2.0.54: 2024-06-17
- Improvement: Ensure all assets are loaded correctly in the customizer preview
2.0.53: 2024-06-07
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
2.0.52: 2024-06-06
- Improvement: Better scope `[related_products]` shortcode css when slider mode is enabled
- Improvement: Card image border radius is not applied if image is the only child of the container
- Improvement: Core paragraph blocks are not editable in customizer widget area option type
- Improvement: Correctly position breadcrumb arrows/separators in RTL mode
- Improvement: Make sure `
` nested lists respect hierarchy icons
- Improvement: Search live results - introduce request throttle
2.0.51: 2024-05-30
- Improvement: Advanced Search live results dropdown - `z-index` issue with various core Gutenberg blocks
- Improvement: Correctly escape custom URLs in the social box
- Improvement: Litespeed's lazy loading mechanism causes wrong image to be placed in the lightbox
- Improvement: Page title correctly apply "woocommerce_page_title" filter
2.0.50: 2024-05-24
- Improvement: Better check author avatar presence in WooCommerce account page
- Fix: Post cards spacing issue on title element
2.0.49: 2024-05-23
- Improvement: Add bottom spacing option for archive post layers
- Improvement: Better accessibility for header menu dropdown trigger
- Improvement: Better handle custom post types inside search through criteria functionality
- Improvement: Better integration with JetFormBuilder plugin
- Improvement: Correctly output the border property for buttons in editor
- Improvement: Do not apply theme form customizations on CartFlows quantity input
- Improvement: Move theme blocks to companion plugin - phase 1
- Improvement: Search modal - more consistent input event handling
- Fix: Header cart element - after adding something to the cart the link is not clickable
- Fix: Off canvas horizontal alignment for sub menu items does not respect mobile setting if tablet has been changed
- Fix: Small issue with breadcrumbs separator
2.0.48: 2024-05-16
- Improvement: Better integration with BuddyBoss User Blog plugin and Post Navigation module
- Improvement: Correctly escape output in dynamic data block links
- Improvement: Correctly retrieve current language for WPML
- Improvement: Header menu type 1 - add option to set spacing between `li` elements
- Improvement: Make sure all single product elements strings are translatable with WPML
- Improvement: Menu items - better handle focus outline inline padding on first and last menu items
- Improvement: Retrieve list of custom post types from centralized place
- Improvement: Schema.org for logo element is reported as incorrect
- Fix: Filter by rating widget doesn't displays star icons
- Fix: Setting "Shop base" as WooCommerce permalinks structure doubles the "Shop" item in Breadcrumbs
2.0.47: 2024-05-10
- Improvement: "Simple" mobile menu element does not live update font proprieties in the Customizer
- Improvement: Abort ongoing requests as the user is typing in the search live results module
- Improvement: Let WP core load translations using just in time translation loading
- Improvement: Responsive desktop menu take container padding into consideration for available space
- Improvement: Slider option don't send out of bounds values to the customizer preview
2.0.46: 2024-05-09
- Improvement: Account modal correctly localize all Dokan i18n data
- Improvement: Correctly open submenu when cursor is placed on the item on first page load
- Improvement: Correctly retrieve current language for WPML
- Fix: Issue with editing theme blocks with shop manager role
2.0.45: 2024-05-03
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
2.0.44: 2024-05-03
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
2.0.43: 2024-05-02
- Improvement: Better compatibility with Acowebs Product Labels For WooCommerce plugin
- Improvement: Better integration with The Plus Elementor add-on and Single Product Quantity Input
- Improvement: Don't apply hover color to mobile menu item if link is disabled
- Improvement: Ignore attributes provided in tag name in blocksy_html_tag helper
- Improvement: Ignore language packs fetching during Companion installation
2.0.42: 2024-04-25
- Improvement: Advanced Posts block shows "sticky" items in wrong order on the back end if query parameters are added
- Improvement: Cart and checkout blocks - better inherit theme form styles
- Fix: Featured image aspect ratio controls permanently disappear from the Gutenberg layout if "Grid + Cover" is previously selected
- Fix: Single product lightbox does not work when product has only one image
2.0.41: 2024-04-19
- Improvement: Better calculate menu dropdown position on small desktop screens
- Improvement: Correctly display star rating in "All Reviews" WooCommerce block
2.0.40: 2024-04-18
- Improvement: Add breadcrumbs layer in single product elements panel
- Improvement: Make sure WooCommerce cart and checkout blocks inherit theme styles
- Improvement: Make sure sticky header `z-index` doesn't conflict with Gutenberg image lightbox trigger
- Improvement: Single product gallery - make lightbox trigger visibility to not depend on the zoom effect option
- Fix: Archive cards reveal effect not triggered in some certain cases
- Fix: Correctly output the `rel` attribute in author social links
- Fix: Single product gallery - lightbox trigger does not disappear when turning it off
2.0.39: 2024-04-11
- Improvement: Better compatibility with WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency plugin
- Improvement: Better fit "More" item in responsive menu
- Improvement: Better support for Google variable fonts
- Improvement: Smarter check for lightbox initialization on single product page
- Improvement: Transparent header - don't apply regular background if gradient is applied
- Fix: Better handling of menu dropdown assets for default menus
2.0.38: 2024-04-04
- Improvement: Archive cards and boundless image height issue in Safari
- Improvement: Better handle editor background color output in WordPress 6.5
- Improvement: Correctly check media function presence in related posts
- Improvement: Don't output the menu drop-down JS if no drop-downs are present in menu
- Improvement: Mini cart type 1 does not update subtotal upon adding/removing products
- Improvement: Page title type 2 - don't apply `background-color` if gradient is set
- Improvement: Show button global border styles in editor
- Fix: Disabling "coupon form" on cart page also affects the checkout page
2.0.37: 2024-03-29
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
2.0.36: 2024-03-29
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
2.0.35: 2024-03-28
- Fix: Don't run swatches migration if WooCommerce is absent
2.0.34: 2024-03-28
- Improvement: Better handle header content blocks with Polylang
- Improvement: Correctly escape attributes before adding antibot protection
- Improvement: Menu dropdown with inner reveal effect stacking context improvement
- Improvement: Single product gallery image border radius option
- Fix: Advanced Search block - taxonomy filter device visibility options doesn't work as expected
- Fix: Post meta author element doesn't display label even if set
- Fix: Revert to built in breadcrumbs module when disabling third party provider
2.0.33: 2024-03-21
- Improvement: Better integration with Cartflows plugin and checkout page
- Fix: Advanced Posts block doesn't order posts correctly by modified date
2.0.32: 2024-03-15
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
2.0.31: 2024-03-14
- Improvement: Better compatibility with Co-Authors Plus plugin
- Improvement: Better flow for isolated pagination in advanced posts block
- Improvement: Cover cards type - image ratio potential issue in Safari browser
- Improvement: Don't apply global archive background color to Advanced Posts block
- Improvement: Don't apply page meta box settings if those are overwritten by customizer settings
- Improvement: Option to remove links from related posts image & title elements
- Improvement: Smarter load of some theme CSS files
- Fix: Add to wishlist button and WP Grid Builder sorting option issue
- Fix: Breadcrumbs block colors do not apply if third party provider is selected
2.0.30: 2024-03-08
- Improvement: Correctly pass all arguments to the `wp_get_attachment_image_attributes` filter
2.0.29: 2024-03-07
- Improvement: Advanced Posts block - lazy load doesn't load offscreen images
- Improvement: Advanced Posts block preview does not inherit the image options from Customizer
- Improvement: Better integration with Filter Everything plugin and post cards reveal effect
- Improvement: Better integration with single product gallery and Woo Image SEO plugin
- Improvement: Bring consistency to breadcrumbs generation on category pages
- Improvement: Checkout page edited with Elementor Pro does not respect two column design
- Improvement: Contacts block overflows if a very long e-mail address is used
- Improvement: Don't enable searching by newly declared custom post types by default
- Improvement: Ensure all dashboard AJAX actions are protected with nonces
- Improvement: Filter to add custom class to the `img` tag of the logo element
- Fix: Socials block custom icon color is not applied correctly
2.0.28: 2024-02-29
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
2.0.27: 2024-02-29
- Improvement: Add "Link to post" option in posts archive title and image layer
- Improvement: Advanced Search block shows duplicate taxonomies when used with CPT + multiple taxonomies
- Improvement: Better integration with FunnelKit plugin
- Improvement: Cleanup responsive values from the whole customizer
- Improvement: Ensure base font style don't propagate when it is not needed
- Improvement: Make color picker more robust with unexpected color values
- Improvement: Re-disable global scroll on iOS when the scroll container is removed from DOM
- Improvement: Variation images return blank src when the parent product doesn't have a featured image
- Fix: Advanced Posts block + Infinite/Load More pagination does not work
- Fix: Having a post type named as a Customizer section makes it disappear
2.0.26: 2024-02-22
- Improvement: Better handling of the responsive value updates to avoid unneeded fields
- Improvement: Better integration with WooCommerce min/max quantities plugin
- Improvement: Button block can't be text edited if the text is left blank, page saved, then page is edited
- Improvement: Don't allow `%` unit inside archive cards row gap option
- Improvement: Improve integration with Simple Static plugin
- Improvement: Lower the specificity of theme margin bottom for `entry-content` elements
- Improvement: Option to hide/show mobile submenu items dots
- Improvement: Properly output the thumbnail size option for single product gallery with vertical thumbs
2.0.25: 2024-02-15
- Improvement: Better integration with Woo Jet Builder + sale badges
- Improvement: Better output colors for quantity input initial arrows
- Improvement: Correctly open menu dropdown in RTL mode
- Fix: Menu drop downs open one beneath the other if "more" menu is present
- Fix: Notice in card image border radius dynamic styles logic
2.0.24: 2024-02-08
- Improvement: Account drop down opens in wrong direction on mobile if placed near the edge
- Improvement: Add "Content Area Vertical Spacing" option for archives
- Improvement: Don't attempt to re-compute responsive desktop menus on non-desktop sizes
- Improvement: Don't close mini cart when removing a product from the list
- Improvement: Introduce a safe sprintf function to avoid errors on translations
- Improvement: Post content block - CSS specificity improvement
2.0.23: 2024-02-01
- Improvement: Accessibility improvement for expandable containers
- Improvement: Better compatibility with Simply Static plugin
- Improvement: Correctly output the `woocommerce_after_single_product` hook
- Improvement: Correctly propagate values on tablet and mobile in responsive options
- Improvement: Header button - add secondary label option
- Improvement: Improve performance of the customizer live preview when under heavy usage
- Improvement: Introduce nonce protection for the admin ajax actions
- Improvement: Lower the CSS specificity of entry content elements
- Improvement: Properly listen for Vimeo ready event and better handling of multiple videos on same page
- Improvement: Replace all custom colors when swatching color palettes
- Improvement: WooCommerce archive - better output variation image size
2.0.22: 2024-01-25
- Improvement: Correctly display the new WooCommerce block notice when product is sold individually and Ajax add to cart is enabled
- Improvement: Menu dropdown position improvement if more than two nested levels are present
- Improvement: Social icons block - do not allow clicking the links in backend
- Fix: WooCommerce mini cart dropdown stops showing in certain cases
2.0.21: 2024-01-20
- Improvement: Better slashing handling in html output
2.0.20: 2024-01-19
- Improvement: Minor styling improvement for search block submit button
- Improvement: Safer output of html in the html header and footer builder item
2.0.19: 2024-01-18
- Improvement: "Additional Info" single product element duplicated entries are not translatable with WPML's string translation
- Improvement: Better integrate infinite/load more pagination with WP Grid Builder plugin
- Improvement: WooCommerce new block notice style improvements
- Improvement: WooCommerce product reviews replies are not shown indented
2.0.18: 2024-01-12
- Improvement: Mobile cart view alignment problem with shipping methods
- Fix: WooCommerce cards type 1 - add to cart button does not inherit border styles from global button settings
2.0.17: 2024-01-11
- Improvement: Better compatibility with Yith AJAX Filters and infinite/load more pagination
- Improvement: Make sure the new WooCommerce block notices inherit the theme styles
- Improvement: Mini cart is not aligned correctly on small screens in RTL mode
- Improvement: Respect locale setting when deciding how to count words in excerpts
- Fix: Lazy loading does not get disabled for the "featured image" separate layer for single posts
2.0.16: 2024-01-05
- Improvement: Make sure the header column is outputted when it is really needed
2.0.15: 2024-01-04
- New: Option to change heading html tag for product titles in archive
- Improvement: Dynamic data block dont attempt to render a product field when WooCommerce is not present
- Improvement: Embedded color picker closes if the view is scrolled using the scroll bar
- Improvement: Increase the number of maximum rows in product archives
- Improvement: Inserting WooCommerce related header elements and deactivating WooCommerce leaves ghost elements in header row
- Improvement: Single post title type-1 bottom spacing unit is not migrating while updating from v1
- Improvement: Trigger database migration after custom post types are declared to ensure correct css regeneration
- Fix: Extra long links break WooCommerce product reviews CSS layout
- Fix: Selecting "pages" search criteria for the search box element, along with two other criteria breaks the taxonomy filter
2.0.14: 2023-12-26
- Improvement: Better flow in dynamic data block in combination with products
- Improvement: Don't apply height forms CSS to WooCommerce cart and checkout blocks
- Improvement: Dynamic data - featured image border radius issue when hover effect is applied
- Improvement: Dynamic data block - change minimum avatar size value
- Improvement: WooCommerce tabs apply heading styles only to tabs description heading
2.0.13: 2023-12-22
- Improvement: Advanced Posts block correctly handle sticky posts when a taxonomy query is present
- Improvement: Better integration with WPC Show Single Variations plugin
- Improvement: Correctly apply non-responsive box shadow options
- Fix: Menu dropdown spacing improvement
2.0.12: 2023-12-21
- Improvement: Advanced posts block - correctly exclude sticky posts
- Improvement: Allow translating the label of the offcanvas trigger header element
- Improvement: Archive cards spacing between elements improvement
- Improvement: Cards reveal effect - better handle initial state
- Improvement: Correctly add unit fallback for pagination spacing option
- Improvement: Make whole page sync more stable in customizer preview
- Improvement: Off canvas menu reveal animation on RTL languages
- Improvement: Smarter loading of images attachment data in conditions
2.0.11: 2023-12-15
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
2.0.10: 2023-12-14
- Improvement: Better compatibility with The SEO Framework plugin
- Improvement: Better handle WooCommerce single product pages when those are built with Elementor
- Improvement: Consolidate terms output from Dynamic Data block
- Improvement: Integrate Advanced Posts filtering by taxonomies with Polylang
- Improvement: More complete integration of the color palette with Elementor
- Improvement: Newsletter subscribe block - add alpha channel to all color options
- Improvement: Reduce number of query string params from the search URL
- Fix: Off canvas cart can't be scrolled the first time it is auto opened on mobile
- Fix: WooCommerce accordion tabs (type 3) have condensed titles if the page layout is set to boxed
2.0.9: 2023-12-12
- Improvement: Add redirect callbacks for single product title
- Improvement: Advanced Posts block - remove posts card unique ID to prevent HTML validation issues
- Improvement: Allow translating all related posts module titles strings
- Improvement: Cart header element requires double tab on mobile to go to the cart page
- Improvement: Don't generate cart actions wrapper for repeated add to cart buttons
- Improvement: Dont attempt to register WPML strings that are not plain strings
- Improvement: Prevent error related to Google Fonts during Blocksy Companion update
