Types Extra AJAX filtering sync page title 1.8.97: 2023-07-19 - Improvement: Match ACF custom fields by post_category type 1.8.96: 2023-07-13 - Improvement: Better detect mega menu heading items - Improvement: Pop-up "scroll lock" feature makes mobile page jump to the top if turned on 1.8.95: 2023-07-05 - Improvement: Update Freemius SDK to latest version - Fix: Wishlist table minor styling issues 1.8.94: 2023-06-29 - Improvement: Post types extra AJAX filtering ensure page title is up to date - Fix: Advanced menu heading font controls issue 1.8.93: 2023-06-22 - Improvement: Show offcanvas filter trigger button only on native Woo archives 1.8.92: 2023-06-14 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.91: 2023-06-12 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.90: 2023-06-03 - Improvement: White label sanitize html entities in theme name 1.8.89: 2023-06-01 - Improvement: Elementor assets aren't enqueued properly in Quick View modal - Improvement: Add class name to "Read Time" meta data element 1.8.88: 2023-05-25 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.87: 2023-05-18 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.86: 2023-05-11 - Improvement: Better resiliency for non-string custom fields - Improvement: Mega menu icons should be included in responsive menu calculations - Fix: Advanced menu icon picker overflows issue in Safari 1.8.85: 2023-05-04 - Improvement: Proper dynamic chunks logic for filtering - Improvement: Proper default for custom fields in attributes - Improvement: Shortcuts bar container height when items are stacked on mobile 1.8.84: 2023-04-20 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.83: 2023-04-13 - Improvement: Better check for shortcuts bar presence - Improvement: Make sure the custom code snippets are displayed correctly after body open tag 1.8.82: 2023-04-06 - Improvement: Allow translating contact element when placed in the footer - Improvement: Better insertion logic for the sidebar creation form - Improvement: Make popups maximum height act correctly based on viewport size when it changes dynamically - Improvement: Better display of "no products in wishlist" message in wishlist - Fix: Menu content blocks still active even if they're disabled/drafts/trash - Fix: Floating cart does not respect single product AJAX add to cart settings 1.8.81: 2023-03-30 - Improvement: Shortcuts bar - option to change items background initial and hover color - Improvement: Local Google Fonts - allow syncing even when no fonts are selected - Improvement: Greenshift correctly display custom fonts label - Improvement: Better sync of spacing option inside content blocks - Fix: Content Blocks - code editor button position 1.8.80: 2023-03-27 - Improvement: Compatibility with WordPress 6.2 - Improvement: Shortcuts bar divider RTL issue - Improvement: Integrate Custom Fonts extension with Greenshift plugin - Improvement: Better login of WooCommerce Attribute Filter inside offcanvas filters - Fix: QuickView displays blank on products with no image and no placeholder 1.8.79: 2023-03-16 - Improvement: Don't render content block hooks in Elementor preview mode - Improvement: Product cards swap effect with transparent background images 1.8.78: 2023-03-09 - Improvement: Properly compute current prefix for PTE filtering - Fix: Floating Cart does not work on external products page 1.8.77: 2023-03-02 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.76: 2023-02-23 - Improvement: Floating Cart ignore global product when its different than the current one - Fix: WooCommerce gallery arrows position - Fix: Create hook button is not clickable in the Quick View modal - Fix: Mega menu full width background doesn't get the default color correctly 1.8.75: 2023-02-15 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.74: 2023-02-15 - Improvement: Better handle popup content block closing logic - Improvement: Smarter request termination for quantity input in offcanvas 1.8.73: 2023-02-09 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.72: 2023-02-02 - Fix: Floating Cart is adding redundant space if product is out of stock - Fix: Menu badge background color not working correctly on mobile devices 1.8.71: 2023-01-26 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.70: 2023-01-26 - Improvement: Mega menu add option to display the content block on mobile menus 1.8.69: 2023-01-20 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.68: 2023-01-20 - Improvement: Search box header element product price option 1.8.67: 2023-01-19 - Fix: Content block 404 templates not outputted correctly 1.8.66: 2023-01-11 - Improvement: Dynamic content preview option inside simple hooks - Improvement: Better compatibility with Advanced Product Fields plugin and Blocksy wishlist - Improvement: Allow changing conditions relation for template content blocks - Improvement: More universal taxonomy matching for ACF fields - Improvement: Don't show Quick View modal for password protected products - Fix: Content blocks expiration date/time option doesn't work in some cases 1.8.65: 2022-12-29 - Improvement: Search box minor layout improvements 1.8.64: 2022-12-28 - Improvement: Add scroll lock option for popups 1.8.63: 