=== Blocksy Companion === Tags: widget, widgets Requires at least: 5.2 Requires PHP: 7.0 Tested up to: 6.5 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Stable tag: 2.0.54 == Description == Blocksy Companion is a plugin that turns Blocksy theme into a powerful Swiss army knife. It runs and adds its enhancements only if the Blocksy theme is installed and active. = Minimum Requirements = * WordPress 5.0 or greater * PHP version 7.0 or greater == Installation == 1. Upload `Blocksy-Companion-version_number.zip` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory and extract. 2. Activate the plugin by going to **Plugins** page in WordPress admin and clicking on **Activate** link. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Why do I need this plugin? = You need this plugin if you are using the Blocksy theme. It gives you the ability to install any starter site and also a lot of additional extensions and features. = How do I use the Blocksy Companion? = After you installed this plugin, just go to the Blocksy dashboard from the top level menu in the WordPress admin area. When you are there, you will be able to see all the awesome extensions that the plugin brings and also the starter sites that are ready to be imported with just a few clicks and get you started in no time. = What do I do if the plugin doesn't work? = If you are using the free version of the plugin, you can post your issue on the support forum of the plugin. In case you have bought the premium version, please reach out to the support [here](https://creativethemes.com/blocksy/support/). = How can I report security bugs? = You can report security bugs through the Patchstack Vulnerability Disclosure Program. The Patchstack team help validate, triage and handle any security vulnerabilities. [Report a security vulnerability.](https://patchstack.com/database/vdp/blocksy-companion) == Changelog == 2.0.54: 2024-06-17 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.53: 2024-06-07 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.52: 2024-06-06 - New: Taxonomies query block - Improvement: Regenerate `global.css` when copying settings from parent or child theme 2.0.51: 2024-05-30 - Improvement: Correctly load JS translations for the Blocksy Companion 2.0.50: 2024-05-24 - Improvement: Ensure required theme version is correctly verified within WP CLI - Improvement: Login to WP dashboard through cPanel WP Toolkit doesn't work 2.0.49: 2024-05-23 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.48: 2024-05-16 - Improvement: Sometimes the demo data cannot be persisted in DB due to some restrictions - Fix: Account dropdown - correctly link Dokan Dashboard item 2.0.47: 2024-05-10 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.46: 2024-05-09 - Improvement: Sanitize all SVG images upon upload into media gallery 2.0.45: 2024-05-03 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.44: 2024-05-03 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.43: 2024-05-02 - Improvement: Account element drop down menu remains open indefinitely if clicked on the element itself - Improvement: Dont allow URLs in region portion of the Mailchimp API Key - Improvement: Enforce year structure of uploads during starter site install - Improvement: Make sure starter sites are correctly installed via WP CLI - Improvement: Respect login_redirect filter in the account modal - Improvement: Starter Site content install step dont pass XML in the request body - Improvement: Starter sites list - better filtering by categories 2.0.42: 2024-04-25 - Improvement: Account header element profile photo support YITH Customize My Account plugin - Improvement: Starter sites installation process improvements 2.0.41: 2024-04-19 - Improvement: Allow multiple instances of newsletter block in same post - Fix: `[blocksy_posts]` shortcode type slider has weird spacing for pills 2.0.40: 2024-04-18 - Improvement: Newsletter Subscribe - add option to make the "name" field mandatory 2.0.39: 2024-04-11 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.38: 2024-04-04 - Improvement: Introduce a WP CLI command for installing a starter site in one step - Improvement: Make sure Product Reviews extension post contents is searchable 2.0.37: 2024-03-29 - Improvement: Correctly generate translation files 2.0.36: 2024-03-29 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.35: 2024-03-28 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.34: 2024-03-28 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.33: 2024-03-21 - Improvement: Add filter functionality to starter sites - Fix: Newsletter block and single subscribe form can't get the custom list ID 2.0.32: 2024-03-15 - Improvement: Correctly escape style attribute in newsletter subscribe block 2.0.31: 2024-03-14 - Fix: `blocksy_posts` shortcode with slider doesn't wrap images inside links 2.0.30: 2024-03-08 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.29: 2024-03-07 - Improvement: Ensure all dashboard AJAX actions are protected with nonces 2.0.28: 2024-02-29 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.27: 2024-02-29 - Improvement: Account header element - overflow issue when email address is very long - Improvement: Display proper label for language conditions - Improvement: Make sure the header account element is getting the correct user role 2.0.26: 2024-02-22 - Fix: PHP Warning when using Multi-Vendor Marketplace Lite plugin and account header element 2.0.25: 2024-02-15 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.24: 2024-02-08 - Improvement: Don't output account modal for logged out users if account is disabled for them - Improvement: Harden the check for blc_maybe_is_ssl() function - Improvement: Introduce a safe sprintf function to avoid errors on translations 2.0.23: 2024-02-01 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.22: 2024-01-25 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.21: 2024-01-20 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.20: 2024-01-19 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.19: 2024-01-18 - New: Header account - option to add a menu inside the dropdown - Improvement: Header account - user info dropdown options improvements 2.0.18: 2024-01-12 - Improvement: Correctly load Flexy styles when blocksy_posts shortcode is used in the slider mode 2.0.17: 2024-01-11 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.16: 2024-01-05 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.15: 2024-01-04 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.14: 2023-12-26 - Improvement: Dont attempt to unslash post meta data upon starter site installation 2.0.13: 2023-12-22 - Improvement: Demo importer - make sure mega menus are imported correctly 2.0.12: 2023-12-21 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.11: 2023-12-15 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.10: 2023-12-14 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.9: 2023-12-12 - Improvement: More reliable check for extensions preboot 2.0.8: 2023-12-08 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.7: 2023-12-07 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.6: 2023-12-06 - Fix: Customizer mode issue if child theme is active 2.0.5: 2023-12-06 - Improvement: Account drop down on mobile is placed out of bounds - Fix: Content Blocks cannot be turned on/off if quick edited 2.0.4: 2023-11-30 - Improvement: Correctly execute pre boot for extensions in the dashboard - Improvement: Introduce Product Taxonomy ID condition rule 2.0.3: 2023-11-29 - Improvement: Account header element under specific settings makes the Customizer break - Fix: Trending posts article font size option doesn't work 2.0.2: 2023-11-27 - Improvement: Correctly load styles for the newsletter subscribe shortcode - Improvement: Ensure extensions pre boot isn't executed on every ajax request 2.0.1: 2023-11-25 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements related to update 2.0.0: 2023-11-24 - New: Convert old legacy widgets to block widgets - New: Dropdown menu for account widget in header - New: Footer builder logo element - add lazy loading attribute to image - New: More integrations for newsletter module (Sendinblue, CampaignMonitor, ConvertKit) - New: New dashboard extensions screen - Improvement: Account modal - integration with Two-Factor plugin - Improvement: Account modal - use core registration if WooCommerce registration is disabled - Improvement: Automatically load Google analytics on cookies notice approve - Improvement: Performance - Faster PHP classes autoloader - Improvement: Performance - Smarter load extensions CSS files (only when extensions is activated and present on a page) - Improvement: Prefix CSS variables in order to not conflict with other plugins - Fix: Prevent errors on SVG's size calculation 2.0.0-beta26: 2023-10-25 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta25: 2023-10-06 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta24: 2023-10-06 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta23: 2023-09-29 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta22: 2023-09-22 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta21: 2023-09-15 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta20: 2023-09-08 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta19: 2023-09-01 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta18: 2023-08-28 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta17: 2023-08-25 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta16: 2023-08-18 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta15: 2023-08-11 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta14: 2023-08-04 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta13: 2023-07-28 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta12: 2023-07-21 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta11: 2023-07-14 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta10: 2023-07-07 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta9: 2023-06-30 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta8: 2023-06-23 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta7: 2023-06-16 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta6: 2023-05-26 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta5: 2023-05-26 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta4: 2023-05-17 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.0-beta3: 2023-05-12 - New: Convert old legacy widgets to block widgets - New: Dropdown menu for account widget in header - New: More integrations for newsletter module (Sendinblue & CampaignMonitor) - New: New dashboard extensions screen - Improvement: Account modal - use core registration if WooCommerce registration is disabled 1.9.11: 2023-11-09 - Improvement: Better compatibility with WordPress 6.4 1.9.10: 2023-11-02 - Fix: Account `blocksy_get_avatar_url()` issue 1.9.9: 2023-11-02 - Improvement: Comments privacy policy link is not inheriting "Privacy page" option from dashboard 1.9.8: 2023-10-12 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.9.7: 2023-09-28 - Fix: Posts widget gets corrupted if we select "no thumbnails" 1.9.6: 2023-09-21 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.9.5: 2023-09-14 - Improvement: Conditions module bump limit of 500 users - Improvement: Improve rounding logic in sticky shrink logic to better handle fractional header heights 1.9.4: 2023-09-07 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.9.3: 2023-08-31 - Improvement: Demo importer better handle WooCommerce imports 1.9.2: 2023-08-24 - Improvement: Cookies consent button type 1.9.1: 2023-08-17 - Improvement: Trending posts module - more color and typography options - Improvement: Correctly display of loading spinner in account modal 1.9.0: 2023-08-10 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.99: 2023-08-09 - Improvement: Better scoping of taxonomies in blocksy_posts shortcode while filtering - Improvement: Contact element - shortcode support in link field - Fix: Import/export options disappear if UI Press Lite plugin is active 1.8.98: 2023-07-27 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.97: 