2.0.8: 2023-12-08
- New: Single post featured image support for video thumbnail
- Improvement: Better trigger for loading autoplayed videos on touch devices
- Improvement: Minor RTL improvements
- Improvement: Small fix for avoiding backwards compatibility issues
2.0.7: 2023-12-07
- Improvement: Always show post updated date if published date is disabled
- Improvement: Better integration with Search & Filter Pro plugin
- Improvement: Better integration with Woo Germanized unit price
- Improvement: Correctly autoplay videos on touch devices
- Improvement: Double container scroll in Blocksy page settings under certain conditions (long pane)
- Improvement: Single product gallery in RTL mode
- Fix: Image hover effect for product archives doesn't work on categories cards
- Fix: WooCommerce [product_page] shortcode doesn't inherit gallery styles
2.0.6: 2023-12-06
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
2.0.5: 2023-12-06
- Improvement: Better handle the single product gallery layout when other plugins change the markup
- Improvement: Consolidate check for share box presence in single product page
- Improvement: Cover block and nested full width cover block improvement
- Improvement: Ensure archive_thumbnail size is registered correctly within Woo
- Improvement: Theme database migrator correctly drop styles transient
- Fix: Off canvas logo gets doubled with dark mode
- Fix: PHP warning with Dynamic Data block inside of a post, when set to "post updated date"
- Fix: Related posts slider type - assets don't get initialized correctly
- Fix: Search icon lifts up on hover in the search box module
- Fix: WooCommerce archive cards type 2 - price typography option doesn't apply correctly
2.0.4: 2023-11-30
- Improvement: Correctly display share box element in single product layouts
- Improvement: Refine CSS variables migrator reliability
- Fix: Share Box module - Twitter/X sharing does not retrieve post content and link
2.0.3: 2023-11-29
- Improvement: Gutenberg separator block is full width if placed inside a column block
- Improvement: Narrow V2 variables migrator to look only in the most common DB tables
- Improvement: Page Title type 2 RTL improvement
- Fix: WooCommerce product reviews layout when avatars are disabled
2.0.2: 2023-11-27
- Improvement: Better handle quick view compatibility with Greenshift plugin
- Improvement: Button styles small improvement for backend
- Improvement: Check classes presence in body_class filter
- Improvement: Correct handle mini cart amount fragment
- Improvement: Custom aria label field for header logo element
- Improvement: Some options falsely flagged as "changed" if not real interaction/change was made
- Improvement: Strip tags for social share function
- Fix: Header search box icon color not applying
- Fix: Modifying widgets from the Customizer which include the new "newsletter" block, shows no support for Blocksy Companion
- Fix: Product titles gets broken in archives if using HTML tags
2.0.1: 2023-11-25
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements related to update
2.0.0: 2023-11-24
- New: Add typography option for image figcaption
- New: Breadcrumbs module as a block for Gutenberg
- New: Cart page option to update cart in real time
- New: Color option - allow inserting CSS variables in color option
- New: Color palette - add possibility to save a color palette as a preset
- New: Color palette - better organize predefined color palettes inside a modal
- New: Color palette - possibility to add new colors to a palette
- New: Content block footer builder element
- New: Footer - option for making container boxed/fluid
- New: Header - background option for entire header (all rows)
- New: Hooks above/below single product gallery
- New: Option to add "Blog" and "Shop" pages in breadcrumb trail
- New: Option to change the image width for simple post type structure
- New: Option to output inline the header logo SVG image file
- New: Performance option to load Gravatars locally
- New: Product archive - drag and drop layers (for content arrangement)
- New: Product archives - SKU layer
- New: Related posts typography option
- New: Search block with live results
- New: Single product - possibility to reorder single product elements (drag & drop)
- New: Support for CSS variables inside color option
- New: Support for CSS variables inside spacing option
- Improvement: Accessibility improvements for search box, header cart, menu and block widgets
- Improvement: Better drag + scroll behaviour in Flexy
- Improvement: Better vertical alignment in off-canvas panels when too much content
- Improvement: Cache busting for all dynamic chunks and all dynamically loaded css files
- Improvement: Cart header element - option for custom label
- Improvement: Close drawer canvas only on close button (not on title click)
- Improvement: Filter to add custom social profiles in author box
- Improvement: Filter to disable comments date anchor links
- Improvement: Fractional numbers support for customizer options
- Improvement: Header elements - change label text per device (desktop/mobile)
- Improvement: Implement `ctEvents` using native DOM events
- Improvement: Integration with Products Visibility by User Roles plugin with search live results
- Improvement: Introduce filter for swapping Google Fonts CSS2 endpoint
- Improvement: Make customizer follow the dashboard color scheme
- Improvement: More customizer shortcuts for different parts of the theme
- Improvement: Performance - Load theme slider CSS only when needed
- Improvement: Performance - Optimize fonts loading logic in frontend
- Improvement: Performance - Smarter loading of overlays JS files on trigger event
- Improvement: Performance - Split WooCommerce related JS from the main bundle
- Improvement: Performance - WooCommerce mini cart JS performance
- Improvement: Prefix CSS variables in order to not conflict with other plugins
- Improvement: Remove legacy Tag Cloud widget CSS
- Improvement: Remove unused CSS styles for RTL
- Improvement: Rework customizer spacing option and units list
- Improvement: Search live results ensure REST API is correctly authenticated
- Improvement: Show updated date only when it is different than creation date
- Improvement: Smarter detection of changes in header/footer builder
- Improvement: Sync gradients from `theme.json` into the background option
- Improvement: Transform old widget in to Gutenberg blocks
- Improvement: WooCommerce minicart image size options
- Fix: Ensure Lazy Loading option works for Related Posts images
- Fix: HTML validator complains about `itemprop` on search results page
- Fix: Long WooCommerce product names + shipping zones screw up table alignment on checkout page
2.0.0-beta26: 2023-10-26
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
2.0.0-beta25: 2023-10-13
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
2.0.0-beta24: 2023-10-06
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
2.0.0-beta23: 2023-09-29
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
2.0.0-beta22: 2023-09-22
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
2.0.0-beta21: 2023-09-15
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
2.0.0-beta20: 2023-09-08
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
2.0.0-beta19: 2023-09-01
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
2.0.0-beta18: 2023-08-28
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
2.0.0-beta17: 2023-08-25
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
2.0.0-beta16: 2023-08-18
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
2.0.0-beta15: 2023-08-11
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
2.0.0-beta14: 2023-08-04
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
2.0.0-beta13: 2023-07-28
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
2.0.0-beta12: 2023-07-21
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
2.0.0-beta11: 2023-07-14
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
2.0.0-beta10: 2023-07-07
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
2.0.0-beta9: 2023-06-30
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
2.0.0-beta8: 2023-06-16
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
2.0.0-beta7: 2023-06-16
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
2.0.0-beta6: 2023-05-17
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
2.0.0-beta5: 2023-05-17
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
2.0.0-beta4: 2023-05-17
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
2.0.0-beta2: 2023-05-12
- New: Add typography option for image figcaption
- New: Breadrumbs module as a block for Gutenberg
- New: Cart page option to update cart in real time
- New: Color option - allow inserting CSS variables in color option
- New: Color palette - add possibility to save a color palette as a preset
- New: Color palette - better organize predefined color palettes inside a modal
- New: Color palette - possibility to add new colors to a palette
- New: Header - background option for entire header (all rows)
- New: Hooks above/below single product gallery
- New: Option to add "Blog" and "Shop" pages in breadcrumb trail
- New: Option to change the image width for simple post type structure
- New: Option to output inline the header logo SVG image file
- New: Performance option to load Gravatars locally
- New: Product archive - drag and drop layers (for content arrangement)
- New: Single product - possibility to reorder single product elements (drag & drop)
- New: Support for CSS variables inside color option
- New: Support for CSS variables inside spacing option
- Improvement: Better vertical alignment in off-canvas panels when too much content
- Improvement: Fractional numbers support for customizer options
- Improvement: Implement `ctEvents` using native DOM events
- Improvement: Make customizer follow the dashboard color scheme
- Improvement: More customizer shortcuts for different parts of the theme
- Improvement: Remove unused CSS styles for RTL
- Improvement: Show updated date only when it is different than creation date
- Improvement: Smarter detection of changes in header/footer builder
- Improvement: Sync gradients from `theme.json` into the background option
1.9.11: 2023-11-09
- Improvement: Better compatibility with WordPress 6.4
- Improvement: Cleanup non-string Polylang strings from database
- Improvement: Correct page structure output for LifterLMS course pages
- Improvement: Correctly output shop in breadcrumb with translated product base in WPML
- Improvement: Hooks manager properly use WP_Hook API for redirecting callbacks
- Improvement: Correct prefix calculation for categories archive with The Events Calendar plugin
- Fix: Unregistered users that have no Gravatars linked display the same profile picture as the admin
1.9.10: 2023-11-02
- Fix: PHP warning for excerpt
- Fix: Scroll to top CSS issue
1.9.9: 2023-11-02
- Improvement: Better check for current screen for block editor styles output
- Improvement: Better integration with WooCommerce All Products For Subscriptions plugin
- Improvement: Add `rel="prev"` and `rel="next"` to pagination
- Improvement: Correctly output schema markup on related posts
- Improvement: Better compatibility with User Registration plugin and their custom profile avatars
- Improvement: Cover and boxed card border radius improvement
- Improvement: Dont recompute styles descriptor for posts/pages on every request in some edge cases
- Improvement: Ensure Back to Top styles can bypass critical CSS filtering
- Improvement: Ensure correct output of editor styles in the widget area option
- Improvement: Better integration with The Events Calendar plugin
- Fix: Hindi excerpts are not calculated correctly
1.9.8: 2023-10-12
- Improvement: Better integration with WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin
- Improvement: WooCommerce spinner z-index conflict with sticky header
1.9.7: 2023-09-28
- Improvement: Better gallery update logic for variable products with a lot of variations
- Improvement: Button text alignment improvement
1.9.6: 2023-09-21
- Improvement: Button border customizations don't show in the editor
- Improvement: Filter for changing formatting of archives excerpt
- Improvement: Toggling between logged in/out settings for account element forcefully switches mobile view to desktop
- Improvement: Introduce filter for changing post navigation labels (next/prev)
- Improvement: Ensure single product gallery arrows hover styles are not applied on touch devices
- Fix: Core Gutenberg Button block does not respect text-align settings
1.9.5: 2023-09-14
- Improvement: Image container adds a ghost space under image
- Improvement: Remove transition from logo sticky shrink state
- Improvement: Properly display gradient picker in the background modal
- Improvement: Breadcrumbs option for disabling taxonomy item in single page/post
- Fix: Product archives short description length option value is not applying
1.9.4: 2023-09-07
- Improvement: Increase product archive limit to 6 columns
- Improvement: WooCommerce call `woocommerce_cart_item_thumbnail` filter in the mini cart template
- Improvement: Better integration with WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin
- Improvement: Ensure `data-prefix` html attribute is sanitised before the output
- Improvement: View cart button is not seen in AJAX single add to cart
- Fix: WooCommerce cards short description issue
1.9.3: 2023-08-31
- Improvement: Make cart drawer reveal delay shorter
- Improvement: New X (Twitter) icon
- Improvement: Author Box add option to disable author archive link
1.9.2: 2023-08-24
- Improvement: Allow displaying Page Title Type 2 even if it has no elements
- Improvement: Cart header element accessibility improvement
1.9.1: 2023-08-17
- Improvement: Comments form name & e-mail fields are not equal size if sidebar is present
- Improvement: Better way to enqueue Google Fonts in block editor
- Improvement: Footer issue when disabled for a certain page
- Improvement: Correctly register underscore dependency on all admin screens
- Improvement: Parallax Hero Type 2 is wonky under certain conditions
- Fix: Header elements are not clickable when removing a cloned instance
1.9.0: 2023-08-10
- Improvement: Correctly load Google fonts in the block editor
1.8.99: 2023-08-09
- Improvement: Search header element input border color options
- Improvement: Better compatibility with WooCommerce Memberships plugin
- Improvement: Integration with WooCommerce Multi Step Checkout (Codecanyon)
- Improvement: Responsive menu small accessibility improvement
- Improvement: Introduce `blocksy:footer:copyright:value` filter for the copyright footer item
- Improvement: Better compatibility with FluentCRM
- Improvement: Advanced Sermons Pro plugin - breaks excerpt generation for posts
- Improvement: Better compatibility with WordPress 6.3
- Fix: Website field appears if star ratings are disabled for WooCommerce product reviews
1.8.98: 2023-07-27
- Improvement: Better handle and output posts excerpt
- Improvement: Off Canvas menu hooks do not properly respect Gutenberg alignments
1.8.97: 2023-07-19
- Improvement: Update cart templates for WooCommerce 7.9.0
- Improvement: Introduce a filter for changing logo image dynamically
1.8.96: 2023-07-13
- Improvement: Add Threads network to social channel elements
- Improvement: Header row "Full Width" background sync issue
- Improvement: WordPress 6.3 compatibility — use `wp_img_tag_add_loading_optimization_attrs` function when available
- Improvement: Single product AJAX add to cart using REST API
- Improvement: Better product cards hover effects for Related Products for WooCommerce plugin
1.8.95: 2023-07-05
- Improvement: Pagination icons color improvement
- Improvement: Better compatibility with PHP 8.2
- Improvement: Add Mastodon to author box social channels
- Improvement: Small improvement for LearnDash integration
1.8.94: 2023-06-29
- Improvement: Ensure no trailing commas is left in the archive card function
- Improvement: Issue with Elementor paragraph margin when last child
1.8.93: 2023-06-22
- Improvement: Advanced menu Content Block links have their proprieties ignored and overwritten by the menu CSS
- Improvement: Better handling of special WooCommerce pages built with JetWooBuilder plugin
- Improvement: Increase number of header/footer HTML element duplications
- Improvement: Search live results dropdown `z-index` improvement
- Improvement: Comments cookies consent option improvement
- Improvement: Add screen reader text to posts archive read more buttons
- Fix: Breadcrumbs issue with PHP 8.2
1.8.92: 2023-06-14
- Improvement: Compatibility with WooCommerce 7.8.0
1.8.91: 2023-06-12
- Improvement: Dont redirect after theme activation to the dashboard
- Improvement: More solid Google Fonts loading in the Gutenberg editor
- Improvement: Better handle WooCommerce star rating for RTL languages
- Fix: Quantity limit WooCommerce error message button alignment issue
1.8.90: 2023-06-03
- Improvement: Better integration with Elementor frontend JS events
- Improvement: Breadcrumbs CSS issue with Yoast selected as a provider
1.8.89: 2023-06-01
- Fix: Quantity input not displayed correctly inside WooCommerce Product Table plugin
- Fix: WooCommerce archive "Swap Images" product card effect doesn't work
- Fix: Social header element label visibility issue
1.8.88: 2023-05-25
- Improvement: Author page does not respect "posts per page" rule
- Improvement: Better prefix parsing for archive titles in page title
- Improvement: WooCommerce notices small CSS improvement
- Improvement: Reveal effect for blog cards does not respect "reduced motion" OS setting
- Improvement: Typography selector small CSS improvement
- Improvement: CSS improvement for products archive grid
- Improvement: Sidebar sticky last widgets option better handle output