2022-12-22 - Fix: Search box header element placed in the middle goes out of bounds if set to 100% width - Fix: Quick View breaks Woo navigation if product catalogue is set to "Categories" 1.8.62: 2022-12-15 - Improvement: Correctly display variable products gallery in quick view - Fix: Sidebar conditions issue - post with taxonomy ID applies incorrectly in some certain situations - Fix: Cyrillic characters do not increase PTE reading time 1.8.61: 2022-12-09 - Improvement: Ignore repeater ACF custom fields in post types extra - Fix: Correctly display floating cart 1.8.60: 2022-12-08 - Improvement: Better focus management for auto-opened off-canvas cart - Improvement: Multisite activation screen display issue - Improvement: Integrate local Google fonts with Greenshift plugin - Fix: Shortcuts bar custom element label sync issue - Fix: Estimated read time more robust logic for excerpts 1.8.59: 2022-11-24 - Fix: Mega Menu (full width) background color issue 1.8.58: 2022-11-17 - Improvement: Update Freemius SDK to latest version 1.8.57: 2022-11-10 - Improvement: Correctly refresh fragments of content in offcanvas cart - Improvement: Update content blocks Zion Builder integration 1.8.56: 2022-11-04 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.55: 2022-11-03 - Improvement: Dropdown icon for the language switcher - Improvement: Better integration between content blocks single templates and Elementor - Improvement: Shortcode support for custom fields fallbacks 1.8.54: 2022-10-27 - Improvement: More resilient cloned footer elements logic - Fix: Single product vertical thumbnail arrows initialization issue 1.8.53: 2022-10-20 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.52: 2022-10-13 - Improvement: Add correct user capabilities for content blocks post type - Fix: Correctly load sidebars styles for single post/page custom templates 1.8.51: 2022-10-07 - Improvement: Smarter selection for "after certain number of blocks" display condition - Improvement: Mega menu (full width container) background appearance glitch - Improvement: Adobe Fonts extension issue with Beaver Builder - Improvement: Load Piotnet Forms styles correctly when used inside content blocks - Fix: Reading time module shows wrong time if special characters are placed in text - Fix: Secondary phone icon in icon picker is not selectable 1.8.49: 2022-09-22 - Improvement: Stop videos when popups are closed 1.8.47: 2022-09-15 - New: Filter for changing the "quick view" icon - Improvement: Better pills logic for WooCommerce Gallery Type 4 - Improvement: Correctly loading of variable fonts in admin screens - Improvement: Display wishlist button in single products that don't have price - Improvement: Better handle SVG icons inside Blocksy's Gutenberg settings when using white label - Fix: Read time module calculation issue with not-latin characters in links 1.8.46: 2022-08-18 - Improvement: Show add to wishlist button only if product is out of stock - Fix: Header HTML element breaks WPML string translations if multiplied 1.8.45: 2022-08-04 - Improvement: Correctly migrate code block value in content blocks - Improvement: Better AJAX loading for wishlist counts - Improvement: Counter for wishlist and cart in shortcuts bar - Fix: Wishlist counter styles where not outputted correctly - Fix: Icon module not rendering the custom uploaded icon 1.8.44: 2022-07-27 - Improvement: Better handle for customizer options and archive templates 1.8.43: 2022-07-26 - New: Add custom icon upload module to scroll to top button - Improvement: Improve video aspect ratio inside single product gallery - Improvement: Content blocks code editor block add proper render when it is used as Gutenberg block - Improvement: Migrate template replacement strategy for single templates - Improvement: Integrate offcanvas filter with Search & Filter Pro plugin - Improvement: Do not output custom options in product taxonomies - Fix: Advanced menu heading font option doesn't output some values correctly 1.8.42: 2022-07-14 - New: Font controls for headings for the advanced menu extension - Improvement: Better flow when selecting a custom icon for the account header element - Improvement: Custom fonts module better integration with Stackable typography option - Improvement: Add "content area" option in single template builder - Improvement: Support for shortcode in shortcuts bar label/link option 1.8.41: 2022-07-08 - Fix: Quick view modal position in combination with floating cart 1.8.40: 2022-07-07 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.38: 2022-07-07 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.37: 2022-06-28 - New: Condition to match privacy policy page - New: Implement icon picker in header and footer items - Fix: Shortcuts bar additional spacing when disabled on certain devices or pages 1.8.36: 2022-06-21 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.35: 2022-06-20 - Improvement: Shortcuts bar minor CSS improvements - Improvement: Integration with Yith Name Your Price plugin and quick view module - Improvement: Allow textarea option to be resized in Custom Code Snippets extension - Fix: Disabling 404 custom template doesn't work 1.8.34: 2022-06-03 - Improvement: Correctly parse shortcodes in content blocks built with Brizy - Improvement: Better options sync for archive templates - Improvement: Don't allow creation of content blocks outside the regular flow - Improvement: Better check the reading time in Post Types Extra extension - Improvement: Better reading progress bar selector 1.8.33: 2022-05-25 - New: Hook location: WP head start - Improvement: Better AJAX loading for WishList module - Improvement: Ensure taxonomy filters work with another posts listing on the same page 1.8.32: 2022-05-20 - Improvement: Sync taxonomy meta options across multiple languages - Improvement: Correct output for dynamic CSS for card archive templates - Improvement: Integrate Wishlist with Product Calculator - Improvement: Better Code Editor implementation in content blocks - Fix: Hiding label from top level menu breaks dropdowns 1.8.31: 2022-05-11 - Improvement: Increase viewable area for code editor (Content Blocks) - Fix: Container structure doesn't apply to hook content block 1.8.30: 2022-05-11 - Improvement: Better logic separation in content blocks 1.8.29: 2022-05-10 - New: Hooks for off canvas filters - Improvement: Wishlist Sharebox does not update network choices on the front end - Improvement: Better code edito behaviour for popups - Improvement: Behaviour of Custom Post Type ID rule in conditions module - Fix: Cart type 2 (off canvas/drawer) doesn't work if placed inside the off canvas menu - Fix: WooCommerce quick view module is not scrollable on iPad portrait mode 1.8.27: 2022-04-22 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.26: 2022-04-21 - New: Single template builder - New: Archive template builder - Improvement: CodeMirror integration in code editor for custom hooks - Improvement: More robust handling for share box settings in wishlist page - Improvement: Better handle page builder content inside popups - Improvement: Visibility controls for WooCommerce single product gallery arrows - Improvement: Better code editor in content blocks "Code editor" mode - Fix: Popups not working correctly in all cases with dynamic blocks 1.8.26-beta2: 2022-04-20 - Improvement: More robust handling for share box settings in wishlist page - Improvement: Better handle page builder content inside popups - Improvement: Visibility controls for WooCommerce single product gallery arrows - Improvement: Better code editor in content blocks "Code editor" mode 1.8.25: 2022-04-08 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.24: 2022-04-07 - Fix: Correct reference for global post in content blocks - Fix: Nextend login crashes site if account modal is enabled and present 1.8.23: 2022-04-07 - Improvement: Popups content block focus lock improvement - Improvement: Override global post during hook render - Fix: Previewing draft products with floating cart enabled crashes the preview page 1.8.22: 2022-03-25 - Improvement: Body offset for bottom floating cart 1.8.21: 2022-03-23 - New: Content Blocks UI filter option - New: Integration with WeGlot translate plugin - Improvement: Add target and rel options in for custom shortcut - Improvement: Make Local Google Fonts more robust - Fix: Floating bar visibility issue - Fix: Uploading custom fonts not working sometimes if uploading from extension modal 1.8.20: 2022-03-01 - Improvement: Post Types Extra (read time option) doesn’t work with non-latin characters - Improvement: Make search by SKU to not affect other queries 1.8.19: 2022-02-18 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.18: 2022-02-16 - Improvement: Support for manually created custom fields - Improvement: Shortcuts bar default values - Improvement: Popups - add new trigger condition (after X pages) - Fix: WooCommerce Extra shows variations (due to sku) in search results - Fix: Duplicating header elements and switching to Blocksy Companion Free breaks header builder - Fix: Elementor Pro dynamic images do not work with Content Blocks 1.8.17: 2022-01-21 - Improvement: Display mega menu dropdown only in the top-level menu items - Improvement: Mega menu background color output when container is set to full width - Improvement: Content blocks better enqueue Elementor CSS - Improvement: Increase the number of separate ACF layers through PTE - Fix: Shortcuts bar and floating cart overlap 1.8.17-beta13: 2022-01-19 - Improvement: Display mega menu dropdown only in the top-level menu items - Improvement: Mega menu background color output when container is set to full width - Improvement: Content blocks better enqueue Elementor CSS - Improvement: Increase the number of separate ACF layers through PTE - Fix: Shortcuts bar and floating cart overlap 1.8.16: 2021-12-29 - Improvement: Advanced Menu icon color options 1.8.15: 2021-12-24 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.14: 2021-12-24 - Improvement: Correctly apply shortcodes in content blocks - Improvement: Content blocks minor CSS order issue - Fix: Fix popup close button 1.8.13: 2021-12-18 - Improvement: A11Y Advanced menu disabled links keyboard handling 1.8.12: 2021-12-17 - Improvement: Shortcuts bar position when overlay modal is active 1.8.11: 2021-12-16 - Fix: Content blocks with a shortcode block adds two empty `p` tags - Fix: Content Blocks in account modal are duplicated 1.8.10: 2021-12-15 - Improvement: Hide hook locations functionality for non administrator users - Improvement: Better handling of typography options with Kadence blocks - Improvement: Mega menu dropdown RTL improvements - Improvement: White label and translation strings from pro version - Fix: Content Blocks/hooks are not rendered in the account modal - Fix: Content Blocks contents get erased if activating brizy's editing capabilities - Fix: Wishlist element custom label strings are not added to the WPML - Fix: Language switcher element does't take the language order from WPML settings in consideration - Fix: Post Types Extra taxonomies image & color option are not displayed properly 1.8.10-beta1: 2021-12-10 - Improvement: Mega menu dropdown RTL improvements - Improvement: White label and translation strings from pro version - Fix: Content Blocks contents get erased if activating brizy's editing capabilities - Fix: Wishlist element custom label strings are not added to the WPML - Fix: Language switcher element does't take the language order from WPML settings in consideration - Fix: Post Types Extra taxonomies image & color option are not displayed properly 2021-11-26 - New: WooCommerce video as product image/thumbnail | [Tutorial](https://creativethemes.com/blocksy/docs/woocommerce/video-gallery-for-products/) - Improvement: Header Search Box element background option - Fix: View Cart button does not work on archive pages if Quick View is set to Card click 2021-11-18 - Fix: Content Block shortcode is incomplete 2021-11-16 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2021-11-16 - New: Mobile Menu 2 header item - New: Account modal respect WooCommerce register and password settings - New: Integration with Nextend Social Login and Register - New: Account modal integration with Advanced noCaptcha & invisible Captcha plugin - New: Account integration with Login No Captcha reCAPTCHA plugin - New: Account modal use WooCommerce lost password & register emails - New: Wordfence 2FA integration with login modal - Improvement: Allow mobile menu to be placed in all rows in mobile header - Improvement: Wishlist functionality with caching plugins - Improvement: Allow contacts header/footer element to be duplicated twice - Improvement: White Label Gutenberg Icon does not check the file type - Fix: Advanced Menu automatically selects latest content block 2021-10-27 - Improvement: Correctly reference font URLs on sites with path after domain name - Improvement: Update plugin text domain from blc to blocksy-companion 2021-10-21 - Fix: White Label issue 2021-10-20 - New: Fonts integration with Plus Addons for Gutenberg - Improvement: Popups content block CSS improvements - Improvement: Better order for dynamic CSS files 2021-10-19 - New: Fonts integration with Plus Addons for Gutenberg - Improvement: Better order for dynamic CSS files 2021-10-01 - Improvement: Popup content blocks z-index 2021-09-30 - New: White label option to change Blocksy page settings icon - New: Tooltip for single product wishlist button - Improvement: Add aria-label attribute to shortcuts bar SVG icons - Improvement: Add CSS selector to post meta custom fields - Improvement: Post Types Extra and ACF fields - Fix: Popup backdrop background color option - Fix: Post Meta elements and custom SVG icons not displayed correctly 1.8.9: 2021-09-21 - Improvement: Content blocks - don't output background color if container structure is disabled - Fix: Woo category cards not clickable if Quick View is set to Card Click 2021-09-17 - Improvement: Take header widget area into responsive menu calculation 2021-09-14 - Improvement: Mega menu and content blocks - Improvement: Better handling for custom fonts in JS 2021-09-09 - Improvement: Icon spacing in header/footer button - Improvement: Header and Footer conditions and WPML 2021-09-07 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2021-09-03 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2021-08-31 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2021-08-30 - Improvement: Floating cart position in combination with sticky header - Fix: ACF fields in Related Posts module of custom post type not working correctly 2021-08-23 - Fix: Transparent header doesn't work properly with multiple headers 1.8.8: 2021-08-20 - Improvement: Content blocks add revisions history - Improvement: Single product lightbox with gallery type 3 - Improvement: Brizy content blocks not rendered correctly - Fix: Exit intent popup triggering multiple times - Fix: Local Google Fonts modal dropdown overflow 1.8.8-beta7: 2021-08-17 - Improvement: Content blocks add revisions history - Improvement: Single product lightbox with gallery type 3 - Improvement: Brizy content blocks not rendered correctly - Fix: Exit intent popup triggering multiple times - Fix: Local Google Fonts modal dropdown overflow 2021-08-02 - Improvement: Pop-up content block small CSS improvements - Fix: WooCommerce single product add to cart doesn't automatically open the off-canvas 2021-07-30 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2021-07-29 - New: Posts filter module filtering behavior - Improvement: Mega menu