2023-07-19 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.96: 2023-07-13 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.95: 2023-07-05 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.94: 2023-06-29 - Improvement: Correctly install and activate Blocksy theme from Companion 1.8.93: 2023-06-22 - Improvement: Ensure account logout action is not broken by WPML 1.8.92: 2023-06-14 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.91: 2023-06-12 - Improvement: Don't perform HTTP JSON request in order to retrieve Google Fonts list - Improvement: Do not allow bypassing comment form if privacy policy is not accepted 1.8.90: 2023-06-03 - Improvement: Proper detection of Blocksy theme in customizer 1.8.89: 2023-06-01 - Improvement: Better minimal theme version check flow 1.8.88: 2023-05-25 - Fix: Socials widget label issue 1.8.87: 2023-05-18 - Improvement: Starter site custom CSS avoid clashes with Elementor default Kit 1.8.86: 2023-05-11 - Improvement: Account Show Password icon does not work on WooCommerce pages 1.8.85: 2023-05-04 - Improvement: Add autocomplete attribute to account modal input fields 1.8.84: 2023-04-20 - Improvement: Sticky header increased height calculation for widget area - Improvement: Better display logic for taxonomy IDs condition - Improvement: Shortcode support in header account label option - Fix: Account modal -> registration -> eye icon to show password typed doesn't work 1.8.83: 2023-04-13 - Fix: Account modal `login page` string issue 1.8.82: 2023-04-06 - Improvement: Include only public posts for the query in the blocksy_posts shortcode 1.8.81: 2023-03-30 - Improvement: Account modal don't repeat email field ID - Improvement: Smarter loading of Dokan scripts for the registration modal - Improvement: Account modal header element shortcode support in "custom link" option 1.8.80: 2023-03-27 - Improvement: Compatibility with WordPress 6.2 - Improvement: Never expose real login url in the account modal - Improvement: Header account element label not translatable via "String translations" (WPML) - Fix: Newsletter module text color option not applying correctly 1.8.79: 2023-03-16 - Fix: Account modal some strings where not translatable 1.8.78: 2023-03-09 - Improvement: Prefix XML parser class to not clash with other plugins - Improvement: Correctly extract SVG sizes in blocksy_image function 1.8.77: 2023-03-02 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.76: 2023-02-23 - Improvement: Better detection of user and CPT conditions 1.8.75: 2023-02-15 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.74: 2023-02-15 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.73: 2023-02-09 - Improvement: Integrate B2B market with account modal - Improvement: Newsletter subscribe extensions retrieve correctly all subscribers lists - Improvement: More robust import of XML post data in starter sites 1.8.72: 2023-02-02 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.71: 2023-01-26 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.70: 2023-01-26 - Improvement: Smarter handling of login links in the account modal - Improvement: Small improvement for filter argument in posts shortcode - Improvement: Dont trigger WooCommerce actions in account modal when it is not active - Improvement: Add image size option to posts widget 1.8.69: 2023-01-20 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.68: 2023-01-20 - Improvement: Escape class attr for blocksy_posts shortcode - Improvement: Introduce filter for controlling obfuscation process in the contacts link item 1.8.67: 2023-01-19 - Improvement: Ensure admin_body_class filter is called correctly - Improvement: Earlier computation of trending posts results - Improvement: Pass meta_value and meta_key fields to the blocksy_posts shortcode query 1.8.66: 2023-01-11 - Improvement: Better header sticky calculation with very high elements in the rows - Fix: Negative margin should not break sticky header calculations 1.8.65: 2022-12-29 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.64: 2022-12-28 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.63: 2022-12-22 - Improvement: Correctly re-apply sticky container height in customizer - Improvement: Don't output widgets heading tag if title is empty 1.8.62: 2022-12-15 - Improvement: More reliable checking of taxonomy in conditions manager 1.8.61: 2022-12-09 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.60: 2022-12-08 - Improvement: Correctly output sticky row background image on responsive devices - Improvement: Better calculation for sticky shrink on responsive devices 1.8.59: 2022-11-24 - Improvement: Better handle the integration with Nextend Social plugin and account modal 1.8.58: 2022-11-17 - Improvement: Correct redirect to dashboard on plugin activation - Fix: Trending posts taxonomy relationship 1.8.57: 2022-11-10 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.56: 2022-11-04 - Improvement: Sticky header shrink with border correctly position floating cart - Improvement: Better logic for simple XML svg parsing 1.8.55: 2022-11-03 - Improvement: XML strategy for SVG dimensions when simple xml is absent - Improvement: Correctly recalculate sticky position on page resize 1.8.54: 2022-10-27 - Improvement: Sticky header makes floating cart cut off under some specific circumstances - Improvement: Ensure special characters in localize data is correctly sanitized - Improvement: Better integration with Dokan plugin and account modal extension 1.8.53: 2022-10-20 - Improvement: Account modal show password strength in Sign Up tab - Fix: Cookies consent decline button is not translatable 1.8.52: 2022-10-13 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.51: 2022-10-07 - Improvement: Account modal - add show/hide password button in password field - Fix: Double captcha appears on register modal 1.8.49: 2022-09-22 - Improvement: Better schema.org output for product reviews price and currency 1.8.47: 2022-09-15 - Improvement: Don't print html tags in OpenGraph output - Improvement: Account modal integration with German