1.8.87: 2023-05-18
- Improvement: Flexy easier computation of direction on arrows click
- Improvement: Smarter handle for WP Grid Builder events
- Improvement: CSS improvement related to `hidden` attribute
- Fix: "Redirect to the cart page after addition" doesn't work on single products page when AJAX add to cart is enabled
1.8.86: 2023-05-11
- Improvement: Integration with WP Grid Builder
- Improvement: Customizer `iframe` height issue in Safari
- Improvement: Better matching of similar values in dynamic CSS output
1.8.85: 2023-05-04
- Improvement: Breadcrubms device based visibility option
- Improvement: Better Gutenberg styles output when switching responsive breakpoints
- Improvement: Global button padding settings affect search block widget
- Improvement: Search block remove extra border when style is set to "Button Inside"
- Improvement: Header & footer HTML element - add filter to disable `autop`
- Improvement: Share box type 1 border option output
- Improvement: Gutenberg "button" block font-weight modifier doesn't work
- Fix: Breadcrumbs separator elements color doesn't apply correctly
- Fix: Courses custom post type does not respect Customizer "posts per page" settings
1.8.84: 2023-04-20
- Improvement: Single product gallery don't target lightbox if video is clicked
- Improvement: Remove redundant line from comments section when it is placed right after the author box
- Improvement: Better in place update of galleries in variable products
- Improvement: Entry content items spacing
- Improvement: Filter for changing the `$home_url` in search form
- Improvement: WooCommerce select2 minor CSS improvements
- Improvement: Archive cards `entry-excerpt` items spacing
- Improvement: CSS conflict with WooCommerce new checkbox component
- Improvement: Breadcrumbs accessibility improvements
- Fix: Star rating issue when cards placed inside columns block
- Fix: Author box social icons are not aligned correctly
- Fix: Search form scrolls the website to top
1.8.83: 2023-04-13
- Improvement: Shortcode support in related posts module title option
- Improvement: Better logic for required fields in the comment form
- Improvement: Better sync logic for spacing values
- Improvement: Better handle `entry-content` elements spacing
- Fix: Horizontal line (separator block) default style width issue
- Fix: Issue with and WooCommerce select2 form and Dokan plugin
1.8.82: 2023-04-06
- Improvement: Small fixes in CSS injector class for PHP 8.2.4
- Improvement: Show variable & grouped products price in live search results
- Improvement: Gradient picker minor UI improvements
- Improvement: Menu option to enable/disable the desktop responsive menu "More" functionality
1.8.81: 2023-03-30
- Improvement: Search modal doesn't redirect properly when used with Polylang
- Improvement: WordPress 6.2 sticky blocks position don't take into consideration the sticky header
- Improvement: Ivory Search plugin overrides our "live results" feature
- Improvement: Header row full width calculations break when site frame is enabled
- Fix: Entry content spacing "None" breaks gallery spacing
1.8.80: 2023-03-27
- Improvement: Better handling of width calculation in responsive desktop menu login
- Improvement: Strengthen out dynamic CSS generation for single posts
- Improvement: Correct behaviour of post_thumbnail_html filter in archive cards
- Improvement: Compatibility with WordPress 6.2
- Improvement: Smarter generation of WooCommerce minicart content in header
- Improvement: Off Canvas Menu "Style" doesn't sync/refresh properly in customizer
- Improvement: Cart/Checkout buttons from mini cart do not update their links properly with TranslatePress plugin
1.8.79: 2023-03-16
- Improvement: Add class option for logo element
- Improvement: WooCommerce my account page buttons spacing
- Improvement: Add sponsored attribute option to header button
- Fix: Cart table `th` alignment issue in Safari 15
- Fix: Header ghost button element height issue
1.8.78: 2023-03-09
- Improvement: WooCommerce custom quantity input minor CSS improvements
- Improvement: Better integration with Delicious Recipes plugin
- Improvement: Better extract meta-box options for blog page
- Improvement: Add `blocksy:hero:type-2:image:attachment_id` filter
- Fix: Cart table multiply symbol spacing
1.8.77: 2023-03-02
- Improvement: Integration between Woocommerce Product Table and quantity inputs
- Improvement: Social networks smarter email links insertion
- Improvement: Smarter container selector for infinite scroll
- Improvement: Header menu small accessibility improvement
- Fix: Small CSS conflict with Elementor cart page module
1.8.76: 2023-02-23
- Improvement: Hide Card Inner Spacing option for Simple archive card types
- Improvement: Hide Vertical Alignment option for Simple and Boxed archive card types
- Improvement: Ensure broken style tags dont affect Blocksy styles in Gutenberg
- Improvement: Proper check for related and upsells products
- Improvement: Dont create post meta fields unnecessarily for empty posts
- Fix: Don't show hidden products in search live results
1.8.75: 2023-02-15
- Improvement: Correctly close handler for overlays
1.8.74: 2023-02-15
- Improvement: WooCommere 7.4 template updates
- Improvement: Better compatibility with The Plus Mega Menu plugin
- Improvement: Option to change the "Post Navigation" module thumbnail size
1.8.73: 2023-02-09
- Improvement: Automatically prepend `mailto` link in email social elements
- Improvement: Better output the value of menu dropdown sticky offset option
- Improvement: Archive cards read more button inherit alignment from "Content Alignment" option
- Improvement: More consistent integration with bbPress
- Fix: Default WooCommerce placeholder images do not show up in live results
1.8.72: 2023-02-02
- Improvement: Smarter infinite scroll selector picking when product categories are displayed on the shop page
- Improvement: Do not repeat schema.org markup on mobile view for logo element
- Improvement: WooCommerce price filter widget small CSS improvements
- Improvement: WooCommerce "My Account" module better handle the theme classes in order to not conflict with Elementor
- Improvement: Safari 16.3+ issue with image ratio when infinite scroll pagination loads next posts
- Fix: WooCommerce categories excerpt lenght value
- Fix: Password hint indicator position issue in reset password form
1.8.71: 2023-01-26
- Improvement: Issue with related posts query
1.8.70: 2023-01-26
- Improvement: Correctly cleanup html on widget area option unmount
- Improvement: Page title type 2 image height issue in Safari 16.3+
- Improvement: Disable card image hover effect for touch devices
- Improvement: Sticky logo alignment issue
- Improvement: Don't show comments form cookies consent field if user is logged in
- Improvement: Correctly handle tinymce absence in wp-editor option
- Improvement: Integrate related posts module with Polylang plugin
- Fix: Header render empty row option issue on mobile devices
1.8.69: 2023-01-20
- Improvement: Refine infinite scroll logic
1.8.68: 2023-01-20
- Improvement: Ensure PHP 8.1 outputs no warnings
- Improvement: Correctly reference posts container that have a wrapper
- Improvement: Logo alignment issue on mobile devices when the image has a very small height
- Fix: Search header element display correctly the sale price
1.8.67: 2023-01-19
- Improvement: Single add to cart button custom width is not respected if AJAX option is enabled
- Improvement: Single product "Add to Cart" button with option issue when value is set to pixels
- Improvement: Remove related posts module divider when it is right after author box
- Improvement: Fix WooCommerce hook position in archive when card type 2 is set
- Improvement: Integrate live search results REST API call with Polylang Pro
- Improvement: Show sales price in live search results
- Fix: Nested advanced menu elements do not inherit the correct color for their label
1.8.66: 2023-01-11
- Improvement: Ensure current screen prefix is never null
- Improvement: Integrate antispambot() function into e-mail address fields
- Improvement: Border and shadow options inherit state issue
- Improvement: Better integration with WooCommerce Customize My Account Page plugin
- Fix: Table inside additional information tab width issue when layout set to boxed
- Fix: Background option responsive issue when setting different image or color per device
- Fix: Minor PHP syntax improvement for better compatibility with old PHP versions
- Fix: Password protected products form is full width
- Fix: Header button ghost view gap issue
1.8.65: 2022-12-29
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
1.8.64: 2022-12-28
- Improvement: Header menu item - better handle the stretch menu option
- Improvement: Proper computation of price taxes in search live results
- Improvement: Correctly count articles for author pages
- Improvement: Support for LearnDash quiz CPT
- Fix: Minor syntax error for old php versions
- Fix: Translation (POT) files are not generated correctly
1.8.63: 2022-12-22
- Improvement: Better compatibility with WooCommerce Composite Products
- Improvement: Add check for missing haystack
- Improvement: Button header element without a label has some redundant spacing
- Improvement: Shortcode support in header button link option
1.8.62: 2022-12-15
- Improvement: Additional actions for page title with two post meta elements
- Improvement: Don't output `data-header` and `data-footer` attributes if header or footer is disabled
- Improvement: Add filter to disable comments.css file on single pages
- Fix: WooCommerce 7.2 and "Sold individually" products have a broken quantity input design
- Fix: Global colors won't change dynamically when changing a color palette
1.8.61: 2022-12-09
- Fix: Minor layout issue with overflow-x on mobile
1.8.60: 2022-12-08
- Improvement: Better handle the theme color palettes inside block editor
- Improvement: Scoped selector for infinite loading pagination
- Improvement: Correctly compute sidebar position for BuddyPress pages
- Improvement: Better integration with "WooCommerce Buy for me" plugin 2022-12-07
- Improvement: Escape fields value in search form
1.8.59: 2022-11-24
- Improvement: Menu accessibility improvements
- Improvement: theme.json file minor styling improvements
- Improvement: Insert WooCommerce variation images only once
- Improvement: Better integration with Simple Block Gallery plugin
- Fix: Respect post number option on search results page
- Fix: Menu aria-expanded attribute toggle issue
1.8.58: 2022-11-17
- Improvement: Don't output HTML tags in aria-label attribute
- Improvement: Correctly sync customiser options on posts with metabox overrides
- Fix: WooCommerce archive video thumbnail ratio issue
- Fix: Table block default border color issue
- Fix: Manually embedded iframe affected by block-width CSS if sidebar is present
1.8.57: 2022-11-10
- Improvement: Introduce filter for modifying static assets urls for CDN
- Improvement: Outline button type not inheriting the correct color
- Improvement: Left/right alignment blocks improvement
- Improvement: Don't show iOS focus highlighter on trigger buttons
- Improvement: Option to disable live results in header search module
- Fix: Legacy nav widget menu inherits page site body background options in preview
1.8.56: 2022-11-04
- Improvement: Integrate quantity input buttons with WooCommerce Pre Order
- Improvement: Gutenberg container and inner container width improvements
- Fix: WooCommerce "Highlight Required Fields" customizer option issue
- Fix: Some customiser options do not work for BuddyPress pages
- Fix: Boxed view posts/pages make the Gutenberg editor extremely narrow
- Fix: Links underline decoration issue
1.8.55: 2022-11-03
- Improvement: Gradient tool does not work correctly with WP 6.1
- Improvement: Don't steal focus when clicking a link inside overlay
- Improvement: Added `theme.json` file in to the theme folder
- Improvement: WordPress 6.1 compatibility
- Improvement: Optimise search overlay REST API URL query string parameters
- Improvement: Update WooCommerce template versions
- Improvement: Better integration with new Elementor 3.8 container element
- Fix: Related posts module columns number option
1.8.53: 2022-10-20
- Improvement: Better integration with Read Meter plugin
- Improvement: Show type and source of the font in typography option
- Improvement: More reliable focus lock for all overlays and popups
- Improvement: Correct whole page refresh in customizer partial sync
- Improvement: Better integration with CheckoutWC plugin
- Fix: Top positioned trending posts module z-index issue with footer reveal effect
- Fix: Show password icon jumps when the password strength meter is shown
- Fix: Custom WooCommerce sorting lists items do not appear in "Default product sorting" option
1.8.52: 2022-10-13
- Improvement: Page background option for archives
- Improvement: More reliable integration with Woocommerce Custom Product Addons
- Improvement: Smarter calculations of excerpt with special characters
- Improvement: Correctly check for method presence in header cart item
- Improvement: Improve excerpt display in shop archives with categories
- Improvement: Display a GDPR related notice when trying to select a Google Font
1.8.51: 2022-10-07
- Improvement: YITH Advanced Woo Filters not working correctly on iOS
- Improvement: Better handling of Custom unit in font size option
- Improvement: Better compatibility with WooCommerce Custom Product Addons
- Improvement: Live search results module - show correct product price including taxes
- Improvement: WooCommerce cart item with variations display issue
- Improvement: Add ID to footer element
- Improvement: Better handling of multi byte characters in excerpt generation
- Fix: Header bottom border stays on screen if sticky is auto-hide
- Fix: Author box typography options do not appear if "social icons" option is disabled
1.8.50: 2022-09-23
- Improvement: Correct condition matching for Page title meta colors
1.8.49: 2022-09-22
- Improvement: More reliable check for WooCommerce presence
- Improvement: Better integration between search forms and Polylang
- Improvement: Integration with WooCommerce Mix & Match plugin
- Improvement: Smarter check for dynamic chunks URLs
- Improvement: Very long sub-menus cause ghost white space at the bottom of short pages
1.8.48: 2022-09-22
- Improvement: More reliable check for WooCommerce presence
- Improvement: Better integration between search forms and Polylang
- Improvement: Integration with WooCommerce Mix & Match plugin
- Improvement: Smarter check for dynamic chunks URLs
- Improvement: Very long sub-menus cause ghost white space at the bottom of short pages
1.8.47: 2022-09-15
- New: Add support for "clamp" and "calc" inside font size typography option
- Improvement: Better handling of Post Meta font controls conditions
- Improvement: Integration with archive pages of GeoDirectory plugin
- Improvement: Support picture tag in gallery of variable products
- Improvement: Better handling of thumbnails style with custom galleries in variations
- Improvement: Smarter logic for calculation menu width in responsive menu
- Improvement: Integration with WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin on cart page
- Improvement: More robust logic of cart fragments updates
- Improvement: Strengthen custom icons implementations for header elements
- Improvement: Better integration YITH WooCommerce Advanced Reviews plugin
- Fix: TutorLMS filters and pagination issue
- Fix: "Filter by attributes" WooCommerce widget shows hidden items
- Fix: Mega menu label is cut off inside the footer area
1.8.46: 2022-08-18
- New: Comment form labels new position (outside inputs) option
- Improvement: Divider block small CSS improvement
- Improvement: Better handling of alt tag in avatars when using a custom uploaded image
- Improvement: Content spacing option small CSS improvement
- Improvement: WooCommerce single product gallery CSS improvements
- Improvement: Support for font weight property for Google variable fonts in typography option
- Fix: Standard quantity selector doesn't work on phones on cart page
1.8.45: 2022-08-04
- Improvement: Improve `entry-content` headings spacing
- Fix: WooCommerce quantity input type 1 RTL fix
1.8.44: 2022-07-27
- Improvement: Better style WooCommerce account error notifications
- Improvement: Better customizer sync selector for single posts/pages elements
1.8.43: 2022-07-26
- Improvement: Correctly handle custom WooCommerce placeholder images
- Improvement: Header cart item better handle customizer changes
- Improvement: Remove extra spacing between icons in header social element
- Fix: Customizer color values where not inherited in editor mode in some special cases
1.8.42: 2022-07-14
- New: Font customisation controls for the single post author box
- Improvement: Correctly recalculate popover position in scrollable modals
- Improvement: Style new WooCommerce filter blocks
- Fix: Enhanced Grid blog structure and large title font size causes overflow for cards
- Fix: Footer's columns divider behaves better on RTL languages
1.8.41: 2022-07-08
- Improvement: Correctly minify CSS files in the final build
1.8.40: 2022-07-07
- Improvement: Added blocksy:footer:logo:url filter for changing the footer logo URL
- Improvement: Cart drawer type 2 scrollbar out of bounds
- Improvement: Show woo categories descriptions in archive cards
- Improvement: Header/footer builder items are not removable sometimes
- Fix: bbPress taxonomy archives pagination doesn't work with Blocksy
- Fix: Author archive "date joined" doesn't respect localisation
1.8.39: 2022-06-28
- New: Scoped post navigation by taxonomy
- Improvement: Support detection of late registered custom post types
- Improvement: Treat CPT type as special only when TutorLMS is active