with multilingual plugins - Improvement: Reading progress bar height option - Improvement: WooCommerce better handling for offcanvas quantity buttons - Improvement: Post Types Extra and custom fields functionality - Improvement: Pop-up content block content container overflow option - Fix: Shortcuts bar cart action opens the cart page instead of modal after adding a product to the cart 2021-07-28 - Improvement: WooCommerce better handling for offcanvas quantity buttons - Improvement: Post Types Extra and custom fields functionality - Improvement: Pop-up content block content container overflow option - Fix: Shortcuts bar cart action opens the cart page instead of modal after adding a product to the cart 2021-07-26 - Improvement: Shortcuts bar and off canvas cart trigger 2021-07-23 - Improvement: Post types filtering option - Improvement: Header cart off canvas type - Improvement: Trigger correctly the popup from the header button 1.8.7: 2021-07-22 - New: Mega menu full width content option - New: Quick view modal color options - New: Ability to set featured image for each taxonomie - New: Ability to set different colors for each taxonomy - New: Read progress bar for single posts - New: Add post types taxonomies AJAX filter - New: Estimated read time post meta element/layer - New: Ability to add custom fields (ACF, Metabox, Toolset, JetEngine) in CPT's archive and page/post title layers - New: Add icon option to header/footer builder buttons - New: Allow custom icons upload inside icon picker option - New: WooCommerce add possibility to search by SKU - New: Content block popup type - New: Post Types Extra extension - Improvement: Adobe Fonts use css_names instead of slug - Improvement: Allow content blocks custom fields to be updated via REST API - Improvement: Ignore content blocks from sitemaps generated by SEO plugins - Improvement: Add confirmation popup before removing a custom header/footer - Improvement: Translateble Shortcuts Bar for WPML - Improvement: Contacts footer element responsive visibility option - Improvement: Contacts footer element - add option to stack items vertically/horizontally - Fix: Wishlist page remove button not working on mobile devices - Fix: Search dropdown background color option 1.8.7-beta6: 2021-07-16 - New: Quick view modal color options - New: Ability to set featured image for each taxonomie - New: Ability to set different colors for each taxonomie - New: Read progress bar for single posts - New: Add post types taxonomies AJAX filter - New: Estimated read time post meta element/layer - New: Ability to add custom fields (ACF, Metabox, Toolset) in CPT's archive and page/post title layers - New: Add icon option to header/footer builder buttons - New: Allow custom icons upload inside icon picker option - New: WooCommerce add possibility to search by SKU - New: Content block popup type - New: Post Types Extra extension - Improvement: Add confirmation popup before removing a custom header/footer - Improvement: Translateble Shortcuts Bar for WPML - Improvement: Contacts footer element responsive visibility option - Improvement: Contacts footer element - add option to stack items vertically/horizontally - Fix: Search dropdown background color option 1.8.7-beta4: 2021-07-08 - New: Allow custom icons upload - New: WooCommerce add possibility to search by SKU - New: Content block popup type - New: Advanced Custom Post types extension - Improvement: Translateble Shortcuts Bar for WPML - Improvement: Contacts footer element responsive visibility option - Improvement: Contacts footer element - add option to stack items vertically/horizontally - Fix: Search dropdown background color option 2021-06-24 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2021-06-16 - New: Add back to top button to shortcuts bar - Improvement: Single product wishlist button placement after add to cart button - Improvement: Wishlist share box module - Improvement: Mega menu dropdown offset improvement - Improvement: Auto-open off-canvas functionality - Fix: Quick view gallery not displayed correctly in shortcode - Fix: Off-canvas filter widgets vertical spacing option - Fix: Wishlist page share box CSS 2021-06-11 - New: Make contacts header item translateable - New: Add contacts element to the footer builder - New: Shortcuts bar - New: Add quantity controls inside WooCommerce off-canvas minicart - Improvement: Better handling of Typekit fonts with Stackable - Improvement: Quick view button color options - Improvement: Mega menu code and functionality improvements - Improvement: Search box auto-focus improvement - Improvement: Sidebar content block (dynamic) + sticky - Improvement: Full width content blocks inside WooCommerce single product tabs - Improvement: Hide content block layout/structure options when switched to code editor - Improvement: Footer and header content block structure - Improvement: WooCommerce account page hooks position - Improvement: Remove delay of the offcanvas cart display animation - Improvement: Newsletter subscribe module - Fix: Floating cart quantity input color - Fix: AJAX add to cart floating cart need to hover on form first - Fix: Product options button and View cart do not work anymore when