Market plugin - Improvement: Correctly add lostpassword_url action in account modal 1.8.46: 2022-08-18 - Improvement: Subscribe form small accessibility improvement - Improvement: More reliable integration between header account and Nextend Social Login plugin - Fix: Enabling header row sticky state border breaks the sticky state shrink 1.8.45: 2022-08-04 - Improvement: Widgets strings - better compatibility with translation plugins 1.8.44: 2022-07-27 - Improvement: Better calculate sticky top position when auto-hide effect is used - Improvement: Better handling of conditions module when Blocksy is not active 1.8.43: 2022-07-26 - Improvement: Allow picking individual author archives in conditions module - Improvement: Account modal incorrect overflow on smaller screens 1.8.42: 2022-07-14 - Fix: Account modal breaks if dismissed previously 1.8.41: 2022-07-08 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.40: 2022-07-07 - Improvement: Update translation files 1.8.38: 2022-07-07 - Improvement: Icons for the footer contacts element now respect the column alignment - Improvement: Newsletter subscribe form has better compatibility with accessibility apps - Fix: Contacts footer element icons now show up correctly 1.8.37: 2022-06-28 - Improvement: Account register form better handle when Dokan plugin is active - Improvement: Correct calculation of SVG dimensions during the demo import process 1.8.36: 2022-06-21 - Improvement: Automatically reset minified CSS/JS files from WPRocket after update 1.8.35: 2022-06-20 - Improvement: Add custom class argument to `blocksy_posts` shortcode - Improvement: Display conditions module - search functionality 1.8.34: 2022-06-03 - Improvement: Better handling of empty rows in the sticky logic - Improvement: Add loading indicator in account modal for all actions - Improvement: Correctly open account modal when trigger is in offcanvas 1.8.33: 2022-05-25 - Improvement: Stabilize individual post selection in the conditional module 1.8.32: 2022-05-20 - Improvement: Sync for row shrink in sticky header 1.8.31: 2022-05-11 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.30: 2022-05-11 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.29: 2022-05-10 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.27: 2022-04-22 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.26: 2022-04-21 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.26-beta2: 2022-04-20 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.25: 2022-04-08 - Improvement: Solidify usage of classes from Blocksy theme - Improvement: More robust widgets handling in options importer 1.8.24: 2022-04-07 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.23: 2022-04-07 - Improvement: Smarter loading of the account modal - Improvement: More robust data parsing in options import/export module - Improvement: Simpler customizer load in CLI commands 1.8.22: 2022-03-25 - Fix: Blocksy posts shortcode respect pagination 1.8.21: 2022-03-23 - Fix: Blocksy posts shortcode affected by pagination if two loops are present on the same page 1.8.20: 2022-03-01 - Fix: Header row shrink does not work when set to boxed layout - Fix: Cookies consent modal tabindex issue 1.8.19: 2022-02-18 - Improvement: Do not load all users in conditions to avoid memory limit hits - Improvement: Remove focus lock from cookies consent popup 1.8.18: 2022-02-16 - Improvement: Account modal better compatibility with All In One WP Security plugin - Improvement: Cookies consent popup focus lock - Improvement: Integration with CAPTCHA 4WP in account modal 1.8.17: 2022-01-21 - Improvement: Product reviews image aspect ratio filter - Improvement: Customizer export/import module improvement - Improvement: Demo content importer module improvement - Fix: Account modal does not pop up, if account element is in off canvas menu 1.8.17-beta13: 2022-01-19 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.16: 2021-12-29 - Improvement: Handle account modal opened from offcanvas menu - Improvement: Login modal markup improvements - Improvement: Quote widget avatar image output 1.8.15: 2021-12-24 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.14: 2021-12-24 - Fix: Account modal correctly compute current page URL 1.8.13: 2021-12-18 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.12: 2021-12-17 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.11: 2021-12-16 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.10: 2021-12-15 - Improvement: Account modal accessibility improvement - Improvement: Account modal default color values - Improvement: Account modal correct input label - Fix: My account element custom label strings are not added to the WPML - Fix: Header -> Account element doesn't update the "Customiser state" text 1.8.10-beta1: 2021-12-10 - Improvement: Account modal accessibility improvement - Improvement: Account modal default color values - Improvement: Account modal correct input label - Fix: My account element custom label strings are not added to the WPML - Fix: Header -> Account element doesn't update the "Customiser state" text 2021-11-26 - Improvement: Account header element add visibility option for logged in/out users - Improvement: Update sticky header on browser resize 2021-11-18 - Improvement: Account modal add nonce check for login, lostpassword and register forms - Improvement: A11Y - title markup for header SVG icons 2021-11-16 - Improvement: Better calculation for logo shrink in sticky header 2021-11-16 - New: Integrate account header element with iThemes Security 2021-10-27 - Improvement: Update plugin text domain from blc to blocksy-companion - Improvement: Product reviews extension add `rel="sponsored"` attribute option - Fix: Product Reviews title does not show up 2021-10-21 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2021-10-20 - New: User condition for post author - Improvement: Custom post types taxonomy condition per taxonomy - Improvement: Allow shortcode in widgets (About Me, Quote, Contact Info) - Improvement: Allow shortcode in contacts header element - Improvement: Newsletter subscribe extension design options - Improvement: Product reviews extensions entity option - Improvement: Demo importer better detect plugin dependencies - Improvement: Posts widget update comments translation strings 2021-10-19 - Improvement: Allow shortcode in widgets (About Me, Quote, Contact Info) - Improvement: Allow shortcode in contacts header element - Improvement: Newsletter subscribe extension design options - Improvement: Demo importer better detect plugin dependencies - Improvement: Posts widget update comments translation strings 2021-10-01 - Improvement: Account header element aria-label attribute 2021-09-30 - New: Trending posts module title option to change wrapper tag 1.8.9: 2021-09-21 - Improvement: Customizer export/import functionality 2021-09-17 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2021-09-14 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2021-09-09 - New: Product reviews extension add Review Entity option 2021-09-07 - Improvement: Product reviews extension schema org markup 2021-09-03 - Improvement: Better check for current language in conditions module 2021-08-31 - Improvement: Proper image attachment id default 2021-08-30 - Improvement: Block widgets and legacy widgets integration - Improvement: Post reviews extension schema org markup - Improvement: Social widget add nofollow option - Fix: Upon deactivation of companion pro and selecting contact support, it shows a restricted webpage 2021-08-23 - New: Schema org markup for product reviews - Fix: Handle missing plugin in starter sites installer 1.8.8: 2021-08-20 - New: Random order for posts widget - Fix: Trending module products category source - Fix: Header account items label position - Fix: WP Optimize clean caches correctly 1.8.8-beta7: 2021-08-17 - Fix: Header account items label position - Fix: WP Optimize clean caches correctly 2021-08-02 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2021-07-30 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2021-07-29 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2021-07-28 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2021-07-26 - Improvement: Properly compute current url for lazy loaded account html 2021-07-23 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.7: 2021-07-22 - New: Account modal inputs border and background color options - Improvement: Allow opening account modal from custom places with a specific initial view 1.8.7-beta6: 2021-07-16 - New: Account modal inputs border and background color options - Improvement: Allow opening account modal from custom places with a specific initial view 1.8.7-beta4: 2021-07-08 - New: Account modal inputs border and background color options 2021-06-24 - Improvement: Add CSRF nonce check for customizer importer 2021-06-16 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2021-06-11 - New: Trending posts extension custom module label option - New: Integration with Simple Custom Post Order plugin - New: Implement filter for blocksy posts shortcode wp query args - New: Header account item redirect URL filter - Improvement: More options for the trending posts block - Fix: Social widget alignment when inside footer column 2021-06-09 - New: Integration with Simple Custom Post Order plugin - New: Implement filter for blocksy posts shortcode wp query args - New: Header account item redirect URL filter - Improvement: More options for the trending posts block - Fix: Social widget alignment when inside footer column 2021-05-12 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.6: 2021-05-11 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.6-beta1: 2021-05-07 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.5: 2021-05-01 - Fix: Correctly clean SiteGround caches 1.8.4: 2021-05-01 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.0: 2021-04-28 - New: Account custom link pass through WPML - New: Ratio option for Advertisement widget - New: Header transparent/sticky condition filter - New: Implement PolyLang, TranslatePress and WPML conditions - Improvement: Starter sites improvements - Improvement: Product reviews affiliate link - target option - Improvement: Account element - sign up functionality compatibility with WooCommerce - Improvement: Starter site importer minor improvements - Fix: Correctly initialise widgets in customizer - Fix: Don't look at current screen when inserting sticky CSS - Fix: Product reviews extension featured image - Fix: Sticky header issue when logo has margin 1.8.0-beta6: 2021-04-23 - New: Implement PolyLang, TranslatePress and WPML conditions - Improvement: Starter sites improvements 2021-04-09 - New: Account custom link pass through WPML - New: Ratio option for Advertisement widget - New: Header transparent/sticky condition filter - New: Implement PolyLang and WPML conditions - Improvement: Product reviews affiliate link - target option - Improvement: Account element - sign up functionality compatibility with WooCommerce - Improvement: Starter site importer minor improvements - Fix: Correctly initialise widgets in customizer - Fix: Don't look at current screen when inserting sticky CSS - Fix: Product reviews extension featured image - Fix: Sticky header issue when logo has margin 2021-04-06 - New: Account custom link pass through WPML - New: Ratio option for Advertisement widget - New: Header transparent/sticky condition filter - New: Implement PolyLang and WPML conditions - Improvement: Product reviews affiliate link - target option - Improvement: Account element - sign up functionality compatibility with WooCommerce - Improvement: Starter site importer minor improvements - Fix: Correctly initialise widgets in customizer - Fix: Don't look at current screen when inserting sticky CSS - Fix: Product reviews extension featured image - Fix: Sticky header issue when logo has margin 2021-04-01 - New: Account custom link pass through WPML - New: Ratio option for Advertisement widget - New: Header transparent/sticky condition filter - New: Implement PolyLang and WPML conditions - Improvement: Product reviews affiliate link - target option - Improvement: Account element register tab and WooCommerce - Improvement: Starter site importer minor improvements - Fix: Correctly initialise widgets in customizer - Fix: Don't look at current screen when inserting sticky CSS - Fix: Product reviews extension featured image - Fix: Sticky header issue when logo has margin 1.7.63: 2021-02-24 - Improvement: Cookies consent extension use SameSite=Lax in cookies - Fix: Correctly order scripts in trending and cookies consent 1.7.62: 2021-02-23 - Fix: Dashboard JavaScript fixes 1.7.61: 2021-02-23 - Fix: Dashboard JavaScript fixes 1.7.60: 2021-02-22 - Improvement: Refactor account header element - Fix: Account element custom link 2021-02-20 - Improvement: Refactor account header element - Fix: Freemius optin screen - Fix: Account element custom link 1.7.59: 2021-02-16 - Improvement: Introduce slider view to blocksy_posts shortcode - Improvement: Introduce exclude_term_ids in blocksy_posts shortcode 1.7.58: 2021-02-11 - Fix: Demo importer Brizy handling 1.7.57: 2021-02-09 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.7.56: 2021-02-07 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.7.55: 2021-02-07 - New: Allow multiple post_type entries in blocksy_posts shortcode - Improvement: Correctly handle images export/import in customizer - Improvement: WooCommerce: 3 new mini-cart icons - Fix: Account header element avatar size 2021-02-02 - New: Allow multiple post_type entries in blocksy_posts shortcode - Improvement: Correctly handle images export/import in customizer - Improvement: WooCommerce: 3 new mini-cart icons 1.7.54: 2021-01-28 - Improvement: Improve search box when it is placed inside the middle column - Improvement: Flush permalinks after starter site install finish 1.7.53: 2021-01-26 - New: Newsletter widget - add boxed and default container style - Improvement: WooCommerce: improve mini cart colors - Improvement: WooCommerce: Floating cart scroll logic for single product 1.7.52: 2021-01-25 - New: Add term filtering for blocksy_posts shortcode 1.7.51: 2021-01-24 - Improvement: Header: Account element use user display name instead of username - Improvement: Floating cart take sticky header height into account 1.7.50: 2021-01-24 - Fix: Demo importer: Allow nav menu items of type post_type_archive - Fix: Allow sideloading SVG images 1.7.49: 2021-01-23 - New: Account element: add AJAX functionality - New: Account element: add support for social login plugins - New: Account element: Improve logged in/out state - New: Filter for `blocksy_output_companion_notice()` - New: Product Reviews extension - New: blocksy_posts shortcode with customizer options inherit - Improvement: Search box text colors - Fix: Fix sticky effect glitch (fade and slide effects) - Fix: Improve auto show/hide sticky header - Fix: Fix multiple file-saver instances on the same page conflict - Fix: Starter sites importer fix for PHP8 - Fix: Resolve caching plugins problem with cookie consent 2021-01-19 - New: Filter for `blocksy_output_companion_notice()` - Improvement: Search box text colors - Fix: Fix sticky effect glitch (fade and slide effects) - Fix: Improve auto show/hide sticky header - Fix: Fix multiple file-saver instances on the same page conflict 1.7.47: 2021-01-05 - Improvement: Export/Import for current Elementor Kit 1.7.46: 2020-12-31 - Fix: Issue with affiliate marketing template 1.7.45: 2020-12-31 - New: Add affiliate marketing extension - New: Add option to export widgets settings - Fix: Fix account element colors sync not working 1.7.44: 2020-12-28 - New: Author box new social profiles: Pinterest, WordPress, GitHub, Medium, YouTube, Vimeo, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, TikTok - Improvement: Allow all declared taxonomies in conditions - Improvement: Improve WooCommerce banner position 1.7.43: 2020-12-25 - New: Customizer import/export - Improvement: Shrink logo functionality doesn't work when sticky header is set to Auto Hide/Show 1.7.42: 2020-12-21 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2020-12-21 - Fix: Fix freeze for icon picker option 1.7.41: 2020-12-18 - New: Sticky header new behavior (scroll down -> hide header, scroll top -> show header - Fix: Don't show Config buttons if the extension is not activated 2020-12-15 - New: Sticky header new behavior (scroll down -> hide header, scroll top -> show header - Fix: Don't show Config buttons if the extension is not activated 2020-12-07 - Improvement: Sticky calculation logic 1.7.40: 2020-12-04 - New: Add ratio option in Posts widget 2020-12-02 - Improvement: Various changes across multiple components 1.7.39: 2020-11-26 - Improvement: Various changes across multiple components 1.7.38: 2020-11-23 - Improvement: Conditions position improvement - Improvement: Caching plugins logic 1.7.38-beta1: 2020-11-20 - Improvement: Conditions position improvement - Improvement: Caching plugins logic 1.7.37: 2020-11-20 - Improvement: General improvement 1.7.36: 2020-11-20 - Improvement: implement beta updates delivery 1.7.35: 2020-11-14 - Fix: Minor issue 1.7.34: 2020-11-14 - Fix: Minor issue 1.7.33: 2020-11-14 - Fix: Minor issues 1.7.32: 2020-11-13 - Fix: Show "Global Header" not default - Fix: Show which footer is customized 1.7.32-beta1: 2020-11-12 - Fix: Show "Global Header" not default - Fix: Show which footer is customized 1.7.31: 2020-11-06 - Improvement: Insignificant improvements & fixes 1.7.30: 2020-11-06 - Improvement: Various changes 1.7.29: 2020-11-05 - Improvement: Cleanup ShortPixel CDN CSS Cache on dynamic CSS regeneration - Fix: Header sticky shrink with missing middle row 1.7.28: 2020-11-03 - Fix: Correctly check for logo presence in sticky 1.7.27: 2020-11-03 - Improvement: Contacts widget icons - Improvement: Header sticky shrink for logo 1.7.27-beta1: 2020-11-03 - Improvement: Contacts widget icons - Improvement: Header sticky shrink for logo 1.7.26: 2020-10-22 - New: Add ability to duplicate items in Contacts widget - Improvement: Floating bar RTL support - Improvement: Allow Contacts widget address bar to accept html 1.7.25: 2020-10-09 - New: Custom post types in conditions - Fix: Transparent/sticky colors for Account element - Fix: Quick view variable products 1.7.25-beta1: 2020-10-05 - New: Custom post types in conditions 1.7.24: 2020-09-28 - Improvement: Add Magyar translations - Improvement: Floating cart validator issue - Improvement: Remove minified css/js after update for WP Fastest Cache 1.7.23: 2020-09-18 - New: Add color option for close account modal button - Improvement: Add Hummingbird plugin to clear cache plugin list - Improvement: Header Account item transparent state color - Improvement: Avoid redirect to dashboard when activating Companion - Improvement: Add Swift Performance plugin to clear cache plugin list - Improvement: Add SG Optimizer - plugin to clear cache plugin list - Improvement: Widgets CSS improvements - Fix: Floating cart validations - Fix: Load CSS in Customizer correctly for Gutenberg 1.7.23-beta3: 2020-09-18 - Improvement: Widgets CSS improvements 1.7.23-beta2: 2020-09-16 - New: Add color option for close account modal button - Improvement: Add SG Optimizer - plugin to clear cache plugin list - Fix: Floating cart validations 1.7.23-beta1: 2020-09-07 - Improvement: Add Hummingbird plugin to clear cache plugin list - Improvement: Header Account item transparent state color - Improvement: Avoid redirect to dashboard when activating Companion - Improvement: Add Swift Performance plugin to clear cache plugin list - Fix: Load CSS in Customizer correctly for Gutenberg 1.7.22: 2020-08-24 - Improvement: Auto-regenerate Dynamic CSS after update - Improvement: Sticky header + floating cart 1.7.21: 2020-08-20 - Fix: More fixes for transparent header 1.7.20: 2020-08-20 - Fix: Transparent header logic 1.7.19: 2020-08-20 - New: Demo importer integration with Brizy - Improvement: Avoid inline dynamic CSS - Improvement: Better Header Builder integration - Improvement: Header account element - Fix: Customizer missing Cookies consent options 1.7.19-beta1: 2020-08-13 - Improvement: Avoid inline dynamic CSS - Improvement: Better Header Builder integration - Improvement: Header account element - Fix: Fix Customizer missing Cookies consent options 1.7.18: 2020-07-27 - Improvement: Companion smarter detection for Blocksy theme - Improvement: Floating cart on out of stock 1.7.18-beta2: 2020-07-24 - Fix: Call missing functions correctly 1.7.18-beta1: 2020-07-24 - Improvement: Companion smarter detection for Blocksy theme - Improvement: Floating cart on out of stock 1.7.17: 2020-07-20 - Improvement: Account header item hooks - Improvement: Floating cart disable hooks - Fix: Elementor starter site importer handle _elementor_data 1.7.16: 2020-07-20 - Improvement: Contacts widget improvements - Fix: WP Optimize cache cleaner 1.7.16-beta1: 2020-07-18 - Improvement: Contacts widget improvements 1.7.15: 2020-07-14 - Improvement: Demo importer small improvements 1.7.14: 2020-07-13 - Improvement: Quick view popup display on mobile devices - Improvement: Clear Litespeed & WP Optimize caches on update - Improvement: Quick view integration with Woocommerce Custom Product Addons - Improvement: WCAG issues with Advertisement widget - Improvement: Update translations files 1.7.14-beta2: 2020-07-13 - Improvement: Update translations files - Fix: Quick view build problems 1.7.14-beta1: 2020-07-10 - Improvement: Quick view popup display on mobile devices - Improvement: Clear Litespeed & WP Optimize caches on update - Improvement: Quick view integration with Woocommerce Custom Product Addons - Improvement: WCAG issues with Advertisement widget 1.7.13: 2020-07-04 - Fix: Add cookie consent via action 1.7.12: 2020-07-03 - New: Add Quick View open options - Improvement: Simpler flow for transparent header - Fix: Posts widget count option - Fix: Correct handling of transparent header conditions - Fix: EDD for theme beta 1.7.12-beta3: 2020-07-02 - Fix: EDD for theme beta 1.7.12-beta2: 2020-06-30 - New: Add Quick View open options - Improvement: Simpler flow for transparent header 1.7.12-beta1: 2020-06-30 - Fix: Posts widget count option - Fix: Correct handling of transparent header conditions 1.7.11: 2020-06-26 - New: Trending Block Custom Post Types - Improvement: Account header element - Fix: Properly import _elementor_data - Fix: Demo installer compatibility with WP importer - Fix: Update POT file 1.7.11-beta1: 2020-06-22 - Fix: Demo installer compatibility with WP importer 1.7.10: 2020-06-19 - Fix: Properly import _elementor_data 1.7.10-beta1: 2020-06-17 - Fix: Properly import _elementor_data - Fix: Update POT file 1.7.9: 2020-06-12 - Improvement: Account element - Fix: Handle Elementor imports - Fix: Posts widget post_source reference 1.7.9-beta2: 2020-06-09 - Improvement: Account element - Fix: Handle Elementor imports 1.7.9-beta1: 2020-06-01 - Fix: Posts widget post_source reference 1.7.8: 2020-05-28 - New: Beta updates system - Improvement: Header account element - Improvement: Improve demo import attachments on multisite 1.7.7: 2020-05-22 - Improvement: Better support for SVG 1.7.6: 2020-05-21 - Improvement: Notify when connection to demo.ct.com is not fine - Fix: UTF-8 charset for demo import streamer - Fix: Mailchimp JSONP error - Fix: Make sure the demo importer changes elementor CSS to reference proper URLs - Fix: OG tags for non-single pages 1.7.5: 2020-04-23 - Fix: Proper check for missing extensions 1.7.4: 2020-04-22 - New: Transparent Header with conditions - Improvement: Mailchimp Widget handle GDPR fields - Improvement: Floating cart change scroll observe by add to cart button 1.7.3: 2020-04-10 - Improvement: Posts widget meta date - Improvement: Minor code improvements 1.7.2: 2020-04-03 - Improvement: Posts widget with post type, excerpt, custom query - Improvement: About Me widget image size option - Fix: Mailchimp widget submit without js - Fix: WooCommerce ratio option on import 1.7.1: 2020-03-26 - New: Add Opengraph meta data option - New: Add alignment & image size option for About Me widget - Improvement: Refactor Mailchimp extension to better support RTL - Fix: Themes Live Preview with Blocksy