- Improvement: Output drawer canvas styles even it no items are inside it
- Improvement: Color picker modal doesn't close if you click on `ct-color-picker-container`
- Improvement: Better sync for WooCommerce product gallery in Customizer
- Fix: Default header row shadow option takes effect on header transparent state
- Fix: Post meta user avatar CSS display issue
- Fix: Correctly override header row styles in transparent state
- Fix: Menu hover Type 2 misaligned on RTL
- Fix: Site title + logo are squished together in RTL mode
- Fix: Fractional image ratio doesn't work
- Fix: Header search show price option sync issue
1.8.38: 2022-06-21
- Improvement: Make breadcrumbs blog item to have the same name as the page
- Improvement: Ensure Webpack output is compatible with caching plugins
- Improvement: More stable Elementor integration with Blocksy color palette
- Fix: Author avatar image size
1.8.37: 2022-06-20
- New: Option to move comment form above or below comments list
- New: Option to deactivate image lazy load from WooCommerce archive and single product page
- New: WooCommerce cards short description option
- Improvement: Header row background values overwritten in some specific circumstances
- Improvement: Better handling of messages outside the WooCommerce pages
- Improvement: Search live results accessibility improvements
- Improvement: Show price in live search results for product items
- Improvement: Update the image ratio option to use native `aspect-ratio` property
- Improvement: Do not output blank tags if entry meta label is empty
- Improvement: Better integration with Default Featured Image plugin
- Improvement: Better logic for picking taxonomies in breadcrumbs
- Improvement: Search overlay placeholder translatable string
- Improvement: Header sticky offset jump in Safari browser
- Improvement: Better integration with Tutor LMS 2.0
- Improvement: Header elements sync state in off-canvas drawer
- Fix: WooCommerce gallery thumbnails do not display the image title on hover
- Fix: Customizer page force reload while switching to a different header
- Fix: Variable products gallery not initialized in some cases
- Fix: Don't affect styles within iframe tag from third party plugins
- Fix: Skype link in social channels doesn't work correctly
1.8.36: 2022-06-03
- Improvement: Use native browser lazy load functionality in Blocksy images
- Improvement: Don't close offcanvas when clicking on generic anchor links from it
- Improvement: Don't load additional variation data when default product gallery is used
- Improvement: Make custom meta labels from page title translateable
- Improvement: Stabler mouse enter handler in menus
- Improvement: Sticky state logo shrink sync issue
- Fix: Custom post type and custom options not propagated inside post settings
1.8.35: 2022-05-25
- Improvement: WordPress 6.0 minor improvements
1.8.34: 2022-05-20
- Improvement: Correctly load deps data for dynamic JS chunks
1.8.33: 2022-05-20
- Improvement: Better computation of URLs for dynamic JS chunks
- Improvement: Better interoperability of Blocksy Customizer with Email designer plugins
- Improvement: Store notice overlaps header
- Improvement: Cart page items are not removed with AJAX on mobile devices
- Improvement: Remove unneeded breadcrumbs action
- Improvement: Author social links target option
- Improvement: Better integration with FacetWP plugin
- Fix: Archive card read more button alignment
1.8.32: 2022-05-11
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
1.8.31: 2022-05-11
- Improvement: Smart loading of wp-components script to avoid CSP issues
1.8.30: 2022-05-10
- Improvement: Smarter check for wp.components presence in OptionsPanel
1.8.29: 2022-05-10
- New: Hooks for related posts module
- Improvement: Group block inner container width when no background is set
- Improvement: Do not require unsafe-eval CSP rule for script-src
- Improvement: Cart & checkout page - output theme container div only when needed
- Improvement: Dropdown menus sometimes get stuck under specific circumstances
- Improvement: Border controls for boxed layouts
- Improvement: CartFlows CSS checkout page conflict
- Fix: Text alignment option doesn't work in tables in RTL mode
- Fix: Dropdown menus parent element not accessible via keyboard
- Fix: Shortcode slider autoplay option
- Fix: WooCommerce product reviews pagination not inheriting styles
1.8.28: 2022-04-22
- Improvement: More robust handling for product visiblity in search
1.8.27: 2022-04-22
- Improvement: Respect product visiblity in live search
- Improvement: Woo "Thank you" notice styles
- Fix: Archive cards thumbnail spacing
1.8.26: 2022-04-21
- Improvement: Footer alignment sync issue
- Improvement: Posts navigation image border radius option
- Improvement: Integrate breadcrumbs with WooCommerce structured data
- Improvement: Smarter loading of infinite-scroll library
- Improvement: Icon position inside products search form submit button
1.8.26-beta10: 2022-04-20
- Improvement: Posts navigation image border radius option
- Improvement: Integrate breadcrumbs with WooCommerce structured data
- Improvement: Smarter loading of infinite-scroll library
- Improvement: Icon position inside products search form submit button
1.8.25: 2022-04-07
- Improvement: Ensure regeneration for dynamic styles in metabox options
1.8.24: 2022-04-07
- Improvement: Changed variable name from `--container-max-width` to `--normal-container-max-width`
- Improvement: Improve variable products with small images in gallery
- Improvement: Better compatibility with YITH WooCommerce Product Add-ons & Extra Options plugin
- Improvement: Quantity input infinity as default for unparseable max attr
- Improvement: Cards featured image rendering issue if zoom in hover effect enabled (only Chrome 100)
- Improvement: Disable theme checkout actions if Fluid Checkout plugin is active
- Fix: Compatibility issue with WooCommerce Name Your Price plugin
- Fix: Search box header element long input overlaps the search icon
- Fix: Google fonts render issue in customizer widgets
1.8.23: 2022-03-25
- Improvement: Cleanup on legacy widget form
- Improvement: Ability to change the related posts wrapper tag
1.8.22: 2022-03-24
- Fix: Infinite scroll/load more doesn’t work for blog archives
1.8.21: 2022-03-23
- New: Better integration with WooCommerce German Market
- Improvement: Respect WooCommerce shop permalinks settings in breadcrumbs
- Improvement: Better handle the load more pagination module selector
- Improvement: Better integration with WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin
- Improvement: Off canvas menu icons click interaction
- Improvement: Better integration with Fancy Product Designer plugin
- Improvement: Add filter for wishlist icons (archive cards and single product)
- Improvement: Improvement of some translation strings
- Improvement: Select box color not rendered correctly in some Windows browsers
- Improvement: Pull quote border color doesn't recognize global palette
- Improvement: Add filter for adding custom gradients
- Improvement: Add image size option to page title type 2 featured and custom image
- Improvement: Better compatibility with Fast Cart plugin
- Improvement: Posts card background color when inserted in a boxed page
- Improvement: Rework customizer widgets option type
- Improvement: Hook for hero breadcrumbs and description
- Fix: Comments meta and login to reply link squished together
- Fix: Issue with variable products and WPC Frequently Bought Together plugin
1.8.20: 2022-03-01
- Improvement: More color options for WooCommerce notices/messages
- Improvement: Better output fonts (Google, Typekit, Local Google Fonts) inside block editor
- Fix: Drop-down menu boxed and solid color selector
- Fix: Comments data/time format inherit correct settings from WordPress
- Fix: WhatsApp and Viber share buttons don't work
- Fix: Off-canvas cart panel title color
1.8.19: 2022-02-18
- Improvement: Menu dropdowns on touch devices
- Improvement: Accessibility improvement for WooCommerce cards type 2
1.8.18: 2022-02-17
- Improvement: WPML copy post meta values on translated posts
- Improvement: Revert to default state option
- Fix: Form checkboxes checked state issue
1.8.17: 2022-02-16
- Improvement: WooCommerce gallery zoom issue with really small images
- Improvement: Archive cards excerpt functionality
- Improvement: Share box type 2 alignment option
- Improvement: Minor menu accessibility improvements
- Improvement: Better integration with WPC Frequently Bought Together plugin
- Improvement: WordPress 5.9 - better handle block widgets in Customizer
- Improvement: Allow line breaks in author bio box
- Improvement: Add `http` or `https` automatically in social links option
- Improvement: Better sync of styles in Gutenberg editor with 5.9
- Improvement: WooCommerce order review column sticky position
- Improvement: Grid block "Choose Layout" dialog out of bounds in block editor
- Fix: Header transparent state background color when set to gradient
- Fix: Removing font fallback breaks the font stack
- Fix: Color picker input field not detecting the correct color format
- Fix: Mobile menu divider/border issue when Interactive Collapse option is disabled
- Fix: Sticky logo shrink breaks header row shrink calculations
- Fix: Menu drop downs do not work consistently on iPad (desktop view)
- Fix: Woo variations border issue
1.8.16: 2022-01-21
- Fix: Trailing comma in button options
1.8.15: 2022-01-21
- New: Header off canvas logo
- Improvement: Stability and general improvements for WordPress 5.9
- Improvement: Compatibility with WP 5.9 React components
- Improvement: More design options for author box
- Improvement: Deactivate lazy loading from page title type 2 image
- Improvement: Add CSS class option to header button
- Improvement: WooCommerce single product zoom image effect
- Improvement: Shortcode support in header button URL field
- Improvement: Better position Google and Apple Pay buy buttons from Square plugin
- Improvement: Device visibility options for mobile menu trigger
- Improvement: Customizer export widgets functionality
- Improvement: Add search form icon filter
- Improvement: Nested menus items highlighting
- Fix: WPML's String Author Bio Translation does not work with Blocksy
- Fix: Make use of passive listeners to improve scrolling performance
- Fix: Off-Canvas menu alignment when text is too long
- Fix: Screen reader issue with dropdown menu toggle
- Fix: Anchor navigation makes mobile menu stop working in some edge cases
- Fix: Favorite button in meta box panel doesn't work
1.8.15-beta25: 2022-01-19
- Improvement: Add CSS class option to header button
- Improvement: WooCommerce single product zoom image effect
- Improvement: Shortcode support in header button URL field
- Improvement: Better position Google and Apple Pay buy buttons from Square plugin
- Improvement: Device visibility options for mobile menu trigger
- Improvement: Customizer export widgets functionality
- Improvement: Add search form icon filter
- Improvement: Nested menus items highlighting
- Improvement: Compatibility with WP 5.9 React components
- Fix: WPML's String Author Bio Translation does not work with Blocksy
- Fix: Does not use passive listeners to improve scrolling performance
- Fix: Off-Canvas menu alignment when text is too long
- Fix: Anchor navigation makes mobile menu stop working in some edge cases
- Fix: Favorite button in meta box panel doesn't work
1.8.14: 2021-12-29
- Improvement: Infinite scroll integration with JetWooBuilder
- Improvement: Responsive menu accessibility improvements
- Improvement: WooCommerce archive cards responsive alignment option
- Fix: WooCommerce archive categories cards alignment
1.8.13: 2021-12-24
- Improvement: WooCommerce notice/messages small CSS improvement
- Improvement: Correctly mount fast overlays that have loaders
- Fix: Search box live results CSS
1.8.12: 2021-12-24
- New: Options for changing out of stock and sale badge labels
- Improvement: Better output color variable for related posts title
- Improvement: Mobile menu trigger button accessibility improvements
- Improvement: Add horizontal spacing option for desktop menu dropdowns
- Fix: Menu arrows color transition
- Fix: Add missing default to WooCommerce gallery variation variable
1.8.11: 2021-12-18
- Improvement: Toggle close button minor CSS improvements
- Improvement: Sticky state header minor CSS improvements
1.8.10: 2021-12-17
- New: Integration with WooCommerce Price Based on Country
- Improvement: Elementor default template layout CSS improvements
1.8.9: 2021-12-16
- Improvement: Windows browsers viewport shift when overlay/modal is active
- Fix: Header menu dropdown indicator color when Elementor template kit is active
1.8.8: 2021-12-15
- Improvement: Better initialize the responsive menus
- Fix: Better detect Elementor theme builder templates
1.8.7: 2021-12-15
- New: Header menu dropdown interaction mode (hover/click)
- New: Integration with YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter
- Improvement: Add share box module to pages
- Improvement: Load offcanvas overlay without delays
- Improvement: Mobile menu accessibility improvements
- Improvement: Desktop menu accessibility improvements
- Improvement: Mailster backend compatibility with Blocksy
- Improvement: Nested categories handling in breadcrumbs
1.8.7-beta1: 2021-12-10
- New: Header menu dropdown interaction mode (hover/click)
- New: Integration with YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter
- Improvement: Mobile menu accessibility improvements
- Improvement: Desktop menu accessibility improvements
- Improvement: Mailster backend compatibility with Blocksy
- Improvement: Nested categories handling in breadcrumbs 2021-11-26
- Improvement: Menu dropdown position when header row has shrink option enabled
- Improvement: Single product gallery type 3 with variation products
- Improvement: Breadcrumbs filter to pick taxonomy for a post type
- Improvement: WooCommerce notice for mobile devices
- Fix: Columns layout sync option 2021-11-18
- Improvement: Customizer background option better output the value
- Improvement: Better integration with Forminator plugin
- Fix: Translation string of the header button
- Fix: Header row min height option sync if switched to Boxed Row view 2021-11-16
- Improvement: Stretch menu alignment handling 2021-11-16
- New: Additional hook for product cards (between actions and information)
- Improvement: WooCommerce lightbox icon color options
- Improvement: Better integration with UberMenu plugin
- Improvement: Single page author box social profiles `rel` attribute improvement
- Improvement: Buttons CSS minor improvements
- Improvement: Footer social items direction option
- Improvement: Better integration with The Events Calendar plugin
- Improvement: Remove image lazy loading from header logo element
- Improvement: Header logo element
- Improvement: Proper logic for italic + weight in css2 syntax
- Improvement: Live search results respect out of stock setting
- Fix: Off canvas cart close button position (RTL mode)
- Fix: Sticky height calculation for offsets with logo shrink
- Fix: Background option (image & gradient) does not output correctly if set from page settings metabox
- Fix: Handle NaN input case in slider option (typography) 2021-10-27
- Improvement: Better check in background option when no overlay functionality is present
- Improvement: Better handle WooCommerce single product gallery hook
- Improvement: Update sticky header logic to not perform computations twice
- Fix: Pjax not working after updates above 1.8.6 2021-10-21
- New: Introduce blocksy:excerpt:output filter
- Improvement: Better retrieval of current taxonomy in breadcrumbs
- Fix: Elementor menu items spacing issue
- Fix: HTML header element width fix 2021-10-20
- Improvement: Rename variable `—contentSpacing` to `--content-spacing`
- Improvement: Allow shortcode in button header element
- Improvement: Typography option allow individual revert for font options
- Improvement: CSS improvements for sticky sidebar and header
- Improvement: Minor WooCommerce RTL issues
- Improvement: Off canvas drawer validation issue
- Improvement: Better editor sync
- Improvement: Improve excessive DOM manipulations from JavaScript
- Improvement: Sticky header behavior
- Improvement: Better compatibility with AJAX filter plugin
- Improvement: Allow main JS to be defered by any caching plugin
- Improvement: Anchor links small improvement
- Improvement: WooCommerce variation products images aspect ratio
- Fix: Woo columns reset option doesn't work on desktop
- Fix: Menu dropdown issue when JS is deferred
- Fix: Meta author image `alt` attribute 2021-10-19
- Improvement: Allow shortcode in button header element
- Improvement: Typography option allow individual revert for font options
- Improvement: CSS improvements for sticky sidebar and header
- Improvement: Off canvas drawer validation issue
- Improvement: Better editor sync
- Improvement: Improve excessive DOM manipulations from JavaScript
- Improvement: Sticky header behavior
- Improvement: Better compatibility with AJAX filter plugin
- Improvement: Allow main JS to be defered by any caching plugin
- Improvement: Anchor links small improvement
- Improvement: WooCommerce variation products images aspect ratio
- Fix: Woo columns reset option doesn't work on desktop
- Fix: Menu dropdown issue when JS is deferred 2021-10-01
- Fix: Menu position dropdowns of level 2+
- Fix: CSS background position not outputted correctly
- Fix: Cover cards type vertical alignment issue when button is present
- Fix: Sticky header jumps when inside customizer mode 2021-09-30
- New: Skip link URL filter
- New: Search results typography options
- New: Integration with Simply Static plugin
- New: Archive cards Cover type
- Improvement: Filter non existent CPTs from the search element