quick view trigger is set to card click - Fix: My Account wishlist icon in custom slug 2021-06-09 - New: Shortcuts bar - New: Add quantity controls inside WooCommerce off-canvas minicart - Improvement: Better handling of Typekit fonts with Stackable - Improvement: Quick view button color options - Improvement: Mega menu code and functionality improvements - Improvement: Search box auto-focus improvement - Improvement: Sidebar content block (dynamic) + sticky - Improvement: Full width content blocks inside WooCommerce single product tabs - Improvement: Hide content block layout/structure options when switched to code editor - Improvement: Footer and header content block structure - Improvement: WooCommerce account page hooks position - Improvement: Remove delay of the offcanvas cart display animation - Improvement: Newsletter subscribe module - Fix: Floating cart quantity input color - Fix: AJAX add to cart floating cart need to hover on form first - Fix: My Account wishlist icon in custom slug 2021-05-12 - Improvement: White label does not apply to plugin - Fix: Product gallery type 4 lightbox 1.8.6: 2021-05-11 - Improvement: Elementor + content blocks - Improvement: Conditions logic for singulars when checked outside main loop - Improvement: WooCommerce quick view - Improvement: Add color option for search box icon - Fix: Desktop off canvas menu duplicates entries - Fix: Transparent header + mega menu background color 1.8.6-beta1: 2021-05-07 - Improvement: Conditions logic for singulars when checked outside main loop - Improvement: Add color option for search box icon - Fix: Desktop off canvas menu duplicates entries - Fix: Transparent header + mega menu background color 1.8.5: 2021-05-01 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.4: 2021-05-01 - Improvement: WooCommerce wishlist slug - Improvement: Floating cart action button height 1.8.0: 2021-04-28 - New: Mega-menu custom width option - New: Filter to change WooCommerce wishlist page url slug - New: Integrate content blocks/hooks with multilingual plugins - New: Allow `.ttf` file uploads in Custom Fonts extension - New: Add footer menu 2 - New: Conditions Post ID/Page ID/Custom Post Type ID live search - New: Floating cart title visibility option - New: Trending block extension display conditions & location - Improvement: Different trigger label text for desktop/mobile - Improvement: RTL - wishlist products table - Improvement: White label theme description option - Improvement: Smarter call for flush_rewrite_rules() in WooCommerce extra - Improvement: Allow duplication of more header dividers - Improvement: Floating cart title heading tag - Improvement: Wishlist AJAX Add-to-cart - Improvement: Content blocks/hooks improvements - Fix: WooCommerce cart refresh fragments with conditional headers - Fix: Get rid of repeated wp_enqueue_scripts call for content blocks - Fix: Contacts header element hide item option - Fix: iOS double tap to trigger wish list add - Fix: Off-canvas cart drawer position - Fix: UAG Content blocks compatibility - Fix: Header contacts element icon hover color 1.8.0-beta6: 2021-04-23 - New: Integrate content blocks/hooks with multilingual plugins - Improvement: Different trigger label text for desktop/mobile 2021-04-09 - New: Allow `.ttf` file uploads in Custom Fonts extension - New: Add footer menu 2 - New: Conditions Post ID/Page ID/Custom Post Type ID live search - New: Floating cart title visibility option - New: Trending block extension display conditions & location - Improvement: RTL - wishlist products table - Improvement: White label theme description option - Improvement: Smarter call for flush_rewrite_rules() in WooCommerce extra - Improvement: Allow duplication of more header dividers - Improvement: Floating cart title heading tag - Improvement: Wishlist AJAX Add-to-cart - Improvement: Content blocks/hooks improvements - Fix: WooCommerce cart refresh fragments with conditional headers - Fix: Get rid of repeated wp_enqueue_scripts call for content blocks - Fix: iOS double tap to trigger wish list add - Fix: Off-canvas cart drawer position - Fix: UAG Content blocks compatibility - Fix: Header contacts element icon hover color 2021-04-06 - New: Add footer menu 2 - New: Conditions Post ID/Page ID/Custom Post Type ID live search - New: Floating cart title visibility option - New: Trending block extension display conditions & location - Improvement: RTL - wishlist products table - Improvement: Smarter call for flush_rewrite_rules() in WooCommerce extra - Improvement: Allow duplication of more header dividers - Improvement: Floating cart title heading tag - Improvement: Wishlist AJAX Add-to-cart - Improvement: Content blocks/hooks improvements - Fix: Get rid of repeated wp_enqueue_scripts call for content blocks - Fix: iOS double tap to trigger wish list add - Fix: Off-canvas cart drawer position - Fix: UAG Content blocks compatibility - Fix: Header contacts element icon hover color 2021-04-01 - New: Floating cart title visibility option - New: Trending block extension display conditions & location - Improvement: RTL - wishlist products table - Improvement: Smarter call for flush_rewrite_rules() in WooCommerce extra - Improvement: Allow