active 1.7.0: 2020-03-09 - Fix: Calendar widget issue - Fix: Don't include sticky posts in Posts widget with custom query - Fix: Quote widget inside sidebar with separated widgets - Fix: Subscribe form allow html in content 1.6.7: 2020-01-30 - New: Posts widget - add custom option to add posts by ID - Improvement: No longer require `allow_url_fopen` on demo install 1.6.6: 2020-01-17 - Fix: Instagram section sync - Improvement: Widgets options cleanup 1.6.5: 2020-01-17 - Fix: Critical bug that impeded updates to be received by EDD 1.6.4: 2020-01-16 - Improvement: Update to latest Freemius SDK - Fix: Properly check for plugin field in update action 1.6.3: 2019-12-29 - Improvement: Generate dynamic css on theme update - Improvement: Small styles adjustments 1.6.2: 2019-12-27 - Improvement: Move Instagram settings in extension screen - Improvement: `allow_url_fopen` notification in demos screen - Improvement: Quote smaller image size - Improvement: Better social icons handling in widgets - Improvement: On demo install finish, regenerate dynamic CSS files - Improvement: On demo install finish, purge all caches 1.6.1: 2019-11-28 - New: Instagram custom transient timeout - New: Post metabox switch for disabling subscribe form - Fix: Dynamic css file proper url scheme - Fix: Woo floating bar styles 1.6.0: 2019-11-22 - New: Add new social networks - Improvement: Enqueue global.css only in frontend - Improvement: Posts widget enhancements - Improvement: Posts widget put image and title in the same anchor tag 1.5.9: 2019-11-13 - New: Add new social icons - Improvement: Support for WordPress 5.3 1.5.8: 2019-11-07 - New: Implement Mailchimp AJAX submit - Fix: Instagram widget do not output empty images withour `src` - Fix: Properly load dinamic styles for floating cart - Fix: Validation error with attrs spacing 1.5.7: 2019-11-02 - Fix: Always parent theme check 1.5.6: 2019-11-01 - New: Add `wp-editor` for cookies content boxes - New: Xing social network - New: Implement dynamic CSS output in files - Improvement: Quote widget option for disabling author label - Improvement: Posts widget handling for category - Fix: Demo install SSL issue - Fix: Quick View modal add to cart button is not working 1.5.5: 2019-10-18 - New: Floating cart for products - Improvement: Deactivate demo plugins on demo uninstall - Improvement: Scope companion to sites, not whole network - Improvement: Add theme minimum supported version - Fix: Enable Woo wizzard back 1.5.4: 2019-10-10 - New: Improved content importer for demo install - New: Modify demo install screen - Improvement: Customizer sync helpers for handling `CT_CSS_SKIP_RULEDEFAULT` 1.5.3: 2019-10-02 - Fix: Properly access global classes inside namespace 1.5.2: 2019-10-01 - New: Clear cache on theme and plugin update - New: Add shadow for Mailchimp form - Improvement: Change class of the panel 1.5.1: 2019-09-24 - Improvement: Better animations for quick view modal 1.5.0: 2019-09-20 - New: Compatibility with Blocksy 1.5.0 - Improvement: Better handling for social icons - Improvement: Support for responsive color picker 1.1.8: 2019-08-20 - Fix: Remove Google+ social network - Fix: Scripts loading order, makes sure `ct-events` are always present 1.1.7: 2019-08-12 - New: Mailchimp extension customizable placeholders for fields - Improvement: Use only one translation domain 1.1.6: 2019-08-05 - Improvement: Move user meta social networks from theme - Fix: Small fixes in styles 1.1.5: 2019-08-01 - New: Option for changing cookies consent on forms - Fix: `blocksy_get_colors()` call with proper defaults - Fix: Do not focus on quantity field on quick view open - Fix: Initialize quick view on infinite scroll load 1.1.4: 2019-07-15 - Fix: Quick view UI when not in Shop - Fix: Cookie Notice readme for WP Fastest Cache 1.1.3: 2019-07-10 - Fix: Demo install process avoid notices 1.1.2: 2019-07-05 - Improvement: Add RSS social network to About me - Fix: About me widget socials 1.1.1: 2019-06-30 - Fix: Proper capabilities check for extensions API 1.1.0: 2019-06-27 - New: Demo Install Engine 1.0.11: 2019-06-18 - New: Author widget - New: Quote widget - New: About me widget - New: Facebook Like box widget - Improvement: Highlight Blocksy widgets and reorder - Improvement: Shorten Instagram transients period - Improvement: Instagram add clear caches button - Improvement: Type option on posts widget 1.0.10: 2019-06-05 - Improvement: Dashboard visual changes - Fix: Properly enqueue Elementor CSS - Fix: Instagram images glitch when lazy load is disabled 1.0.9: 2019-05-23 - New: Introduce a way for extensions to run code on activation and deactivation - Improvement: Cookie notification integration with W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache and WP Rocket - Improvement: Better way to translate content in JSX - Fix: Jetpack and Gutenberg interfering with `print_footer_scripts` hook 1.0.8: 2019-05-20 - New: WooCommerce Extra extension with Quick View button for products - New: Add changelog for companion plugin in dashboard - Improvement: Disable Read Progress Bar from pages - Improvement: Improve readme.txt output for plugin updates 1.0.7: 2019-05-11 - Improvement: Move Mailchimp in footer 1.0.6: 2019-05-11 - Improvement: Use WP's global React and ReactDOM - Improvement: Include gulpfile.js and package.json files in the final build 1.0.5: 2019-05-10 - New: EDD Integration 1.0.4: 2019-05-09 - Fix: Read progress bar check for els presence - Fix: Small fixes for Instagram block - Fix: Proper lazy load attributes for sync logic 1.0.3: 2019-05-02 - New: Checkbox for consent - Improvement: Tested with WordPress 5.2 - Improvement: Support Blocksy child themes variations 1.0.2: 2019-05-01 - New: Google Analytics script - New: Instagram extension with block and widget - New: Allow SVG uploads - New: Read Progress extension - New: Mailchimp subscribe extension - New: Cookies consent extension - New: Elementor Columns Fix switch 1.0.1: 2019-04-11 - Improvement: Instagram widget text & defaults changes - Fix: Remove `gz` files from build 1.0.0: 2019-04-10 - New: Initial Release