- Improvement: WooCommerce shipping methods CSS improvements
- Improvement: Background option output CSS native properties instead of CSS variables
- Fix: Footer elements margin property not applied correctly 2021-09-28
- New: Skip link URL filter
- New: Search results typography options
- New: Integration with Simply Static plugin
- New: Overlay card type
- Improvement: Filter non existent CPTs from the search element
- Improvement: WooCommerce shipping methods CSS improvements
- Improvement: Background option output CSS native properties instead of CSS variables
- Fix: Footer elements margin property not applied correctly
1.8.6: 2021-09-21
- Improvement: Mobile menu small improvement for RTL
- Improvement: HTML tags inside Product Title not parsed correctly on cart page
- Improvement: Image tags attributes in archives
- Improvement: Search live results on iOS devices
- Fix: SVG featured image breaks search live results
- Fix: Adaptive/responsive menu calculation issue 2021-09-17
- Fix: Proper detection of attachment image for archives 2021-09-17
- New: Add email item to share box
- Improvement: Customizer options panel in RTL mode
- Improvement: Responsive menu resize calculations
- Improvement: Ignore custom scroll container when items list is from header
- Improvement: Related posts sort option
- Improvement: Google fonts better cache reset
- Fix: Post Meta top spacing option does not work if the element is cloned 2021-09-14
- Improvement: Better accessibility for menu dropdowns
- Improvement: Compatibility with WooCommerce Custom Product Boxes
- Improvement: Search modal with live results alignment
- Improvement: Header builder drag & drop functionality
- Improvement: WooCommerce better handling for products with external images
- Improvement: Typography option better handle system fonts
- Fix: Author page title meta does not respect date format 2021-09-09
- New: Option to display full post content instead of excerpt in archive cards
- Improvement: Better support for block widgets in header/footer builder
- Improvement: Sort social profiles alphabetically and add search functionality
- Improvement: Social icons rel attribute
- Fix: Some fonts with space in the name won't render 2021-09-07
- Improvement: Elementor content spacing issue when Improved CSS Loading option is enabled
- Improvement: Related products & upsells columns number option
- Improvement: Left and right blocks offset option 2021-09-03
- Improvement: Block widgets and footer builder
- Improvement: WooCommerce single product lightbox for touch devices
- Improvement: WooCommerce Upsells products don't respect limit settings
- Improvement: Add display swap property to woo font
- Fix: Header menu sticky state active color option 2021-08-31
- Improvement: Integration with Advanced AJAX Product Filters By BeRocket
- Improvement: Integration with WooCommerce Product Filter by WooBeWoo
- Improvement: Customizer dark mode block widgets UI
- Fix: Entry content links hover decoration 2021-08-30
- Improvement: Block widgets minor improvements
- Improvement: Related Posts module visibility options
- Improvement: Single product gallery zoom and lightbox
- Improvement: Fix missing UI translation strings
- Improvement: Post featured image does not respect gallery texts
- Fix: Categories number of posts option
- Fix: Woo Product Filter support 2021-08-23
- Fix: WooCommerce waterfall of requests caused by quantity inputs
- Fix: Properly set responsive option device on mount
1.8.5: 2021-08-20
- New: Support for multiple taxonomies in post meta
- New: Support for Block Widgets in Header/Footer Builder and Multiple Sidebars
- Improvement: Update translation files
- Improvement: Footer menu - items direction option responsive controls
- Improvement: Pass featured image output through post_thumbnail_html filter
- Improvement: Product gallery image is loading slow when selecting attributes
- Improvement: Schema.org markup small improvements
- Fix: Quantity selector on touch devices
- Fix: SVG images don't have a height and width inside image widget
- Fix: Header cart items label position
- Fix: Conflict with ad inserter plugin and infinite scroll
- Fix: WooCommerce lightbox does not display caption
1.8.5-beta3: 2021-08-17
- New: Support for multiple taxonomies in post meta
- Improvement: Update translation files
- Improvement: Footer menu - items direction option responsive controls
- Improvement: Pass featured image output through post_thumbnail_html filter
- Improvement: Schema.org markup small improvements
- Fix: SVG images don't have a height and width inside image widget
- Fix: Header cart items label position
- Fix: Conflict with ad inserter plugin and infinite scroll
- Fix: WooCommerce lightbox does not display caption 2021-08-02
- Improvement: Avoid doing one XHR request for big variable products
- Fix: Breadcrumbs typography options not applied in single product page 2021-07-30
- Improvement: WooCommerce better logic for gallery updates in variable products
- Improvement: Cards reveal effect animation
- Improvement: Site title spacing 2021-07-29
- Improvement: Responsive menu calculation improvements
- Improvement: Share box functionality
- Improvement: WooCommerce cart page remove item button improvement
- Improvement: WooCommerce product gallery lazy loading
- Fix: Excessive ID navigation breaks the mobile menu and scrolling
- Fix: Off canvas cart not working correctly after product is added to cart 2021-07-28
- Improvement: Share box functionality
- Improvement: WooCommerce cart page remove item button improvement
- Improvement: WooCommerce product gallery lazy loading
- Fix: Off canvas cart not working correctly after product is added to cart 2021-07-26
- Improvement: Responsive menu calculations
- Improvement: Comments validation improvements
- Improvement: Don't apply margin to last entry content item 2021-07-23
- Improvement: Minor CSS loading improvement
- Improvement: RTL menu position
- Fix: Author custom avatar not displayed in author box
- Fix: Menu dropdown level 2 position
1.8.4: 2021-07-22
- New: Blog structure type grid responsive columns controls
- New: Sticky last widget only
- New: WooCommerce gallery arrows color options
- New: Social and share icons add nofollow/dofollow option
- New: WooCommerce sticky gallery option
- New: Turn on/off add to cart in WooCommerce archives
- Improvement: I18n correctly translate dynamic strings of cloned header items
- Improvement: Comments form label reveal improvement
- Improvement: Editor styles for WP 5.8
- Improvement: Related posts improvements
- Improvement: Footer social icons alignment
- Improvement: Title & thumbnail visibility options for posts navigation items
- Improvement: Defer JS files and load when appropriate (back to top, comments, share box)
- Improvement: Offload 40% of non-critical CSS (~40kb)
- Improvement: Add independent active color to menu items
- Improvement: Slider option smarter drag and keyboard controls
- Improvement: Properly init media widgets after moving their controls
- Improvement: Blog cards image border radius option
- Improvement: Sidebar position rendering issue
- Improvement: Sticky header initialization
- Improvement: Page title parallax effect
- Improvement: Minor RTL improvements
- Improvement: Schema markup for single product page
- Improvement: single products page vertical spacing option
- Fix: Comments section validation issue
- Fix: Back to top button not displayed in all cases when enabled
- Fix: Off-canvas panel Safari issue
- Fix: Search modal is dismissed on “lazy” text selection
- Fix: Handle localizations for dependencies in dynamic js chunks
- Fix: Add to cart button width
- Fix: Store notice
- Fix: bbPress page title color options
1.8.4-beta3: 2021-07-16
- New: Sticky last widget only
- New: WooCommerce gallery arrows color options
- New: Social and share icons add nofollow/dofollow option
- New: WooCommerce sticky gallery option
- New: Turn on/off add to cart in WooCommerce archives
- Improvement: Defer JS files and load when appropriate (back to top, comments, share box)
- Improvement: Offload 40% of non-critical CSS (~40kb)
- Improvement: Add independent active color to menu items
- Improvement: Slider option smarter drag and keyboard controls
- Improvement: Properly init media widgets after moving their controls
- Improvement: Blog cards image border radius option
- Improvement: Sidebar position rendering issue
- Improvement: Sticky header initialization
- Improvement: Page title parallax effect
- Improvement: Minor RTL improvements
- Improvement: Schema markup for single product page
- Improvement: single products page vertical spacing option
- Fix: Off-canvas panel Safari issue
- Fix: Search modal is dismissed on “lazy” text selection
- Fix: Handle localizations for dependencies in dynamic js chunks
- Fix: Add to cart button width
- Fix: Store notice
- Fix: bbPress page title color options
1.8.4-beta1: 2021-07-08
- New: WooCommerce gallery arrows color options
- New: Social and share icons add nofollow/dofollow option
- New: WooCommerce sticky gallery option
- New: Turn on/off add to cart in WooCommerce archives
- Improvement: Properly init media widgets after moving their controls
- Improvement: Sidebar position rendering issue
- Improvement: Sticky header initialization
- Improvement: Page title parallax effect
- Improvement: Minor RTL improvements
- Improvement: single products page vertical spacing option
- Fix: Store notice 2021-06-16
- New: Share box icon size option
- Improvement: Allow search through Forum, Topic and Reply
- Improvement: Handle bbPress profile page
- Improvement: Minor RTL improvements
- Improvement: Gutenberg columns spacing
- Improvement: Better compatibility with Wholesale Price plugin
- Improvement: Deal with popups (CBX bookmark plugin) in archive cards caused by overflow hidden
- Improvement: WooCommerce gallery with vertical thumbnails
- Improvement: WooCommerce account page sidebar colors
- Fix: Single variable product gallery issue
- Fix: Page title type 2 excerpt alignment 2021-06-11
- New: WooCommerce variation image gallery option
- New: Archive cards featured image hover effect
- New: Conditionally load theme CSS files
- New: Header row - boxed container structure
- New: Implement sorting by publication date published to blocksy_posts shortcode
- Improvement: Sticky header code improvements
- Improvement: Better support for filtering plugins
- Improvement: WooCommerce notice wrapper position when used in Elementor
- Improvement: Form drop down background color becomes unchangeable if type 2 is selected
- Improvement: Add `nofollow` attribute to social links
- Improvement: Minor accessibility improvements
- Improvement: Menu dropdown pointer events
- Improvement: Adjust wording for "Image Size" width option
- Improvement: WooCommerce AJAX grouped products add to cart
- Improvement: Small Elementor section improvement
- Improvement: WooCommerce gallery zoom icon
- Improvement: Off Canvas Filter conflict with YITH WooCommerce One-Click Checkout
- Fix: Container background pattern type issue
- Fix: Products shortcode not inheriting pagination options from products archive
- Fix: bbPress page title color issue
- Fix: Brizy popups layout width fix
- Fix: Product category archives do not display the featured image on the front end
- Fix: Product variations do not change the current gallery image
- Fix: Safari overflow layout issue
- Fix: Lightbox close icon triggers offcanvas menu on mobile
- Fix: WooCommerce gallery images issue 2021-06-09
- New: Archive cards featured image hover effect
- New: Conditionally load theme CSS files
- New: Header row - boxed container structure
- Improvement: Better support for filtering plugins
- Improvement: WooCommerce notice wrapper position when used in Elementor
- Improvement: Form drop down background color becomes unchangeable if type 2 is selected
- Improvement: Add `nofollow` attribute to social links
- Improvement: Some more accessibility improvements
- Improvement: Menu dropdown pointer events
- Improvement: Adjust wording for "Image Size" width option
- Improvement: Small Elementor section improvement
- Improvement: WooCommerce gallery zoom icon
- Improvement: Off Canvas Filter conflict with YITH WooCommerce One-Click Checkout
- Fix: Brizy popups layout width fix
- Fix: Product category archives do not display the featured image on the front end
- Fix: Product variations do not change the current gallery image
- Fix: Safari overflow layout issue
- Fix: Lightbox close icon triggers offcanvas menu on mobile
- Fix: WooCommerce gallery images issue 2021-05-17
- Improvement: Smarter handling for Elementor full width template 2021-05-12
- Improvement: Visual Composer layout
- Improvement: Elementor boxed sections
- Improvement: Allow moving upsells and related products from code
- Fix: Flexy gallery last image from pills pops up on hover
- Fix: WooCommerce single product page boxed layout issue
- Fix: Single posts tags alignment issue
1.8.3: 2021-05-11
- Improvement: Change footer menu `data-direction` attribute to `data-menu-direction` for a better compatibility with YITH carousel
- Improvement: Sticky header customizer sync
- Improvement: Posts widget numbered design
- Improvement: Link back to top button to `#main-container` to prevent an accessibility warning
- Improvement: Smarter page builders detection and page structure handling
- Improvement: Update theme WooCommerce `pot` translation files
- Improvement: Add aria-label attribute on theme SVG icons to comply with WCAG guidelines
- Improvement: Make social and sharing links open in new tab optional (same tab for a11y)
- Improvement: Elementor anchor links + sticky header
- Fix: Image zoom for WooCommerce doesn’t work on first hover after load
- Fix: Floating cart + sticky bottom row overlap
- Fix: Desktop off canvas menu duplicates entries
- Fix: Ajax add to cart doesn’t work on android device
- Fix: Header row customizer sync issue
1.8.3-beta9: 2021-05-07
- Improvement: Posts widget numbered design
- Improvement: Link back to top button to `#main-container` to prevent an accessibility warning
- Improvement: Smarter page builders detection and page structure handling
- Improvement: Add aria-label attribute on theme SVG icons to comply with WCAG guidelines
- Improvement: Make social and sharing links open in new tab optional (same tab for a11y)
- Improvement: Elementor anchor links + sticky header
- Fix: Floating cart + sticky bottom row overlap
- Fix: Desktop off canvas menu duplicates entries
- Fix: WooCommerce strings issue
- Fix: Header row issue
1.8.2: 2021-05-01
- Fix: Check terms list is not WP_Error
1.8.1: 2021-05-01
- Improvement: Sticky sidebar (Safari browser)
- Improvement: Small layout issue on mobile
- Improvement: page with sidebar and wide aligned blocks
- Improvement: Better compatibility CSS with Getwid plugin
- Improvement: Load Getwid compatibility CSS only when the plugin is active
- Improvement: Remove redundant links in Related Posts module
- Improvement: Dynamic JS chunks with SG Optimiser
- Fix: Page hero type-2 top padding
- Fix: Boxed layout issue
- Fix: Ajax add to cart
- Fix: Load more pagination issue
- Fix: Beaver builder layout
1.8.0: 2021-04-28
- New: Make Gutenberg editor to inherit or not the theme global styles
- New: 12 new global color palettes
- New: Elementor compatibility with theme global colors and palettes
- New: Add 3 more colors to the color palette
- New: Better loading strategy for global & metabox dynamic CSS
- New: Separated color option for each heading tag
- New: Change variable name from var(--headingColor) to var(--heading-color)
- New: Support for Badge Designer Lite For WooCommerce
- New: integration with WooCommerce Single Variations
- New: Footer widget area alignment options
- New: Form elements border radius option
- New: Better loading strategy for Google Fonts
- New: Implement dynamic JavaScript chunks
- New: Open account modal when clicking on Login to leave a reply
- New: WooCommerce support for WooCommerce Additional Variation Images
- New: Global button border option
- New: Scroll to top new icons
- New: Add scroll smooth behavior
- New: Site title heading filter
- New: Integration with Zion builder
- New: Filter to disable sidebar in some places
- New: Option to move the sidebar to top/bottom on mobile devices
- New: Add Mastodon social network
- New: Responsive boxed/wide layout
- New: WooCommerce - new quantity input style
- Improvement: Breadcrumbs proper handling for page hierarchy
- Improvement: WooCommerce allow more product rows
- Improvement: Share box type 2 - add official color option
- Improvement: Refactor share box type 2
- Improvement: Move reset customizer button
- Improvement: WooCommerce single product gallery
- Improvement: Change theme text domain `woocommerce` to `blocksy` in cart and checkout templates
- Improvement: RTL - header elements label and badge position
- Improvement: RTL - cart page
- Improvement: RTL - single product gallery
- Improvement: RTL - checkout page
- Improvement: RTL - search icon position
- Improvement: RTL - archive cards and single product sale badge position
- Improvement: WooCommerce single product tabs colors
- Improvement: Make border radius option to change values from keyboard arrows
- Improvement: WooCommerce related products - option to set number of columns
- Improvement: Use .min.css file extension for minified files
- Improvement: Improve post editor background color
- Improvement: A11Y tabindex=-1 on featured image when title is present in archive card
- Improvement: RTL - header cart dropdown position
- Improvement: WooCommerce cart page
- Improvement: Refactor form types options and dynamic CSS
- Improvement: Thinner theme icons
- Improvement: Improve excerpts length for non-latin languages - Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, etc.