duplication of more header dividers - Improvement: Floating cart title heading tag - Improvement: Wishlist AJAX Add-to-cart - Improvement: Content blocks/hooks improvements - Fix: Off-canvas cart drawer position - Fix: UAG Content blocks compatibility - Fix: Header contacts element icon hover color 1.7.63: 2021-02-24 - Improvement: Better parsing for headings in content blocks 1.7.62: 2021-02-23 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.7.61: 2021-02-23 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.7.60: 2021-02-22 - New: Color option for "add to wishlist" buttons - Improvement: WooCommerce gallery slider - Improvement: Change wishlist icon in My Account menu - Fix: Automatically open the cart drawer after a product is added to cart - Fix: Wishlist last item can't be removed 2021-02-20 - New: Color option for "add to wishlist" buttons - Improvement: WooCommerce gallery slider - Improvement: Change wishlist icon in My Account menu - Improvement: Wishlist header element label visibility - Fix: Wishlist last item can't be removed 1.7.59: 2021-02-16 - New: Insert content block before a specific number of headings 1.7.57: 2021-02-09 - Fix: Better logic for Posts with Taxonomy IDs 1.7.56: 2021-02-07 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.7.55: 2021-02-07 - New: Add hooks for archive cards - New: Add hooks for top and bottom parts of the page and post container - New: Add hooks for comment form - New: Allow adding dynamic fonts in custom fonts extension - New: Add hooks for content blocks after certain number of paragraphs in posts - New: WooCommerce gallery slider - New: WooCommerce wishlist functionality - Improvement: Customizer/dashboard select option - Improvement: Off-canvas menu container closed state - Improvement: Add vertical spacing options for hooks - Improvement: Minor White Label improvements - Fix: Content blocks dont load LazyLoadVideos scripts twice - Fix: Mega Menu heading color when link is disabled 2021-02-02 - New: Allow adding dynamic fonts in custom fonts extension - Fix: Content blocks dont load LazyLoadVideos scripts twice 1.7.54: 2021-01-28 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.7.53: 2021-01-26 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.7.52: 2021-01-23 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.7.49: 2021-01-23 - New: Add hook locations for offcanvas cart filter - New: Introduce Menu 3 item in header - New: Ultimate Blocks support for content blocks - New: Content blocks multiple locations - New: Use Google Fonts CSS2 in Local Google Fonts - New: Open off canvas cart after a product is added to cart - Improvement: Language switcher: Hide current language option not working for Polylang - Improvement: Hooks: Add compatibility with Product Blocks for WooCommerce plugin - Improvement: Open off canvas cart after a product is added to cart - Improvement: Cart as offcanvas improve remove button overlaps with close button - Improvement: Improve search box item width when inside the middle column - Fix: WooCommerce: don't close off canvas cart after removing a product - Fix: 404 hook correctly process assets enqueueing - Fix: Fix empty cart text color - Fix: Avoid conflicts between cloned elements - Fix: WooCommerce: don't close off canvas cart after removing one product - Fix: Fix menu icons not receiving the active color 2021-01-19 - New: Introduce Menu 3 item in header - New: Ultimate Blocks support for content blocks - New: Content blocks multiple locations - New: Use Google Fonts CSS2 in Local Google Fonts - Improvement: Language switcher: Hide current language option not working for Polylang - Improvement: Hooks: Add compatibility with Product Blocks for WooCommerce plugin - Improvement: Open off canvas cart after a product is added to cart - Fix: WooCommerce: don't close off canvas cart after removing one product - Fix: Cart as offcanvas remove button overlaps with close button - Fix: 404 hook correctly process assets enqueueing - Fix: Fix empty cart text color 1.7.45: 2020-12-31 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.7.44: 2020-12-28 - Improvement: Improve content blocks/hooks created with GenerateBlocks - Improvement: Improve content blocks/hooks created with Brizy 1.7.43: 2020-12-25 - New: Floating cart add top & bottom position option - Improvement: Custom 404 pages - add content boxed option - Improvement: Advanced Menu compatibility with WordPress 5.3 - Fix: Fix sticky header and floating cart - Fix: Filters panel widgets spacing is not applying - Fix: Fix freeze for icon picker option - Fix: Fix cart drawer width issue 1.7.42: 2020-12-18 - Fix: Fix freeze for icon picker option 1.7.41: 2020-12-18 - New: Login/register/forgot password modal hooks - New: Add hook to add icon to menu item - New: Integrate Custom Fonts extension with Kadence Blocks - New: Add margin option to search box item - New: Display icons in mobile menu items - New: White label: Disable click on dashboard logo for displaying - New: White label: A way to force display the white label extension from wp-config.php - New: White label: Turn off useful plugins - New: White label: Turn off changelogs - New: White label: Turn off beta updates section - New: White label: Turn off support tickets section from dashboard - New: White label: Fix white label update link - New: WooCommerce filter - add visibility option - New: WooCommerce filter - add alignment option - Improvement: Improve off canvas filter drawer - Improvement: Correctly detect custom post types archives - Improvement: Improve Custom Fonts add variation option - Improvement: Improve divider header item (add style and size option) - Fix: Fix search placeholder text - Fix: Fix icon picker, icons where not displayed correctly 2020-12-07 - New: Login/register/forgot password modal hooks - New: Add hook to add icon to menu item - New: Integrate Custom Fonts extension with Kadence Blocks - New: Add margin option to search box item - New: Display icons in mobile menu items - New: White label: Disable click on dashboard logo for displaying - New: White label: A way to force display the white label extension from wp-config.php - New: White label: Turn off useful plugins - New: White label: Turn off changelogs - New: White label: Turn off beta updates section - New: White label: Turn off support tickets section from dashboard - New: White label: Fix white label update link - Improvement: Improve off canvas filter drawer - Improvement: Correctly detect custom post types archives - Improvement: Improve Custom Fonts add variation option - Improvement: Improve divider header item (add style and size option) - Fix: Fix search placeholder text - Fix: Fix icon picker, icons where not displayed correctly 2020-12-07 - Improvement: Small improvements for white label 1.7.40: 2020-12-04 - New: Post has taxonomy condition - New: Adjust timezone for hook expiration - New: Typekit fonts in Elementor - New: Add Language Switcher in footer - New: Introduce hook for offcanvas, desktop & mobile - New: White label PRO icon for admin menu - New: Do not apply white label if plan is free - New: White label plugin description - New: Hide freemius account screen when white label active - Improvement: Make Stack columns option responsive in single products - Improvement: Contacts CSS snippet from Widgets extension to theme - Improvement: Properly output Brizy content blocks - Improvement: Improve single product type 2 zoom icon - Fix: Cart offcanvas panel width option - Fix: Avoid having fonts with the same name - Fix: Off-Canvas filter not working on attribute page 2020-12-02 - Improvement: Properly output Brizy content blocks - Fix: Cart offcanvas panel width option 1.7.39: 2020-11-26 - New: Hide current language option for language switcher - New: Implement desktop offcanvas & trigger - New: Offcanvas filter as a sidebar area - New: Add single product share box - New: Add support for variable fonts in Custom Fonts extension - New: New single product layout - Fix: Fix quick view backdrop 1.7.39-beta2: 2020-11-26 - Fix for updates 1.7.39-beta1: 2020-11-26 - New: Hide current language option for language switcher - New: Implement desktop offcanvas & trigger - New: Offcanvas filter as a sidebar area - New: Add single product share box - New: Add support for variable fonts in Custom Fonts extension - New: New single product layout 1.7.38: 2020-11-23 - New: Add expiration date for hooks - New: Add content and comments hooks - New: Add position option for hooks - New: Add logo item in footer - New: Integrate language switcher with TranslatePress plugin - New: Integrate Stackable with custom fonts, Local Google Fonts & Typekit - Improvement: Add warning in Code editor button - Fix: Fix icon picker issue - Fix: Fix contacts element spacing 1.7.38-beta1: 2020-11-20 - New: Add expiration date for hooks - New: Add content and comments hooks - New: Add position option for hooks - New: Add logo item in footer - New: Integrate language switcher with TranslatePress plugin - New: Integrate Stackable with custom fonts, Local Google Fonts & Typekit - Improvement: Add warning in Code editor button - Fix: Fix icon picker issue - Fix: Fix contacts element spacing 1.7.33: 2020-11-14 - Improvement: Content blocks container structure 1.7.33-beta1: 2020-11-13 - Improvement: Content blocks container structure 1.7.32: 2020-11-13 - New: Add search box border radius option - New: Custom Hook option inside dropdown - New: Content Blocks integration with Qubely - Improvement: Gutenberg blocks output in hooks - Improvement: Add content block structure option - Improvement: Add ct-container to 404 content block - Improvement: Show Header/Footer blocks inside html tags with schema org markup - Fix: Fix advanced menu empty state, when no hooks available - Fix: Fix Advanced menu with shortcode inside text area - Fix: Fix Advanced menu when there are no content blocks 1.7.32-beta1: 2020-11-12 - New: Add search box border radius option - New: Custom Hook option inside dropdown - Improvement: Gutenberg blocks output in hooks - Improvement: Add content block structure option - Improvement: Add ct-container to 404 content block - Improvement: Show Header/Footer blocks inside html tags with schema org markup - Fix: Fix advanced menu empty state, when no hooks available - Fix: Fix Advanced menu with shortcode inside text area - Fix: Fix Advanced menu when there are no content blocks