- Improvement: Anchor links with sticky header
- Fix: Footer background overlay color issue
- Fix: Posts shortcode pagination
- Fix: Color picker modal position
- Fix: Related posts - when no meta selected all items are displayed
- Fix: Menu type 3 safari bug
- Fix: Embeds in content blocks
- Fix: Empty Category & Tag pages search form design
- Fix: Better handling for original ratio
- Fix: Share box icon colors
- Fix: WooCommerce select option when inside offcanvas
1.8.0-beta8: 2021-04-24
- Fix: Proper reveal logic
1.8.0-beta7: 2021-04-23
- New: 12 new global color palettes
- New: Elementor compatibility with theme global colors and palettes
- New: Add 3 more colors to the color palette
- New: Better loading strategy for global & metabox dynamic CSS
- New: Separated color option for each heading tag
- New: Change variable name from var(--headingColor) to var(--heading-color)
- New: Support for Badge Designer Lite For WooCommerce
- New: integration with WooCommerce Single Variations
- New: Footer widget area alignment options
- New: Form elements border radius option
- New: Better loading strategy for Google Fonts
- Improvement: Breadcrumbs proper handling for page hierarchy
- Improvement: WooCommerce allow more product rows
- Improvement: Share box type 2 - add official color option
- Improvement: Refactor share box type 2
- Improvement: Move reset customizer button
- Fix: Footer background overlay color issue
- Fix: Posts shortcode pagination
1.8.0-beta2: 2021-04-09
- New: Implement dynamic JavaScript chunks
- New: Open account modal when clicking on Login to leave a reply
- New: Responsive options for boxed/wide layout
- New: WooCommerce support for WooCommerce Additional Variation Images
- New: Global button border option
- New: Scroll to top new icons
- New: Add scroll smooth behavior
- New: Site title heading filter
- New: Integration with Zion builder
- New: Filter to disable sidebar in some places
- New: Option to move the sidebar to top/bottom on mobile devices
- New: Add Mastodon social network
- New: Responsive boxed/wide layout
- New: WooCommerce - new quantity input style
- Improvement: WooCommerce single product gallery
- Improvement: Change theme text domain `woocommerce` to `blocksy` in cart and checkout templates
- Improvement: RTL - header elements label and badge position
- Improvement: RTL - cart page
- Improvement: RTL - single product gallery
- Improvement: RTL - checkout page
- Improvement: RTL - search icon position
- Improvement: RTL - archive cards and single product sale badge position
- Improvement: WooCommerce single product tabs colors
- Improvement: Make border radius option to change values from keyboard arrows
- Improvement: WooCommerce related products - option to set number of columns
- Improvement: Use .min.css file extension for minified files
- Improvement: Improve post editor background color
- Improvement: A11Y tabindex=-1 on featured image when title is present in archive card
- Improvement: RTL - header cart dropdown position
- Improvement: WooCommerce cart page
- Improvement: Refactor form types options and dynamic CSS
- Improvement: Thinner theme icons
- Improvement: Improve excerpts length for non-latin languages - Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, etc.
- Improvement: Anchor links with sticky header
- Fix: Color picker modal position
- Fix: Related posts - when no meta selected all items are displayed
- Fix: Menu type 3 safari bug
- Fix: Embeds in content blocks
- Fix: Empty Category & Tag pages search form design
- Fix: Better handling for original ratio
- Fix: Share box icon colors
- Fix: WooCommerce select option when inside offcanvas
1.8.0-beta1: 2021-04-06
- New: Implement dynamic JavaScript chunks
- New: Open account modal when clicking on Login to leave a reply
- New: Responsive options for boxed/wide layout
- New: WooCommerce support for WooCommerce Additional Variation Images
- New: Global button border option
- New: Scroll to top new icons
- New: Add scroll smooth behavior
- New: Site title heading filter
- New: Integration with Zion builder
- New: Filter to disable sidebar in some places
- New: Option to move the sidebar to top/bottom on mobile devices
- New: Add Mastodon social network
- New: Responsive boxed/wide layout
- New: WooCommerce - new quantity input style
- Improvement: RTL - header elements label and badge position
- Improvement: RTL - cart page
- Improvement: RTL - single product gallery
- Improvement: RTL - checkout page
- Improvement: RTL - search icon position
- Improvement: RTL - archive cards and single product sale badge position
- Improvement: WooCommerce single product tabs colors
- Improvement: Make border radius option to change values from keyboard arrows
- Improvement: WooCommerce related products - option to set number of columns
- Improvement: Use .min.css file extension for minified files
- Improvement: Improve post editor background color
- Improvement: A11Y tabindex=-1 on featured image when title is present in archive card
- Improvement: RTL - header cart dropdown position
- Improvement: WooCommerce cart page
- Improvement: Refactor form types options and dynamic CSS
- Improvement: Thinner theme icons
- Improvement: Improve excerpts length for non-latin languages - Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, etc.
- Improvement: Anchor links with sticky header
- Fix: Related posts - when no meta selected all items are displayed
- Fix: Menu type 3 safari bug
- Fix: Embeds in content blocks
- Fix: Empty Category & Tag pages search form design
- Fix: Better handling for original ratio
- Fix: Share box icon colors
- Fix: WooCommerce select option when inside offcanvas
1.7.72-beta2: 2021-04-01
- New: Responsive options for boxed/wide layout
- New: WooCommerce support for WooCommerce Additional Variation Images
- New: Global button border option
- New: Scroll to top new icons
- New: Add scroll smooth behavior
- New: Site title heading filter
- New: Integration with Zion builder
- New: Filter to disable sidebar in some places
- New: Option to move the sidebar to top/bottom on mobile devices
- New: Add Mastodon social network
- New: WooCommerce - new quantity input style
- Improvement: RTL - header elements label and badge position
- Improvement: RTL - cart page
- Improvement: RTL - single product gallery
- Improvement: RTL - checkout page
- Improvement: RTL - search icon position
- Improvement: RTL - archive cards and single product sale badge position
- Improvement: WooCommerce single product tabs colors
- Improvement: Make border radius option to change values from keyboard arrows
- Improvement: WooCommerce related products - option to set number of columns
- Improvement: Use .min.css file extension for minified files
- Improvement: Improve post editor background color
- Improvement: A11Y tabindex=-1 on featured image when title is present in archive card
- Improvement: RTL - header cart dropdown position
- Improvement: WooCommerce cart page
- Improvement: Refactor form types options and dynamic CSS
- Improvement: Thinner theme icons
- Improvement: Improve excerpts length for non-latin languages - Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, etc.
- Improvement: Anchor links with sticky header
- Fix: Menu type 3 safari bug
- Fix: Embeds in content blocks
- Fix: Empty Category & Tag pages search form design
- Fix: Better handling for original ratio
- Fix: Share box icon colors
- Fix: WooCommerce select option when inside offcanvas
1.7.71: 2021-02-24
- Improvement: Validation issue with `ontouchmove` attribute
- Improvement: WooCommerce small improvements
- Improvement: Archives grid CSS
- Improvement: Social icons official color
- Fix: Unique widgets ID not outputted
1.7.70: 2021-02-22
- New: Breadcrumbs - add support for SEO plugins breadcrumbs
- New: Support for adjust the quantity input values filter
- Improvement: Add label options for Account, Cart, Search and Wishlist items
- Improvement: Thinner Search icon
- Improvement: Respect primary category in breadcrumbs for RankMath, SEOPress, The Seo Framework and WPSEO
- Fix: Link type 4 and 5 text color
- Fix: Drowdown color when input color is set to transparent
1.7.70-beta1: 2021-02-20
- Improvement: Add label options for Account, Cart, Search and Wishlist items
- Improvement: Thinner Search icon
- Improvement: Adjust the quantity input values
- Improvement: Respect primary category in breadcrumbs for RankMath, SEOPress, The Seo Framework and WPSEO
- Fix: Link type 4 and 5 text color
- Fix: Drowdown color when input color is set to transparent
1.7.69: 2021-02-16
- New: Detect WPRocket Lazy load
- Fix: Images display block problem
- Fix: Breadcrumbs keep parent page
- Fix: select2 offcanvas problems
- Fix: SVG icons fill property
1.7.68: 2021-02-09
- Fix: Search icons colors
1.7.67: 2021-02-08
- New: Blocksy sidebar hooks
- Fix: Ignore Polylang hierarchical taxonomies
1.7.66: 2021-02-08
- Fix: Do not override fill for SVGs
1.7.65: 2021-02-07
- New: Option to change the search modal input text
- New: Add filter to add new custom social icons
- New: Better handling for non-hierarchical taxonomies in CPTs
- New: Unsplash, 500px, Alignable social icons
- New: WooCommerce: Add option to deactivate product tabs
- New: Add option to hide thumbnails from live results search
- Improvement: Customizer/dashboard select option
- Improvement: WooCommerce select form - inherit form colors
- Improvement: Responsive typography option for mobile menu
- Improvement: Make footer background color options to be responsive
- Improvement: Mobile menu typography option in combination with Elementor global fonts
- Improvement: improved some RTL issues
- Fix: Header menu Indicator Effect not receiving the default CSS value
- Fix: Footer nav validation issue
1.7.65-beta1: 2021-02-02
- New: WooCommerce: Add option to deactivate product tabs
- New: Add option to hide thumbnails from live results search
- Fix: Fix some RTL issues
1.7.64: 2021-01-28
- New: WooCommerce: new type of tabs in single product
- New: WooCommerce: Add alignment option for product tabs
- New: Add padding option for page title Type 2
- Improvement: Improve mobile menu options panel
- Improvement: Improve cards reveal effect
- Improvement: CartFlows plugin integration
- Fix: Fix drawer cart freeze
- Fix: Fix drawer cart scroll bar on Windows OS
1.7.63: 2021-01-26
- Improvement: WooCommerce: improve single product buttons position
- Improvement: Improve Google Fonts CSS2 italic fonts output
- Fix: Fix share box hover colors
- Fix: Fix mobile and cart drawer panel scroll
- Fix: Fix infinite pagination issue on categories
- Fix: Fix accessibility alerts for broken and redundant links
- Fix: WooCommerce: fix quantity input width for grouped products
1.7.62: 2021-01-24
- Improvement: Improve embeds aspect ratio
- Fix: Fix WooCommerce image zoom distortion
- Fix: Author and WooCommerce archives fix cards display
1.7.61: 2021-01-23
- New: Posts shortcode [blocksy_posts post_type="posts"] + supports for CPT's
- New: SoundCloud social icon
- New: Update Google Fonts syntax to CSS2
- New: Add filter to auto enable the Elementor columns alignment fix
- New: Flipboard share social network
- New: Option for hiding taxonomy item from breadcrumbs
- New: Add color options for widget headings
- New: Integration with Page scroll to id plugin with .ct-highlight class
- New: Add global border color option
- New: Add none content spacing option
- New: WooCommerce: single product add to cart button responsive width option
- New: WooCommerce: single product add typography option for price
- New: WooCommerce: integration with WooCommerce Additional Variation Images plugin
- New: WooCommerce: Compatibility with Themify - WooCommerce Product Filter
- New: WooCommerce: color options for single product view cart button
- New: WooCommerce: compatibility with WPC Product Quantity for WooCommerce plugin
- New: WooCommerce: option to change quantity input color
- Improvement: Improve off-canvas drawer
- Improvement: Make blog title & description translatable
- Improvement: Improve menu active/hover decorations
- Improvement: Improve pagination alignment
- Improvement: Customizer dark mode improvements
- Improvement: Improve Brizy container width (max-width/width) with variables
- Improvement: Changelog date parsing
- Improvement: Better compatibility with Advanced Product Labels plugins
- Improvement: Multiple footers dynamic CSS logic
- Improvement: Close Account & Search modal on click outside
- Improvement: Better compatibility with Preloader Plus plugin
- Improvement: Do not put code in footer.php/header.php to allow template overriding
- Improvement: Deprecate blocksy_get_woo_minicart AJAX call
- Improvement: Performance improvements for WooCommerce minicart
- Improvement: video player max width
- Fix: Posts cards read more button: fix font color for simple & outline styles
- Fix: Fix search results page when no results
- Fix: Fix options modal z-index issue
- Fix: Fix customizer image uploader option controls
- Fix: Don't show Logo Image Position if an image is not set
- Fix: WooCommerce: fix page description
- Fix: WooCommerce: fix single product landscape image ratio
1.7.61-beta1: 2021-01-19
- New: WooCommerce: single product add to cart button responsive width option
- New: Add SoundCloud social icon
- New: Update Google Fonts syntax to CSS2
- New: Add filter to auto enable the Elementor columns alignment fix
- New: Flipboard share social network
- New: WooCommerce single product add typography option for price
- New: Option for hiding taxonomy item from breadcrumbs
- New: WooCommerce: add color options for single product view cart button
- New: Add compatibility with WPC Product Quantity for WooCommerce plugin
- New: Add color options for widget headings
- Improvement: Improve pagination alignment
- Improvement: Customizer dark mode improvements
- Improvement: Improve Brizy container width (max-width/width) with variables
- Improvement: Changelog date parsing
- Improvement: Better compatibility with Advanced Product Labels plugins
- Improvement: Multiple footers dynamic CSS logic
- Improvement: Close Account & Search modal on click outside
- Improvement: Better compatibility with Preloader Plus plugin
- Improvement: Do not put code in footer.php/header.php to allow template overriding
- Fix: Fix search results page when no results
- Fix: Fix options modal z-index issue
- Fix: Fix customizer image uploader option controls
- Fix: Don't show Logo Image Position if an image is not set
1.7.60: 2020-12-31
- Improvement: Select2 click outside while in offcanvas
1.7.59: 2020-12-28
- Improvement: Better support for PHP 8
- Improvement: Allow pagination arrows to be hidden on all devices
- Improvement: Posts archive - allow 5 columns per row
- Improvement: Allow two columns for footer mobile devices
- Fix: Fix footer menu horizontal alignment option
- Fix: Fix footer items spacing option
1.7.58: 2020-12-25
- New: WooCommerce: add out of stock badge
- New: WooCommerce: add single product title options
- New: Author box - add option to show all written posts
- New: Add visibility option for simple pagination numbers and arrows
- New: AJAX add to cart integration with WooCommerce Bookings
- Improvement: Footer element logo: add vertical & horizontal alignment options
- Improvement: Footer element button: add vertical & horizontal alignment options
- Improvement: Footer element search box: add vertical & horizontal alignment options
- Improvement: Footer element menu: add vertical & horizontal alignment options
- Improvement: Footer element search socials: add vertical & horizontal alignment options
- Improvement: Footer element HTML: add vertical & horizontal alignment options
- Improvement: Footer element language switcher: add vertical & horizontal alignment options
- Fix: Fix page title when switching to custom image
- Fix: Mobile Menu Dropdown Freeze after add an product to cart
- Fix: Fix box shadow not working for mobile devices
- Fix: Elementor columns alignment fix
1.7.57: 2020-12-18
- Fix: Bring back TutorLMS templates
1.7.56: 2020-12-18
- New: Cart totals label visibility
- New: LearnDash integration
- New: Add Flickr icon
- New: Add option to disable related post thumbnail
- New: Add menu location inside the select menu dropdown
- New: Add option to vertically align footer widgets/columns
- New: Add Visibility option to hide footer elements on different devices
- New: Add full width option for featured image
- New: Related posts chose different taxonomy
- New: Add content vertical alignment option in off canvas
- New: Add TutorLMS integration
- New: Add overlay color option to backgroun option when image is set as a background
- Improvement: Improve header menu page list
- Improvement: Improve gradient picker
- Improvement: Improve customizer dark mode
- Improvement: Search results don't show placeholders if featured image is not set
- Improvement: Do not allow menu items in desktop offcanvas
- Improvement: Don't show image placeholder if featured image is not set
- Improvement: Hide transparent/sticky state colors when item is in off-canvas
- Improvement: Alignment option for HTML element from header and footer
- Improvement: Improve mobile menu alignment in off-canvas
- Improvement: Better support for WP-Backery plugin
- Improvement: Improve header menus
- Improvement: Do not allow menu items in desktop offcanvas
- Improvement: Typography modal position engine
- Improvement: RTL modals issue
- Fix: Social icons size option error with Litespeed plugin
- Fix: Fix RTL post meta spacing issue
- Fix: Brizy single product arrow problem
- Fix: Disable menu doesn't work with conditional menus plugin
- Fix: Fix language switcher color & font issue
- Fix: Fix header and footer builder freeze
- Fix: Fix Formidable Forms datepicker select color
- Fix: Fix boxed content shadow and color modal position
- Fix: Header & Footer Builders freeze fixes
1.7.56-beta3: 2020-12-16
- New: Add TutorLMS integration
- New: Add overlay color option to backgroun option when image is set as a background
- Improvement: Improve header menu page list
- Improvement: Improve gradient picker
- Improvement: Improve customizer dark mode
- Improvement: Search results don't show placeholders if featured image is not set
- Fix: Fix boxed content shadow and color modal position
- Fix: Header & Footer Builders freeze fixes
1.7.56-beta2: 2020-12-15
- New: LearnDash integration
- New: Cart totals label visibility
- New: Add Flickr icon
- New: Add option to disable related post thumbnail
- New: Add menu location inside the select menu dropdown
- New: Add option to vertically align footer widgets/columns
- New: Add Visibility option to hide footer elements on different devices
- New: Add full width option for featured image
- New: Related posts chose different taxonomy
- New: Add content vertical alignment option in off canvas
- Improvement: Do not allow menu items in desktop offcanvas
- Improvement: Don't show image placeholder if featured image is not set
- Improvement: Hide transparent/sticky state colors when item is in off-canvas
- Improvement: Alignment option for HTML element from header and footer
- Improvement: Improve mobile menu alignment in off-canvas
- Improvement: Better support for WP-Backery plugin
- Improvement: Improve header menus
- Fix: Social icons size option error with Litespeed plugin
- Fix: Fix RTL post meta spacing issue
- Fix: Brizy single product arrow problem
- Fix: Disable menu doesn't work with conditional menus plugin
- Fix: Fix language switcher color & font issue
- Fix: Fix header and footer builder freeze
- Fix: Fix Formidable Forms datepicker select color
1.7.56-beta1: 2020-12-10
- New: Cart totals label visibility
- New: LearnDash integration
- Improvement: Do not allow menu items in desktop offcanvas
- Improvement: Typography modal position engine
- Improvement: RTL modals issue
1.7.55: 2020-12-04
- New: Add support for Beaver theme builder
- New: Add Tripadvisor and Foursquare icons
- New: Boostify Header Footer Builder integration
- New: Add border option for share box Type 1
- New: Add more option for single product add to cart
- Improvement: Single product zoomed image as variable
- Improvement: Improve single product gallery images spacing
- Improvement: Improve WooCommerce mini cart CSS
- Improvement: Account element - add label device visibility option
- Improvement: Make Elementor columns alignment fix option to be enabled by default
- Fix: Fix WP video element opacity
- Fix: Fix single product sticky summary + sticky header
- Fix: Issue with menu More item
- Fix: Fix woo single product vertical gallery overlapping content
- Fix: Fix tags widget count spacing
1.7.54: 2020-11-26
- Improvement: Make sidebar typography colors responsive
- Fix: Fix cart hover color
- Fix: Fix logo URL filter
- Fix: Fix desktop trigger
- Fix: Fix conditions menu
- Fix: Fix options popup z-index
1.7.54-beta1: 2020-11-26
- Improvement: Make sidebar typography colors responsive
- Fix: Fix cart hover color
1.7.53: 2020-11-24
- Improvement: Some layout CSS improvements for page builders
1.7.53-beta1: 2020-11-24
- Improvement: Some layout CSS improvements for page builders
1.7.52: 2020-11-23
- New: Add gradient option and gradient swatches
- New: Add Apple Podcasts icon
- Improvement: Improve Brizy layout when theme sidebar is active
- Improvement: Some RTL improvements
- Improvement: Improve sticky state shrink behavior
- Improvement: Improve options modal windows (color picker, background, shadow)
- Improvement: Scroll to top side offset option
- Improvement: Improve related posts and comments spacing when Module Placement is contained
- Improvement: Improve WooCommerce minicart behavior
- Improvement: Load more WooCommerce pagination issue
- Fix: Make sure header builder stabilizes items from secondary column
- Fix: Subscribe form sync not working
1.7.52-beta1: 2020-11-20
- New: Add gradient option and gradient swatches
- New: Add Apple Podcasts icon
- Improvement: Improve sticky state shrink behavior
- Improvement: Improve options modal windows (color picker, background, shadow)
- Improvement: Scroll to top side offset option
- Improvement: Improve related posts and comments spacing when Module Placement is contained
- Improvement: Some minor RTL issues
- Improvement: Improve WooCommerce minicart behavior
- Improvement: Load more WooCommerce pagination issue
- Fix: Make sure header builder stabilizes items from secondary column
- Fix: Subscribe form sync not working
1.7.51: 2020-11-14
- Improvement: Minor CSS improvement for comments section container
- Improvement: `content-wide` class sync
1.7.50: 2020-11-14
- Improvement: Blocksy Companion reference from wp.org
- Improvement: Form plugins stylings
1.7.49: 2020-11-13
- Improvement: Minor layout improvements
1.7.48: 2020-11-13
- New: Add 5 and 6 columns and widgets for footer builder
- New: Add filter to change logo URL (`blocksy:header:logo:url`)
- Improvement: Some RTL improvements
- Improvement: Improve responsive menu "More" item
- Improvement: Major layout changes to better handle the content blocks/hooks
- Improvement: Change variable name from `--containerWidth` to `--container-width`
- Improvement: Change variable name from `--maxSiteWidth` to `--container-max-width`
- Improvement: Change variable name from `--narrowContainer` to `--narrow-container-max-width`
- Improvement: Change variable name from `--blockMaxWidth` to `--block-max-width`
- Improvement: Change variable name from `--blockWideWidth` to `--block-wide-max-width`
- Improvement: Change attribute `data-columns` to `data-column-set`
- Improvement: Improve header menu height when row has shrink enabled
- Improvement: Show page title on products search page
- Improvement: Improve breadcrumbs for Author archives
- Fix: Fix featured image, Full Size is not displayed in the dropdown
- Fix: Fix header and footer `data-columns` attribute
- Fix: Search live results images blurry
- Fix: Fix cart icon sync
- Fix: Fix menu responsive "More" item dropdowns
- Fix: Fix minor issue with WooCommerce notifications
1.7.48-beta2: 2020-11-12
- New: Add filter to change logo URL (`blocksy:header:logo:url`)
- Improvement: Improve responsive menu "More" item
- Improvement: Major layout changes to better handle the content blocks/hooks
- Improvement: Change variable name from `--containerWidth` to `--container-width`
- Improvement: Change variable name from `--maxSiteWidth` to `--container-max-width`
- Improvement: Change variable name from `--narrowContainer` to `--narrow-container-max-width`
- Improvement: Change variable name from `--blockMaxWidth` to `--block-max-width`
- Improvement: Change variable name from `--blockWideWidth` to `--block-wide-max-width`
- Improvement: Change attribute `data-columns` to `data-column-set`
- Improvement: Improve header menu height when row has shrink enabled
- Improvement: Show page title on products search page
- Improvement: Improve breadcrumbs for Author archives
- Fix: Fix featured image, Full Size is not displayed in the dropdown
- Fix: Fix header and footer `data-columns` attribute
- Fix: Search live results images blurry
- Fix: Fix cart icon sync
1.7.48-beta1: 2020-11-10
- Fix: Fix menu responsive "More" item dropdowns
1.7.47: 2020-11-06
- Fix: Small bugfix
1.7.46: 2020-11-06
- Improvement: Display product image on cart page on mobile devices
- Improvement: Display custom declared image sizes in options
- Improvement: Some CSS improvements
1.7.45: 2020-11-05
- Improvement: Logo item when picture tag is added by ShortPixel or WebP plugin
- Improvement: Logo item position option not appearing in some cases
- Fix: Anchor links offsets
1.7.45-beta2: 2020-11-05
- Fix: Anchor links offsets
1.7.45-beta1: 2020-11-04
- Fix: Social icons colors
1.7.44: 2020-11-03
- Fix: Header logo correct width
1.7.43: 2020-11-03
- New: Add suppport for Google Analytics 4
- New: Add footer border full/contained width option
- New: Add Skype, GitLab, WordPress, phone and email icons to social element
- Improvement: Improve Brizy boxed custom width option
- Improvement: disable responsive header menu for ubermenu
- Improvement: Elementor container width adjustment
- Improvement: Better handling for anchor links & sticky header
- Improvement: Brizy boxed custom width option
- Improvement: `More` button in live search results
- Fix: Logo item when no position options
- Fix: Responsive desktop menu resize handling
1.7.43-beta6: 2020-11-03
- Fix: Responsive desktop menu resize handling
1.7.43-beta5: 2020-11-03
- New: Add suppport for Google Analytics 4
- New: Add footer border full/contained width option
- New: Add Skype, GitLab, WordPress, phone and email icons to social element
- Improvement: Brizy boxed custom width option
- Improvement: `More` button in live search results
- Fix: Logo item when no position options
1.7.43-beta4: 2020-10-28
- Improvement: Better handling for anchor links & sticky header
1.7.43-beta3: 2020-10-27
- Improvement: Elementor container width adjustment
1.7.43-beta1: 2020-10-24
- Improvement: Improve Brizy boxed custom width option
- Improvement: disable responsive header menu for ubermenu
1.7.42: 2020-10-22
- Improvement: Background for posts & pages in metabox
- Improvement: Styles enqueueing order improvement
1.7.41: 2020-10-22
- New: Enable theme menu locations & add options in header menu items
- Improvement: WooCommerce RTL support
- Improvement: Better check for `wp.customize` presence
- Improvement: Improve logo item with sticky functionality
- Improvement: Better handle Customizer settings in Gutenberg editor
- Improvement: Fallback option for non-system fonts
- Improvement: Add tags switch in Page when taxonomy available
- Improvement: WooCommerce responsive archive in Elementor
- Fix: WooCommerce sale custom string for grouped products
- Fix: CPT related posts default value
- Fix: Better check for wp.customize in frontend
1.7.41-beta1: 2020-10-20
- Fix: Better check for wp.customize in frontend
1.7.40: 2020-10-13
- Improvement: Ratio picker option
- Improvement: Html select item for Firefox browser
- Improvement: Refactor font family output strategy
- Improvement: Page title featured image for CPTs
- Improvement: Add CodePen social network
- Improvement: Add WPML and Polylang translations strings
- Fix: Issues with plugins that enqueue CSS depending on the post content
1.7.39: 2020-10-10
- Fix: More items proper submenu handling
1.7.38: 2020-10-09
- Improvement: Page title/hero background image
- Improvement: Hide post items from Elementor Saved Templates
- Improvement: Improve Elementor variable product select fields
- Improvement: Improve header sticky state and anchor links
- Improvement: Some CSS fixes and improvements
- Fix: Blog cards button alignment issue
- Fix: Don't display tags on single pages
1.7.38-beta2: 2020-10-06
- Improvement: Elementor variable product select fields
- Improvement: Don't display background image if there is a custom or featured image set
- Improvement: Elementor product gallery
- Fix: button alignment issue
- Fix: Don't display tags on single pages
1.7.38-beta1: 2020-10-05
- New: Allow querying of CPTs from REST API
1.7.37: 2020-09-29
- New: Add image size option for featured image in single post
- Improvement: Search module functionality
- Improvement: Add customizer shortcuts for archive cards & sidebars
- Fix: Typography rem unit issue
1.7.36: 2020-09-29
- New: Add Snapchat social icon
- Improvement: Correctly sync header builder logo with custom_logo
- Improvement: Smarter pick of taxonomies depending on hierarchical for CPTs
- Improvement: Add WooCommerce product card actions
- Fix: Correctly detect Elementor templates
- Fix: Header HTML item improvement
- Fix: jQuery Migrate absence compatibility
- Fix: Side offcanvas z-index issue
1.7.36-beta2: 2020-09-29
- Improvement: Add WooCommerce product card actions
- Fix: Header HTML item improvement
- Fix: jQuery Migrate absence compatibility
1.7.36-beta1: 2020-09-29
- Improvement: Correctly sync header builder logo with custom_logo
- Fix: Correctly detect Elementor templates
1.7.35: 2020-09-28
- Improvement: Elementor boxed content with option `--containerWidth`
- Improvement: WooComerce Filters lazy loading integration with filters
- Improvement: Sticky header shrink height
- Fix: Product view gallery
- Fix: Menu dropdown negative offset
1.7.34: 2020-09-25
- Fix: Elementor layout fixes
- Fix: Header properly correct position of items in secondary
1.7.34-beta1: 2020-09-25
- Fix: Elementor layout fixes
- Fix: Header properly correct position of items in secondary
1.7.33: 2020-09-24
- Fix: Get rid of the crash with old Companion versions
1.7.32: 2020-09-23
- Improvement: Support for Brizy WooCommerce module
- Improvement: Improve sticky header height default value
- Improvement: Add responsive controls to the Site Background option
- Fix: Issue with menu type 3 colors
- Fix: Footer socials alignment
- Fix: Social icons styles when in mobile menu
1.7.32-beta1: 2020-09-22
- Improvement: Support for Brizy WooCommerce module
- Fix: Issue with menu type 3 colors
- Fix: Footer socials alignment
1.7.31: 2020-09-18
- Fix: Minor issue with mobile menu dropdowns
1.7.30: 2020-09-18
- New: responsive background option for page in Page Structure
- New: Content Area Spacing for all sides
- New: Add color option for close offcanvas button
- New: Add font size option for mobile menu dropdown items
- New: Add dropdown menu items hover types
- Improvement: Dynamically add submenu indicator in menus
- Improvement: Improve header social icons size CSS
- Improvement: Viewport Frame + full width blocks
- Improvement: Don't allow changing of number value above maximum
- Improvement: Smarter calculation for responsive desktop menus
- Fix: WooCommerce make scrollbar hide by default with `overflow: auto`
- Fix: WooCommerce cart/checkout scrollbar on Windows browsers
- Fix: Elementor layout issue
- Fix: Press Enter in search results form causes a redirect to wrong language
- Fix: Load CSS in Customizer correctly for Gutenberg 8.9.1
- Fix: JS Error when dropdown is disabled for header cart
- Fix: UberMenu megamenu lazy load images
- Fix: Flexy sliding direction with 2 images in the gallery
- Fix: Sync for offcanvas open
- Fix: Empty social box defaults to all social networks
- Fix: Jetpack handle lazy load
- Fix: Parallax tablet/mobile sizing issue
- Fix: Parallax correctly detect iPad PRO
- Fix: Default post types for REST Search
- Fix: Use proper action for changing product wrapper
- Fix: Dynamic CSS regeneration on update
- Fix: Header builder item fixes
1.7.30-beta10: 2020-09-18
- New: Add dropdown menu items hover types
- Improvement: Smarter calculation for responsive desktop menus
1.7.30-beta9: 2020-09-16
- Fix: Header builder item fixes
1.7.30-beta8: 2020-09-16
- Fix: Dynamic CSS regeneration on update
1.7.30-beta7: 2020-09-16
- New: responsive background option for page in Page Structure
- New: Content Area Spacing for all sides
- New: Add color option for close offcanvas button
- New: Add typography option for mobile menu dropdown items
- Improvement: Dynamically add submenu indicator in menus
- Improvement: Improve header social icons size CSS
- Improvement: Viewport Frame + full width blocks
- Improvement: Don't allow changing of number value above maximum
- Fix: Default post types for REST Search
- Fix: Use proper action for changing product wrapper
1.7.30-beta6: 2020-09-11
- Fix: Parallax correctly detect iPad PRO
1.7.30-beta5: 2020-09-10
- Fix: Jetpack handle lazy load
- Fix: Parallax tablet/mobile sizing issue
1.7.30-beta3: 2020-09-09
- Fix: UberMenu megamenu lazy load images
- Fix: Flexy sliding direction with 2 images in the gallery
- Fix: Sync for offcanvas open
- Fix: Empty social box defaults to all social networks
1.7.30-beta2: 2020-09-04
- Fix: Press Enter in search results form causes a redirect to wrong language
- Fix: Load CSS in Customizer correctly for Gutenberg 8.9.1
- Fix: JS Error when dropdown is disabled for header cart
1.7.30-beta1: 2020-09-02
- Fix: WooCommerce make scrollbar hide by default with `overflow: auto`
- Fix: WooCommerce cart/checkout scrollbar on Windows browsers
- Fix: Elementor layout issue
1.7.29: 2020-08-26
- Improvement: WP Rocket CDN support for dynamic JS
- Improvement: Logo alignment
- Improvement: Dynamic CSS output for mobile devices
1.7.28: 2020-08-24
- Fix: Syntax error
1.7.27: 2020-08-24
- New: `blocksy:breadcrumbs:items-array` filter for breadcrumbs
- New: Add Edit Post link at the end of the post
- New: Option to disable comments website field
- Improvement: Google fonts are not displayed inside editor
- Improvement: Row min height
- Fix: Sticky header + viewport frame
- Fix: Elementor single variable product select field
- Fix: Sticky sidebar offset when sticky header is enabled
- Fix: Related posts title color
- Fix: Row background color on mobile
- Fix: Logo position top alignment issue
1.7.26: 2020-08-20
- Fix: Sticky header logo
- Fix: Logic for dynamic CSS on small devices
1.7.25: 2020-08-20
- New: Sticky Header
- New: Simpler Transparent Header
- New: Dynamic JavaScript integration with BunnyCDN
- New: Make blocks editor inherit customizer fonts
- New: Add TikTok, DTube, Parler social icons
- Improvement: WooCommerce 4.4 Compatibility
- Improvement: Make blocks editor inherit customizer fonts
- Improvement: Revamped Logo header element
- Improvement: Display post type in breadcrumbs for CPTs
- Improvement: Revamped shadow option
- Improvement: Search live results on search page
- Improvement: Blog cards excerpt typography option
- Improvement: Make `blogdescription` translateable via WPML
- Improvement: Better compatibility with Qubely
- Improvement: Page title Type 2 featured image not displayed in some cases
- Fix: WooCommerce pagination issue
- Fix: Shop Page Title not taking the featured image from the page settings
- Fix: Remove selectr script from being loaded
- Fix: Header builder issue when header is not available in the preview
- Fix: Page title Type 1 alignment option
1.7.25-beta1: 2020-08-13
- New: Sticky Header
- New: Simpler Transparent Header
- New: Dynamic JavaScript integration with BunnyCDN
- New: Make blocks editor inherit customizer fonts
- Improvement: Revamped Logo header element
- Improvement: Revamped shadow option
- Improvement: Add TikTok, DTube, Parler social icons
- Improvement: Search live results on search page
- Improvement: Blog cards excerpt typography option
- Improvement: Make `blogdescription` translateable via WPML
- Improvement: Button `type="submit"` better compatibility with Qubely
- Fix: Shop Page Title not taking the featured image from the page settings
- Fix: Remove selectr script from being loaded
- Fix: Header builder issue when header is not available in the preview
- Fix: Page title Type 1 alignment option
1.7.24: 2020-07-28
- Improvement: WCAG compliant cart header element
- Improvement: Integration with Delivery Slots by Iconic
- Improvement: Allow custom images in page title
- Improvement: Correct handling for links that open second tabs
- Fix: Related posts schema.org markup
1.7.24-beta2: 2020-07-28
- Fix: proper versioning
1.7.24-beta1: 2020-07-28
- Improvement: Add `aria-label` to cart header element
- Improvement: Integration with Delivery Slots by Iconic
- Fix: Related posts schema.org markup
1.7.23: 2020-07-27
- New: Hide header/footer option per page
- Improvement: Correctly detect WooCommerce product taxonomies
- Improvement: rel="noopener" for external links
- Improvement: WP Bakery builder better compatibility
- Fix: Lightbox with placeholder image
- Fix: Related Posts background color option
- Fix: iOS <13 header dropdowns open
1.7.23-beta2: 2020-07-24
- New: Hide header/footer option per page
- Improvement: Improve JetPack subscribe widget button
- Improvement: Correctly detect WooCommerce product taxonomies
- Improvement: rel="noopener" for external links
- Fix: Lightbox with placeholder image
- Fix: Related Posts background color option
- Fix: iOS <13 header dropdowns open
1.7.22: 2020-07-20
- Fix: Properly check for IntersectionObserver presence
1.7.21: 2020-07-20
- Improvement: Compatibility with Toolset Custom post types
- Improvement: Back to top button WCAG compliant
- Improvement: Make headings in single posts WCAG compliant
- Improvement: Video alignment
- Improvement: Better WPForms compatibility
- Fix: Variable products gallery, zoom & lightbox
- Fix: Search live results when a result doesn't have an image
1.7.21-beta3: 2020-07-18
- Fix: Cleanup changelog
1.7.21-beta2: 2020-07-18
- Improvement: Compatibility with Toolset Custom post types
- Improvement: Back to top button WCAG compliant
- Improvement: Video alignment
- Improvement: Better WPForms compatibility
- Fix: Variable products gallery, zoom & lightbox
- Fix: Search live results when a result doesn't have an image
1.7.21-beta1: 2020-07-14
- Improvement: Compatibility with Toolset Custom post types
1.7.20: 2020-07-13
- New: Automatically detect Custom Post Types and add their appropriate options
- New: Add Related Posts thumbnail size option
- Improvement: Better compatibility with Stackable plugin
- Improvement: Page & post title minor improvements
- Improvement: Add Twitch social icon
- Improvement: Open mobile dropdown if parent item is empty
- Improvement: Improve Floating cart and Store notice when website frame is enabled
- Improvement: Compatibility with WooCommerce Smart Coupons plugin
- Improvement: Improve WooCommerce product cards customizer sync
1.7.20-beta1: 2020-07-10
- New: Automatically detect Custom Post Types and add their appropriate options
- Improvement: Open mobile dropdown if parent item is empty
- Improvement: Improve Floating cart and Store notice when website frame is enabled
- Improvement: Compatibility with WooCommerce Smart Coupons plugin
1.7.19: 2020-07-04
- New: Hero vertical alignment
- Improvement: Proper skip to content link
- Fix: Breadcrumbs validation fixes
- Fix: Hero section deep links in customizer
1.7.18: 2020-07-03
- New: Keyboard handling for sub-menus & cart dropdown (A11Y)
- New: Focus trap for all modals (A11Y)
- New: Header global & conditions flow
- New: Add `blocksy:header:item-view-path:item_id` filter
- New: Support for Elementor Header, Footer & Blocks Plugin
- New: WooCommerce product archives image hover effects
- New: WooCommerce sale badge options
- New: Add text selection color option
- Improvement: Breadcrumbs schema.org
- Improvement: Gutenberg Group Block - apply top/bottom padding only when container has a background
- Improvement: WooCommerce attributes archives
- Improvement: Semantic breadcrumbs html structure
- Improvement: Image Zoom & Lightbox improvements
- Fix: Cards border radius option not outputting value in frontend
- Fix: Cart top totals
- Fix: Author avatar size option not getting the right value
- Fix: Improve minicart dropdown position
- Fix: Breadcrumbs last item link
1.7.18-beta2: 2020-07-02
- New: Keyboard handling for sub-menus & cart dropdown (A11Y)
- New: Focus trap for all modals (A11Y)
- New: Header global & conditions flow
- New: Add `blocksy:header:item-view-path:item_id` filter
- Improvement: WooCommerce attributes archives
- Improvement: Semantic breadcrumbs html structure
- Fix: Improve minicart dropdown position
- Fix: Breadcrumbs last item link
- Fix: Header migrator logic
1.7.18-beta1: 2020-06-30
- New: Support for Elementor Header, Footer & Blocks Plugin
- New: WooCommerce product archives image hover effects
- New: WooCommerce sale badge options
- New: Add text selection color option
- Improvement: Breadcrumbs schema.org
- Improvement: Gutenberg Group Block - apply top/bottom padding only when container has a background
- Improvement: Image Zoom & Lightbox improvements
- Fix: Cards border radius option not outputting value in frontend
- Fix: Cart top totals
- Fix: Author avatar size option not getting the right value
1.7.17: 2020-06-26
- New: Redesigned WooCommerce cart page
- New: Container structure option for Page Title Type 2
- New: Color picker color format switcher
- New: Disable archive pagination option
- New: Strava social icon
- New: Custom Post Type support in Trending Block
- New: Custom Post Type support in Posts Widget
- New: Content Area Style to editor options
- New: WooCommerce single product image zoom
- New: Option for top/bottom vertical spacing inside post types
- Improvement: Better Custom Post Types integration
- Improvement: Narrow Container Width - make 400px minimum value
- Improvement: Better handling for sliders in shadow option type
- Improvement: Do not show Nothing Found for non-search queries
- Improvement: Breadcrumbs validation
- Improvement: Other minor validator improvements
- Improvement: Conditionally display beta change log entries
- Improvement: Typography letter spacing option to handle negative values
- Improvement: Improve single posts inner pagination
- Improvement: Elementor float left/right images
- Improvement: Simple archive pagination
- Improvement: Radio boxes and checkboxes
- Improvement: Share Box type 2 open action for touch devices
- Improvement: Get rid of the @import statement from Google Fonts
- Improvement: WooCommerce image placeholder
- Improvement: WooCommerce hidden quantity form
- Improvement: Do not output WooCommerce mini cart if WooCommerce is inactive
- Improvement: Add rel="opener" for social share links
- Fix: Disable comments avatar WordPress option
- Fix: Don't capitalize options labels strings
1.7.17-beta9: 2020-06-23
- Fix: Syntax errors
1.7.17-beta8: 2020-06-23
- New: Add option to disable pagination
- New: Add Strava social icon
- Improvement: Refactor Posts, Pages and Custom Post Types options & sync
- Improvement: Header Account element
- Improvement: Add Color Picker color format switcher
- Improvement: Improve single post (inner) pagination
- Improvement: Improve Elementor floated images
- Improvement: Don't capitalize strings
- Improvement: Improve radio boxes and checkboxes
- Improvement: Improve Simple pagination
- Improvement: WooCommerce cart & mini cart improvements
- Improvement: Add rel="opener" for social share links
1.7.17-beta7: 2020-06-09
- Improvement: Remove category featured image option
- Improvement: Typography letter spacing option
- Improvement: Custom post types display taxonomies in cards and meta
- Fix: Update mini cart issues
1.7.17-beta6: 2020-06-08
- Fix: CPT integration deal with missing post types
- Fix: Hero properly fetch featured image for posts
- Fix: Hero $mode variable warning
1.7.17-beta5: 2020-06-05
- New: Add Page title type 2 container structure option
- Improvement: Improve CPT integration
- Improvement: Improve WooCommerce image placeholder
- Improvement: Disable comments avatar option
- Improvement: Make 400px to be minimum value for narrow container max width
- Improvement: Better handling for sliders in shadow option type
- Improvement: Breadcrumbs improvements
- Improvement: Minor validator improvements
- Fix: Do not show Nothing found for non-search queries
1.7.16: 2020-05-29
- Improvement: Better handle for mobile logo wrapper tag
- Improvement: Entry excerpt sync
- Fix: Account element dynamic styles
1.7.15: 2020-05-28
- New: Add responsive alignment options for page title content
- New: Option to enable/disable coupon form on checkout page
- New: Header search through post types option
- New: Posts listings featured image size option
- Improvement: WooCommerce minicart
- Improvement: Entry meta module
- Improvement: Related posts increase limit
- Improvement: Logo item wrapper tag options
- Fix: WooCommerce search results page title
1.7.14: 2020-05-23
- Fix: Handling for metabox on posts and pages
- Fix: Search modal
1.7.13: 2020-05-22
- New: Add Custom Post Type meta box options
- Improvement: Related posts meta options
- Fix: Single Posts background color
- Fix: Account element not opening when inside offcanvas
- Fix: Simple cards border radius option
- Fix: Header mobile logo not being displayed
- Fix: Gutenberg images spacing issue
- Fix: Entry content headings alignment
1.7.12: 2020-05-21
- Fix: Critical error with blocksy_dirname_to_classname()
- Fix: Post meta elements defaults
- Fix: Custom post types detection
1.7.11: 2020-05-21
- New: Add support for Custom Post Types
- New: Add bbPress integration
- New: Add BuddyPress integration
- New: Number of WooCommerce products for mobile
- New: Add Tumblr, Behance, Slack and Spotify social icons
- New: Add typography option for sidebar widgets text
- New: WooCommerce Floating Cart visibility option
- Improvement: Avoid header js detection and do not use `wp_is_mobile()` anymore
- Improvement: Get rid of the `script` tags from header
- Improvement: Performance for General options in Header
- Improvement: Entry content items spacing
- Improvement: Breadcrumbs schema.org
- Improvement: Change lists indentation from margin to padding
- Improvement: Color picker option
- Improvement: Change comments ID from ct-comments to comments
- Improvement: Refactor post meta module
- Improvement: Improve blocks left & right alignment
- Fix: Woo mini cart totals
- Fix: Woo variations switch Android bug
- Fix: Remove drafts and coming soon (sheduled) from trending block
- Fix: Conflict with data-lazy attribute in Draw Attention plugin
- Fix: Avoid high CPU usage in Safari due to CSS variables in gradients
- Fix: Header modal click propagation
- Fix: Woo shortcodes pagination
- Fix: Woo Product Filter plugin conflict
- Fix: Header display for big tablets
- Fix: Footer widget text not initializing
1.7.10: 2020-04-22
- New: Page/Post title advanced module
- Improvement: Add caption support to single post featured image
- Improvement: Posts Navigation module
- Improvement: Thumbnail size for Gutenberg blog layout
- Improvement: Gutenberg left/right aligned blocks
- Improvement: Improve full width blocks spacing
- Improvement: Allow